Current Character Sheet for Aru Law

Dr. Aru Law, Corsair

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Force Disciple, Shadow, Criminal Syndicate
Height: 1.83 m / 6'0" - Weight: 82.0 kg / 181 lbs
Age: 32 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Aru is slim and although athletic, he does not have many muscles.

He is rather pale, but his cheeks are usually rosy due to him being constantly drunk. His eyes are yellow with a honey-like tone. He has a small scar that runs from his left eye to halfway of his left cheek.

His hair is very long. He wears it on a very high ponytail, but even then, his hair reaches past his waist. It is black and rather unkept with some gray hairs here and there.

Aru lost his left arm in a starship accident and got it replaced with a synthflesh arm. Although, he requested the arm to look more mechanical and to sport some gambling motifs.

Aru's most iconic feature his his skull shaped cut-out beard.


Dr. Aru Law has not created any public loadouts yet.

Law Legacy (General Aspect)

Aru has recently suffered a heart attack. Due to the quick action of Ruka, who was with him when it happened, Law managed to survive the ordeal rather unscathed.

But he has grown concern for his lifespan. That, and the unconditional love he receives daily from Amis Jumah have prompted him to reflect on his actions.

Although he won't stop with his bad habits, Aru now feels the urge to make his life count for somehting. He is determined to leave a legacy behind. Aru now tries to live his life to the fullest, and most of all, he has realised that the ones closest to him are more important to him than he previously thought them to be.

Looking for the Past (General Aspect)

Losing his valued possessions has caused a big nostalgia hit on Aru Law. Instead of going with the flow, he now obsesses over his next steps, and plans on what to do next in order to get them back.

Another effect that has come with his new lifestyle is the need to find the answers to the questions he once buried. Aru has re-opened several issues in his past and is now looking to resolve them as fast as he can.

He is actively looking for the whereabouts of his previous lover Alana Mistar. And that's not all. Law also seeks to find the fabled Queen of the Pirates he once heard of. He has taken advantage of his privileged position within the Shadow Academy to conduct all the research he needs in order to find some clues.

Awaken Genius (Personality Aspect)

Dealing now with being sober, Aru has once again regained much of his mental prowess.

That same prowess that had made him learn every single detail there was to know about starship mechanics, or his renowned slicing abilites are now back.

Law is very observant, and he has a very good memory, as others have experienced before when he recited a full Jedi scroll about Master Fay by memory.

He now employs this re-discovered mental sharpness for his own agenda, but also for the betterment of the House and Clan he has grown to love like family.

Forced Hungover (Personality Aspect)

After recent events, Aru has been forced into stop his drinking habits. His determination is certainly great as he wants to get his prized blasters back. But it has been a long time since Aru has actually been sober.

This new state is hard to accept, deal with and even live with. Aru is much more fickle and prone to rage attacks when things don't go his way. If he fights the urge to drink, then he will certainly be in a bad mood, not being his usual happy-go-lucky self anymore.

Aru has troubles concentrating on the simplest of tasks when he is sober, because his mind is only thinking of how to get a drink and how much his body craves for alcohol at all times.

Aru has tried several methods to calm himself, but usually they end up in self-harm.

Force Scoundrel (Combat Aspect)

Having received extensive training in the Force, through his Mistress "Alaisy Tir'eivra" but also staying true to his smuggler background, Aru Law focuses his Force powers in deception methods. He won't fight fair at any time, even after after giving his word. For Aru Law, the goal justifies the means. You will find him starting a conflict with illusions and by vanishing from view. Only to reappear behind his opponents and cripple them. This kind of tactics are useless against droids or Force Users with high sensitivity skills. And, eventhough stealth is his specialty, if caught off guard or discovered, he is not that good in a fair fight, where he cannot use his deception maneuvers.

Cold Blood (Combat Aspect)

When fighting, Aru Law will often go for his opponents limbs, trying to effectively render them useless before finishing them off. This, mixtures with his cockiness does put him at a disadvantage as he actively fights to disarm, rather than to win. Aru Law likes to make sure his opponents know he has won, therefore he only kills them after they are pretty much defeated and desperate to run away. This means he may be prone to surprise attacks by any ally his opponents may have, and he drags fights in order to achieve his goals rather than effectively try to end conflict as fast as he should.

Skill Feats
You Can't Stop The Signal No Scope The System, Is Down
Force Feats
Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain Prestidigitation False Cloak
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Force Disciple Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Ghosting II Faceless II
  • Basic
  • Hapan
  • Huttese
  • Thyrsian
  • Twi'leki
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Echani
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None