Current Character Sheet for Obsidian


Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Human, Sith, Shadow
Height: 1.75 m / 5'9" - Weight: 65.78 kg / 145 lbs
Age: 28 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Medium build, Long Black Hair Braided and kept wrapped around neck, Brown eyes, Mustache and Beard neatly trimmed. Sleeve Tattoo's on both arms with a grim reaper compiled from various religious sects interpretation covering his back.

Loadout: Obsidian
Strategist (General Aspect)

Through a combination of preparing, studying, and analyzing, Obsidian creates detailed battle plans and tries to think two steps ahead of the enemy. At times, however, this can lead to Obsidian creating complicated schemes that can baffle less intelligent subordinates.

Loyalty Is Earned, Not Bought (General Aspect)

While Obsidian will see a job through to its conclusion and put forward his best effort, it’s still just a job. Obsidian's true loyalties lie to his friends, and through thick and thin,he will stand by them and die for them if needed. This loyalty is reserved for those who have earned Obsidian's trust, putting him at odds with other Mercenaries that are only doing a job for the money. This also makes it harder for employers to trust his motives, often times creating extra competition and difficulty finding work. None of it matters to Obsidian, though, because loyalty to his friends is not something credits can buy.

Natural-born Killer (Personality Aspect)

Killing has never been a problem for Obsidian; and he kind of enjoys it now, if he is honest. Killing's what Obsidian does, and he likes what he does.

Do You Like Apples? (Personality Aspect)

Obsidian is extremely cocksure and headstrong. Possessing a keen wit and exceptional level of intelligence, Obsidian will often use his superior intellect to humiliate lesser minds. Basically, he is kind of a jerk, and that can sometimes get Obsidian in a bit of trouble.

Executioner (Combat Aspect)

Obsidian wears out his opponents through use of the Force, agility, and evasion. Once he has sufficiently tired his foes through the Force, physical, or mental assault, he quickly tries to find a means of cleanly and swiftly dispatching them - usually resulting in a somewhat risky all-or-nothing attempt at a deathblow.

Combat Slicer (Combat Aspect)

While Obsidian avoids combat whenever possible, he has no qualms working with technology under the stress and pressure of combat. Obsidian has trained himself to keep calm and focus intently on Slicing even while taking blaster fire from cover or when placed under time constraints. In truth, Obsidian almost works better when under duress, and actually needs motivation, typically, when Slicing.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Darksight Hammer Time Blinded By The Light I'm Rubber, You're Glue Dampen I
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Sith Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face Faceless II Ghosting II
  • Basic
  • Shyriiwook
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Sith History
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None