Archived Character Sheet for Kasula Daegella

Corsair Kasula Daegella

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Twi'lek, Mercenary, Ace
Height: 1.62 m / 5'4" - Weight: 56.7 kg / 125 lbs
Age: 33 years - Right Handed
Physical Description


Identical to her sister in all aspects of her appearance, Kasula's alabaster skin tone can sometimes be mistaken for different hues of the spectrum when colorful light is cast over it, lacking all but the slightest blue pigment. Unnaturally smooth and without the tell-tale signs of callouses that would give away a starship mechanic, one might assume she limits her exposure to the elements as often as possible. A meticulous application of brightly-colored cosmetics add a splash of vibrancy to her otherwise pale complexion, chosen to compliment the selected fashion of the day.

Enchanting ice-blue irises are outlined with dark lashes matching the shade of her tattooed brows, which are fine-lined and form an arch that angles upwards from the point closest to her nose. Thanks in part to a lack of pigmentation, the remainder of her facial features are soft, and sometimes created with the assistance of makeup. Capping these features on either side, prominent bumps form the ear cones that most Twi'lek have, in lieu of more humanoid ears. Long, unadorned lekku synonymous with some non-Human species hang behind Kasula's shoulders, drooping or arching more prominently with her mood and disposition.

Flexible and aerodynamic, her figure can be best described as "form over function." Trained into an hourglass-like figure, her silhouette is maintained over a variety of diets and light exercise. Designed to enhance her attractiveness to most humanoid species, her lithe musculature can be better described as that of a dancer's, rather than a warrior's.

Character Image

The Rotten Half (General Aspect)

While the Daegella sisters often share the same thoughts, Kasula differs from Ysera in her preference to illegitimate ventures and gains. Although Ysera will still go wherever Kasula goes, most of the duo's illegitimate ventures are due to Ysera's influence over her sibling. Indifferent towards serving the 'greater good,' she is drawn towards criminal enterprises and selfish gains.

Tchun-Tchin (General Aspect)

As countless documentaries and fans can attest, Kasula Daegella and her twin sister Ysera Daegella are one in the same person. Kasula is never seen without Yersa, and the twins seem to share an empathetic connection that often has them finishing each other’s sentences and performing simultaneous tasks without needing to formally communicate.

When separated from her sister, Kasula will often be rendered incapable of forming complete thoughts, stuttering over words or forgetting the half of a starship manual that Ysera would be familiar with. Together, each one is able to fill the blanks of the other's knowledge, forming a collective intelligence that can rival that of most individuals.

Pit Crew Mechanic (Personality Aspect)

Making a living where a defective accelerator could mean life or death, Kasula Daegella knows how to manage her own retrofits and maintenance. Whether reconfiguring a navicomputer or changing out the engine on a swoop bike, the largest malfunctions seem like the  smallest hurdle when she works together with her twin on the task. However, when working without her twin she is noticeably less confident.

Memoirs of a Holostar (Personality Aspect)

Although Kasula Daegella has managed to avoid the monotonous exotic dancing trade, she has not eschewed her species’ natural talents or tendencies. Known for being so attractive as to not need to surround herself with good-looking entourages, Kasula Daegella instead grooms herself before and after a race in order to make the most out of her Holonet coverage.

As a result, Kasula Daegella’s celebrity status has seen her with her sister on the front covers of several Holonet outlets, whether  for  claiming prestige on the lanes or performing a dance at a designated venue.  Kasula Daegella’s status can be seen as both a boon to their platform and a curse where she cannot go unnoticed in most urban settings without an excited fan demanding autographs.

Running and Gunning (Combat Aspect)

Whether extracting allies or clearing a landing zone, Kasula Daegella is no stranger to door gunning. She has grown accustomed to the altitude changes and inertial forces of a moving starship. While ashore, Kasula Daegella maintains an aversion to outright firefights, preferring to out-gun her opponents on the move, if she cannot out-run them. In most cases, she will look for the closest form of mechanized assistance instead of taking her chances where a misguided bolt could mean the end of the duo's collective talents. Should an exit be unavailable, Kasula Daegella would rather stand behind the barrel of a blaster cannon, than taking their chances in a fair fight. Whether through rigged explosives or the sheer might of superior firepower, these unconventional tactics allow Kasula Daegella to hold a position against overwhelming numbers, but take significant preparation time and often requires the use of a hoversled to transport the ordnance used.

Accelerators To The Max (Combat Aspect)

Fulfilling the interchangeable roles of pilot and copilot, neither Kasula or Yersa Daegella are outmatched when both of them are in the same vessel. Making instantaneous maneuvers to avoid oncoming fire or debris the other might not have noticed, it is often remarked that Kasula and Ysera trade seats in their  freighter more than an Imperial officer changes his uniform. While fearsome as a team, Kasula Daegella is far less comfortable without her twin sister, but still formidable as a pilot.

Skill Feats
Do A Barrel Roll! Spinning Is A Good Trick Explosive Chicken Droid Whisperer Classic Misdirection Your Reputation Precedes You Shake What Your Mama Gave Ya Run And Gun Always Have An Exit
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Twi'lek: Talk Lekku To Me Twi'lek: Just The Tips Order Feat: Mercenary Smooth Operator II I Can Fix That II
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Huttese
  • Twi'leki
  • (Half of) Common Starship Manuals
  • Lesser-Known Hyperspace Lanes
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Pirate Broadcast Language and Interpretation
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Corellian Kickboxing
Secondary Martial Art Imperial Martial Arts System
Primary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Explosives
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None