Current Character Sheet for Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos

General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos

Elder 1, Elder tier, Clan Vizsla
Female Human, Sith, Seeker, Mandalorian
Height: 1.7 m / 5'7" - Weight: 61.2 kg / 135 lbs
Age: 38 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Character Images

Socorra’s body frame is tall and feminine, with a mountainous bust and wide sashaying hips. Her skin is deeply bronzed, natively tanned from many generations of nomadic ancestors living on a hot and arid desert world. She sports a thick and luscious raven mane down to her waist, covering synthflesh and a reconstructed skull. Timeros Arconae’s use of the Force Drain ability causes random gleaming white-silver steaks to continuously grow in the tresses. Socks’ scarred-over right eye is covered with long bangs while the left is an arctic pale blue, fiercely striking against the darkness of her skin and hair, giving even a passing glance an intense quality. She speaks with a thick and exotic native Socorran accent.

Socorra bears several combat scars from over the years; three long and deep diagonal marks across her back from a dreaded hooked scourge, a short scar next to her left eye, a long blade slash across her left breast as well as burn scars on her hands and surgical scars to her jawline and scalp hidden underneath the dark hair. After induction into the Sith Order during the Dark Crusade scars become Sith runes that now cover both arms to the shoulders. Other than these she has four distinguishable marks, the creature sigil of the Black Bha’lir smuggling society peeking through the scars on her right hand, stars in a constellation pattern around her left ankle, the Erinos Mandalorian crest on her left shoulder and the Soulfire Battleteam sigil on the right.

Loadout: Dumpster Rocket Diving
Watch The World Burn (General Aspect)

Though Socorra outwardly appears to be a strong female figure, inwardly she is much more mangled, and this latent damage can sometimes show in her wide range of questionable habits. She is fond of cigarras and cigarettes and drinks nearly as well as any Mandalorian and curses far worse than the best of them. Though having tried every drug on the black market she undoubtedly favors spice, as combined with booze they together help her deal with the stupidity she encounters on a daily basis. Her biggest addiction still remains in the form of the galactic holonet, of which she is an expert of traversing due to her information trade. This has resulted in an odd humor prone to pop-culture references and a dark, cynical outlook.

Olys Guerra - The Old Guard (General Aspect)

Socorra is the product of several old guard Arconae mentors, having learned the best and the worst of each and applied them accordingly. Years in the Dajorra Intelligence Agency taught her the darker, more sinister aspects of the Force. Those insidious attributes and traits she once hated became welcome tools as she ascended to Herald, applying them and her intelligence background to fight the enemies of the Brotherhood. However, after a long coma and recovery and despite stepping out of retirement to once again lead the DIA, Socorra has also begun gaining a sense of compassion and empathy when it comes to her allies and especially those extreme few she considers family.

Ask Forgiveness, Not Permission (Personality Aspect)

Ambitious to a fault, Socks has a different kind of difficulty with authority. She often tends to not ask for permission before doing things not because she doesn't take orders, but because her incredible intelligence and analytical expertise leads her to choose the most efficient path and her patience is very thin. However, an encyclopedic mind does not equate to practical experience, often landing her into precarious and comedic trouble. With this mindset also comes personal accountability for her actions: "you break it, you bought it." Her attempts to make things right may be just as reckless as her attempts that led to her breaking something in the first place.

A Beautiful Mind (Personality Aspect)

Socorra became an information broker and analyst by trade, working with criminals, bounty hunters, governments and spy agencies, either slicing, analyzing data, or deciphering codes in multiple patterns in multiple languages. Unfortunately, working for these sordid types as well as Grandmasters old and new has led Socorra to trust an extreme few and she maintains a paranoid perception of nearly everything, causing her to speak little and inhibits maintaining friendships. Though the Horizon plague was cured long ago, the lingering effects left her brain vulnerable and rooted this paranoia even further, causing a much deeper schizophrenic tendency on occasion. Her mind sees all and forgets none, making compartmentalization often difficult to achieve as well. It causes her to lose herself in her own thoughts of the past and often recall the worst of the world where no one else would.

Mando-Odd (Combat Aspect)

Socks is not a typical Mandalorian, her duties far more clandestine in nature than the culture was known for. Adopted into the Erinos clan but indoctrinated as a Sith, Socorra fully utilizes her powers and skills as tools and never considers their use as “cheating,” even those that are extraordinarily dark. However, she attempts to strike a balance by living the Mandalorian creed and the Black Bha’lir society Code and is not typically cruel nor does evil for the sake of evil. But for those that have caused harm to her or those she is loyal to, she will enact the Rite of Retribution by any means necessary.

Funeral March For A Marionette (Combat Aspect)

Socorra utilizes mental skills and powers to avoid a fight by manipulating the enemy into doing her bidding through cleverness, silver tongue, mind tricks, and illusions. As a rule she picks her words very carefully and can be secretive to a fault, often using her thick and sometimes incomprehensive accent to deflect. She will use deception to cover or uncover the truth, even that perceived as negligible. When combat is called for, Socorra is extremely tricksy, using analysis, memory, and encyclopedic knowledge to fully utilize her environment to her advantage and employ dirty and manipulative tactics when it suits her. But when the best mind and parlor tricks fail, the calm and coolness can turn to tribal-born fire and ire and mistakes are often made.

Skill Feats
Silent Blade Won't Attract The Worm Go Ahead, Make My Day Keen Mind III Rising Phoenix
Force Feats
Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain Psychometry II
Granted Feats
Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Sith Seeking III Force Interrogation III Envoy's Will
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Mando’a
  • Brotherhood Intel Processes
  • Dossiers of the Brotherhood
  • Galactic Black Market
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None