Archived Character Sheet for Oriana

Peacekeeper Oriana

Equite 1, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Mirialan, Jedi, Juggernaut
Height: 1.55 m / 5'1" - Weight: 44.0 kg / 97 lbs
Age: 20 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Small in stature and with a light frame, Oriana fits the definition of a teenager. Olive-green, her skin is flawless and unblemished aside from the cultural tattoos that decorate her facial features. Of these, a pattern of evenly-spaced black diamonds are spaced evenly from her temple, disappearing into the sides of her hairline, while her forehead is decorated in the same pattern, forming an inverted triangle from between her brows and extending to the top of her forehead. A row of three narrow black rectangles following the same spacing extend from the outer corner of her lower eyelid to end at the bridge of her nose, tilted to form a line pointing just above the tip of her nose, mimicking a complicated pattern of eyeliner beneath brown-colored eyes. Her lips, taking on a natural olive color matching the natural pigment of her skin, are sometimes colored a light, muted shade of brown or red. Normally kept close-shaved on one side, the black locks of her hairstyle sweeps to the opposite side of her head, of medium length save for the long Padawan braid that drapes over her right shoulder.

With a prominent collarbone, her physique is slight, but defined for a teenager. A final pattern of tattoos cap her shoulders on either side, matching the diamonds decorating her facial features in the same black ink. Most of her musculature is visible in her abdomen, which has started to show under the skin in defined muscle groups. A darker green than her skin or lips, her nails likewise take on a similar hue, without additional coloration.

Character Image

Womp-Rat (General Aspect)

Of all her master's teachings, Oriana found one lesson valuable above all others: one person's junk is another's survival. Without the conveniences of being close to the nearest spaceport, Oriana has learned to scrap and scrounge for what she can use. Thus, she has formed a habit of collecting whatever junk she can get her hands on; food supplies, crashed starfighter components, old droid servos. This has led to her experimenting with reverse-engineering the items most seem to discard, leading to a fascination with machines, droids and gizmos. Although the initial purpose of a gadget is often lost on her, she takes great interest in restoring broken things to working condition; even if for a moment.

Teenaged Mischief (General Aspect)

A teenaged delinquent, Oriana is an architect of concocting the most elaborate of pranks for their own amusement. Committing these farcical acts at the expense of others, Oriana shows little regard for the consequences of her actions. This often gets Oriana in trouble for violating cultural guidelines, whether for defacing a sacred artifact or humiliating state figureheads. At times, her practical jokes affect those on the wrong side of the law; thugs, gangsters and other unsavory fellows who would rather mete out the consequences themselves, than alert the authorities.

Wax On, Wax Off (Personality Aspect)

Not one for giving up, Oriana is as stubborn as one can be. Whether out of spite or sheer dedication, Oriana will devote themselves to a task, no matter how difficult or meaningless just to succeed. When committed to task, she is able to filter out all distractions until success, or exhaustion consumes her. When faced with an impossible challenge, she will do her utmost to prove doubters wrong, even at the cost of her life. This steadfast attitude is commendable, but leads to an irritable temperament when accomplishment proves to be unattainable. Some would call this behavior obsessive; accusations which are not far off the mark.

Bite the Hand that Feeds (Personality Aspect)

As a Padawan under the tutelage of A'lora Kituri, Oriana is no stranger to the butt-end of a quarterstaff. Well aware of her master's short temper and violent tendencies, Oriana gets her cheap thrills from toeing the limits of her master's patience. This often results in harsh punishments, and both verbal and physical lashings; however, Oriana would argue the reward to be worth the castigation. This lack of respect for figures of authority extends outside of Oriana's mentorship. Unwilling to subjugate herself to a set of guidelines or people that dictate what she can or cannot do, she will rebuke their demands out of simple spite. While her own boldness does not extend to others, she will defend the intended victims of a decided punishment, volunteering herself as the recipient as an act of contempt against figures of authority.

Takes a Beating (Combat Aspect)

Oriana knows how to take a hit, be it a smack to the head, or verbal insults. Fearless in the face of overwhelming odds, Oriana is nonetheless aware of her small stature and her disadvantages when facing off against skilled opponents. Knowing that she is unlikely to win a fight, she will never throw the first punch against an opponent twice her size. Oriana will instead hold out for as long as possible, so long as she believes she can last more than a few minutes in a fight. Giving others the chance to escape before herself, Oriana will disengage from the battle if those under her protection are able to retreat to a safe distance. This attitude often results in Oriana holding out for too long against enemies, resulting in far more injuries and graver wounds than she might have sustained, otherwise.

Keeps on Ticking (Combat Aspect)

Oriana might not be the best saberist in the Galaxy, but she has a firm grasp on the basics. As dedicated as she is to her chores, what Oriana lacks in skill, she makes up for in commitment. Faced against an opponent several skill levels above her, she will resort to unconventional, "dirty" tactics to gain an upper hand. Nothing is off-limits, as far as she is concerned — a knee to the groin, a bite on the finger; all is fair in the art of war. Oftentimes, she will leverage the small, child-like characteristics of her age to lull her enemies into either a false sense of security, or to guilt them into showing mercy. While suitable for creating a window to escape, these dishonorable tactics don't often work twice and tend to attract the ire of opponents who would tend show less restraint against her in future battles.

Skill Feats
Jury-rig III Thingamajig
Force Feats
Escape Artist Shield Wall II Psychometry I
Granted Feats
Iron Pillar II Mirialan: Karma Mirialan: It's All On My Face Surge II Order Feat: Jedi
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Mirialan
  • Togruti
  • Anthropology of Ancient Force Cults
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Broken Gate
Secondary Martial Art Teras Kasi
Primary Lightsaber Form Form V (Shien)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form I (Shii-Cho)