Current Character Sheet for Daevev’in’ath “Vina”

Seer Daevev’in’ath “Vina”

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Chiss, Force Disciple, Techweaver
Height: 2.0 m / 6'7" - Weight: 60.0 kg / 132 lbs
Age: 31 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Daevev’in’ath “Vina” is a member of the chiss species. She has short black hair and red eyes that contrast her blue skin. She regularly wears a coating of purple lip stick and a smattering of eye shadow. Her time in the Chiss Ascendancy military has left her with a toned physique. Her unique identifying characteristic is a omega shaped brand on the back of her left hand.

Loadout: Von’s Navigator
Intergalactic Drifter (General Aspect)

Having been born inside a star-ship as opposed to planet-side, Daevev’in’ath “Vina” has never had a particular world to call her home. She grew up in an environment that requires being of use in order to survive, and without the borders that breed patriotism. The allegiances of the galaxy mean little to her, only the strength of individual merit. She is most at peace when in space, and will take on any contract or mission that enables her to remain firmly seated in a cockpit.

This utter lack of affiliation often results in what can be construed as insubordination and disloyalty, putting her at odds with those that value such things.

Spacer (General Aspect)

Daevev’in’ath “Vina” has no home planet, at least not one that she can remember. As a child, Daevev’in’ath “Vina” would spend most of her time on different starships and grew accustomed to the atmosphere and nuances of space and the various crafts that traverse it. As a result, Daevev’in’ath “Vina” feels more comfortable on a ship than on any planet.

Natural-born Killer (Personality Aspect)

Killing has never been a problem for Daevev’in’ath “Vina”; and she kind of enjoys it now, if she is honest. Killing's what Daevev’in’ath “Vina” does, and she likes what she does.

I Need a Drink! (Personality Aspect)

Daevev’in’ath “Vina” is often confused and heavily saddened by the amount of idiocy that constantly surrounds her. It is often much easier for Daevev’in’ath “Vina” to cope with people by ensuring she stays inebriated and dulling her senses. When unable to find alcohol for an extended period of time, Daevev’in’ath “Vina” will devolve into a ravenous, hate-filled monster that is nigh impossible to be around. In other words, Daevev’in’ath “Vina” is an addict.

Keeping My Distance (Combat Aspect)

Daevev’in’ath “Vina” vastly prefers ranged combat, taking every opportunity to use skills and Force Powers to disengage from melee and instead fight at range, so much so that she has become competent at staying out of melee in the first place.

Shoot First, Ask Questions Later (Combat Aspect)

If Daevev’in’ath “Vina” had been in Greedo’s shoes, Han Solo would be pushing up daisies. She almost always acts on instinct, which typically means she can be seen as impulsive and may not think her actions through, especially in situations during or leading up to combat.

Skill Feats
Quick Draw Second Skin II
Force Feats
Ace Aura Space Battle Meditation I Force Meld I Leaf On The Wind
Granted Feats
Chiss: Sore Thumbs Chiss: Wise Beyond Years Mechu-deru II Order Feat: Force Disciple Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Hexing II
  • Basic
  • Cheunh
  • Commonly used Military technology
  • Core Systems Hyperspace Lanes
  • Hot zone extraction and transport procedures
  • How to Lightspeed Skip and Micro Jump
  • How to employ and combat ship stealth systems
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Mid Rim Hyperspace Lanes
  • Outer Rim Hyperspace Lanes
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
  • Wild Space Hyperspace Lanes
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None