Archived Character Sheet for Arcadia “Caid” Skålson

Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson, Scientist

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Zeltron, Sith, Marauder, Mandalorian
Height: 1.96 m / 6'5" - Weight: 120.0 kg / 265 lbs
Age: 31 years - Right Handed
Physical Description


Aleister Mavros is the hybrid result of a Human father and a Zeltron mother. He favors his mother's side of the family with telltale red streaks in his wild, otherwise black, hair, and a striking shade of pink skin, marred only by a small scar over his right eye. A stylized tribal eye tattoo begins on his right pectoral and crawls over his shoulder and down his right arm. A black and red goatee and stubble combo completes his roguishly handsome look.

Aleister towers over most humans, but wears his weight evenly across his frame. Thanks to a strong commitment to staying in shape, Aleister is rewarded with taut, lean muscles, focused on endurance, rather than raw size.

Aleister carries himself with the confidence and swagger of someone who "knows" that they are better than you. Only his fiery orange eyes belying the anger and rage within him.

My appearance.

I Am Sith (General Aspect)

Aleister Mavros is a devout follower of the Sith, almost exclusively following their teachings and disregarding all others. A student of history and philosophy, he considers himself the last remaining member of the long forgotten Sphere of Sith Doctrine. Basing much of his own personal philosophy on the teachings of Darth Nox, Arctis, and Thanaton. He believes that to be Sith is not dependent on your biology. As such, Mavros cares little about one's standing in terms of one's species, valuing those who are useful and loyal to him and the Sith.

Wildcard, Madman (General Aspect)

Considered a dangerous wildcard by many due to his seemingly disconnected personality, punctuated by moments of violent rage and hatred. Even from an early age he found himself at odds with his superiors over his obsession with forbidden knowledge. He is considered very self reliant and confident to a fault. Very few people trust Mavros as he has shown an apathy towards the feelings of others and general lack of concern in regards to anyone's safety.

Manipulative, cunning and ambitious, known for his stoic, intelligent, and calm demeanor. Even with a lightsaber pressed against his neck, he remains relaxed and confident throughout. Mavros will often set elaborate traps for his allies to test their genuine value and effectiveness to him.

He's a person most people, himself included, can never fully trust, because they never know what he can or will do. Unlike his predecessor, Mavros is a dangerous madman.

A Lion Doesn't Concern Himself With the Opinions of Sheep (Personality Aspect)

Mavros is amoral and highly apathetic, but not incapable of emotional experiences. He also frequently voices his experiences of shame and disappointment. Mavros takes great pleasure in the very suffering of others and will often torture weak minions, prisoners and opponents for simple amusement. Mavros does not take it kindly when being talked down to because of his heritage and the history of his parents.

He is cynical, sarcastic, self-centered, anti-social, lacks empathy and seems to be taking great pleasure in insulting, belittling, pranking, scamming, trolling, and humiliating people for his own amusement. Mavros initially appears to be a very kind, well-respected scholar. However, this is just a mask to disguise his manipulative, and very dangerous, nature. In truth, he cares very little for his underlings, and is willing to use almost everyone around him as pawns to achieve his goals.

Sociopathy (Personality Aspect)

Many have described Mavros as a sociopath. He himself has even acknowledged his socipathic tendencies. A sociopath is a term used to describe someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). People with ASPD can’t understand others’ feelings. They’ll often break rules or make impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause.

Despite possessing a thorough understanding of sentient behavior and tendencies, as well as being able to determine people's thoughts and predict their reactions with high accuracy, he just seem to genuinely not care about them. His Zeltron nature grants him heightened empathic abilities and a deep understanding of people's feelings and emotions, he just disregards them, believing himself above them.

His method? Irrelevant. His motives? Unknowable. He seems to seek chaos for chaos's sake. He delights in destruction and devastation. And finds true enjoying the suffering and misfortune of others.

Vegvisir (Combat Aspect)

Vegvisir, also known as The Way of the Varactyl, or The Unforgiving Form, is a unique hybrid form of lightsaber combat developed by Aleister Mavros. On a basic level, it's a blend of Forms II and V. Wielded with one hand with the thumb pointing down the length of the blade to allow for smaller, tighter, more accurate movements, the form relies on precise and aggressive footwork. This is characterized by feints being immediately followed by a powerful counter-strike. Vegvisir allows Mavros to defend himself, while placing focus on ending the fight quickly.

As it is designed to combat enemy duelists rather than gunmen, it provides poor blast deflection. It is most potent when used against a single opponent, and is less effective when fighting groups. And while it's capable of defending from many angles, Vegvisir lacks the kinetic defense against a single concentrated attack, it can be overpowered.

Instant Despair (Combat Aspect)

Aleister Mavros is unspeakably cruel in combat. His belief that he is superior to others distances himself from the morals of others. He is prone to underestimating his opponents and views combat as a game of amusement. His gigantic ego prevents him from acknowledging his opponent as a real threat and he does not battle them seriously. He will properly fight those he respects, or simply utilize more power than necessary on a whim depending on the situation. Mavros often seems so relaxed when fighting that he appears to be dancing.

He enjoys offering his victims brief moments of respite, or even the hope of release or escape, before inflicting death through gruesome and horrific means. According to Aleister, allowing his victims' hope will amplify the despair and terror upon their moment of death, a fact that he revels in.

Skill Feats
Lightning Reflexes
Force Feats
Dun Moch Reflexive Counter Double Fisting Debilitating Fear
Granted Feats
Battlefield Awareness II Order Feat: Sith Zeltron: Sun's Getting Real Low Battle Haste II Zeltron: Turn Down For What?
  • Basic
  • Sith
  • Zeltron
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Broken Gate
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form II (Makashi)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form V (Djem So)