Current Character Sheet for Issamuel Kin'Droth

Issamuel Kin'Droth

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Human, Force Disciple, Techweaver, Mandalorian
Height: 1.91 m / 6'3" - Weight: 97.25 kg / 214 lbs
Age: 37 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Issamuel has chestnut brown hair that is very curly and goes down the middle of his back, although half of the time it is up. He has no blemishes or physical scars. He has bright blue eyes, but has partial hetrochromia, which makes him have a gold ring around his pupils before the blue starts. He has tanned skin from being in various sun's. He is built like a strongman, slightly fluffy with some weight with some muscle tone and strength.

Loadout: On me?
How Hard Can It Be! (General Aspect)

Issamuel Kin'Droth always seems to underestimate the gravity of important situations or the difficulty of tasks by about a mile or ten.Issamuel Kin'Droth is a bit of a slacker, never really thinking things all the way through - and it usually comes back to bite him in a wildly comedic way. However, he also tends to not be deterred from things that would often scare others away.

Blind Optimist (General Aspect)

Every legendary story seems to have at least one charming and optimistic character. If that's the case, then it only makes sense that Issamuel Kin'Droth has decided to be that person. After all, if everyone is too busy whining and groaning about the negatives, how will anyone ever reach the positive? True, Issamuel Kin'Droth's constant belief that things will get better can be terribly grating, especially to pessimists or those just level-headed enough to realize when things truly are going downhill, but Issamuel Kin'Droth's constant positive outlook can serve to sometimes spur others to action when it feels like the world just wants them to lay down and die.

Outside The Box (Personality Aspect)

Issamuel Kin'Droth is a lateral thinker, and when he encounters problems or dilemmas, he is very good at improvising and coming up with alternative solutions. This allows Issamuel Kin'Droth to find ways out of situations others might give up on. While these solutions are often not so obvious to others, Issamuel Kin'Droth can typically explain and lead others through his long as they are patient and willing enough to trust him outside thinking.

Easy Going 'Till the Fight Starts (Personality Aspect)

While generally laid back and more than happy to offer a quip of sarcasm, Issamuel Kin'Droth's entire demeanor changes once combat begins. He becomes focused and quiet, with his smile replaced with a look of grim determination.

Once More Unto The Breach (Combat Aspect)

Born with an intractable will and limitless courage, Issamuel Kin'Droth will stand in the face of insurmountable odds and never retreat. Despite the fact that such acts of heedless bravery are inspiring and will sometimes result in victories worthy of song, just as often they result in his allies getting wounded or killed.

He's No Good To Me Dead (Combat Aspect)

Issamuel Kin'Droth doesn't like to kill people; instead he chooses to injure his opponent until that person is unable to fight back or is otherwise incapacitated.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Your Weapons... You Will Not Need Them I Know That Feel, Bro Prestidigitation Quey'tek Meditation Sokan
Granted Feats
Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face Mechu-deru II Order Feat: Force Disciple Hexing II
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Ancient Artifacts
  • Black Market Trading and Knowledge
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form IV (Ataru)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form V (Shien)