Current Character Sheet for The Hunters

Dark Prophet The Hunters

Elder 3, Elder tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Obelisk, Juggernaut
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 91.0 kg / 201 lbs
Age: 46 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

The three bounty hunters look virtually indistinguishable from the distance. All three wear head-to-toe Mandalorian armor, complete with jet packs, gun holsters, and scabbards at their sides. The Mandalorian armor each wears is colored green, made of beskar, and has a complete helmet with a t-shaped visor allowing them to see 360 degrees around themselves. Upon closer examination, one could tell that Antros is a few inches taller than his compatriots, while Taron’s armor has three gashes in the shoulderpads. Lanis’ armor is remarkably well-kept, but he has three yellow bands painted onto his left shoulderpad. If one were to somehow remove their masks, one would find each has black hair and black eyes. Combat Master’s Note: Despite having a “rank” and a "discipline," these bounty hunters should never be referred to in a way that suggests Force usage (e.g. Elder, Prophet, or reference to their Discipline force powers etc).


Dark Prophet The Hunters has not created any public loadouts yet.

Force resistant (General Aspect)

In addition to having great mental Resolve, a complete set of beskar armor to avoid lightsaber blows against various body parts, these three are also largely resistant to Jedi mind tricks, illusions, and other sorts of Force-based mental effects. They are also trained to fight – and kill – Jedi, and expect to face opponents utilizing the Force quite heavily.

Bounty Hunters - But Something More? (General Aspect)

Why these bounty hunters serve the One Sith is unknown. Their allegiance, however, is not in doubt. These three, though having no force sensitivity, are privy to information that Esoteric shares with few others. Yet despite this, the three are still bounty hunters in every way, constantly seeking to cash in on a bounty.

From Places Unknown (Personality Aspect)

Whether these bounty hunters are truly Mandalorians or merely pretenders equipped with impressive equipment is a question that even the One Sith can’t be sure the answer to. They are extremely guarded, very rarely engaging in conversation, and they completely avoid any subject that might hint at their pasts. What few know, though, is that these three share a pact to keep each other’s secrets safe – one that if broken spells the death of whichever one of the hunters opened his mouth.

Where One Goes, All Will Follow (Personality Aspect)

Though it is unknown exactly what association the three have, they are virtually inseparable in general tasks and assignments. While each operates with a great deal of individuality and autonomy, there is one clear leader in decision making when it’s needed: Lanis.

Blade and Blaster (Combat Aspect)

While each of the three are equipped with impressive suit-mounted items and powerful hand-held weaponry, it’s well known that each has their own specific preferences for combat. Lanis prefers to get up close and personal with his beskad shortsword, relying on his incredible reflexes and resistant armor to stay alive. Antros prefers to keep his distance, relying on his blaster and suit armaments and only drawing his sword as a last resort. Taron is a wildcard, and is just as likely to take down a suspect with his bare hands as he is firing rockets from a distance.

Fight As One (Combat Aspect)

Though the three may have markedly different combat styles, they fight incredibly well together. In fact, they have become so used to fighting together that the three of them rely on one another and when together are virtually unbeatable. Separate them somehow, though, and they become more vulnerable, exposing holes in defenses and weaknesses in attacks that would otherwise be covered by another hunter.

Skill Feats
Second Skin I Trick Shots The Force is With Me You Can't Stop The Signal Run And Gun Assess The Situation Just A Flesh Wound I Blending In
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Surge III Human: Just Another Face Iron Pillar III
  • Basic
  • Mando'a
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None