Archived Character Sheet for Dracaryis

Master Dracaryis

Elder 1, Elder tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Human, Sith, Marauder, Mandalorian
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 82.0 kg / 181 lbs
Age: 44 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Well-built, strong, and surprisingly agile. Average, unassuming facial features with deep brown eyes, framed by short brown hair make Dracaryis easily overlooked by the common rabble. His leathery, tanned skin comes from his years on Tattooine,

Beyond the Walls (General Aspect)

Thanks to repeated tours of duty exploring the Unknown Regions for Pravus and the Dark Brotherhood, Dracaryis tends to make references to things that don’t quite fit into the established databank of the Galaxy at large. These statements often perplex anyone that he comes in contact with, and often cause people to worry about his mental stability or to doubt his ability. Oh, well. He's laughing, at least.

Are We The Baddies? (General Aspect)

Through repeated encounters with known enemies of the Iron Legion he commands, Dracaryis' loyalty to his position and duty has held strong. One enemy in particular — Atyiru Ceasura Entar Arconae — has given him pause to consider his actions, the consequences they have, and how blindly he is willing to follow Pravus’ ideals. Every encounter with the Resistance leader leaves him with more questions than answers as he handles the task of leading the Iron Legion and Navy, and those annoying questions are slowly dragging his loyalties kicking and screaming into the mess with them

Just the Two (Three) of Us (Personality Aspect)

After originally suffering severe head trauma (like the moron he is) during the Siege of Arx, Dracaryis began hearing two distinct “voices” that speak to him inside of his own mind. These "hallucinations" became strengthened over time by his use of the dark side of the Force. Known only to Dracaryis as “Bob” and “Steve” these voices often taunt and chide Dracaryis, which for the most part is something he deals with internally. At one point, Drac thought he had become free of their influence, but experienced after hitting his head (again) while investigating a lead on the Lotus Resistance on Jakku. This (awesomeness) impairment does cause issues, however, when his internal dialogue leaks over into his conversations with others and leads people to question his sanity.

I Aint Your Buddy, Guy (Personality Aspect)

Dracaryis is quick to joke or make light of a serious situation and is unafraid to speak his mind. He tends to call things the way he sees them, and doesn’t care about social etiquette, hurt feelings, or the horrors of being an edgy ball of crazy caught in the inescapable flow of continuity. He's just here to be Drac. This "frankness" can earn him the trust of some while drawing wariness from others. Optimistic and outwardly friendly for a (emo) “Dark” Councilor, he can still be quite intense when discussing orders of business or of a dire nature. In the end, you either like Dracaryis, or you don’t. He doesn’t take offense to either (fight us, scrublords!) and will continue to smile or sneer as he sees fit.

Do You Even Lift, Bro? (Combat Aspect)

Dracaryis is very adamant about keeping his body in peak physical condition. He adheres to a strict regiment and is merciless when engaging his soldiers and subordinates when training or when it comes to the topic of working out. This devotion carries into combat as he focuses on his physical prowess (narcissistic, much?) and connection with the Force to (cuddle!) overwhelm his enemies up close and personal. This makes it harder for him to handle more covert or illusive opponents, and for all his dedication to fitness, it does not stop him from enjoying food or treats, especially his favored delicate: scones. (Everyday is cheat day, when scones are involved!)

Boom, Baby! (Combat Aspect)

Despite his (existentially crippling flaws) quirks, Dracaryis can focus himself in the heat of conflict, the one place where he feels truly alive. Whether this is at the helm of his flagship engaging the enemy or on the ground where he can join the bloodbath, Dracaryis thrives on adversity and excels in these areas. In battle, he favors his lightsaber, but also understands the importance of having a good firearm or explosive. When out of combat or conflict, though, he often finds himself bored and can struggle to stay focused on things that disinterest him. This can be an issue when your job is not just to sit in on "logistics" meetings and debriefings, but to lead them as Fist of the Brotherhood.

Skill Feats
I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
Force Feats
Hammer Time Accelerated Healing I Static Shock II Double Fisting Dun Moch Static Shock IV
Granted Feats
Battle Haste III Battlefield Awareness III Order Feat: Sith Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger
  • Basic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Vaapad)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form V (Djem So)