Current Character Sheet for Ra Rogera

Ra Rogera

Novitiate 3, Novitiate tier, Unaffiliated
Male Pantoran, Force Disciple, Arcanist
Height: 1.82 m / 6'0" - Weight: 78.0 kg / 172 lbs
Age: 23 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Built rather athletic due to his past martial arts training. Blue skin, which has a similar shade to a clear sky. He has white medium-length hair which fades into a soft purple/pink parted on the right side of his head. Gold yellow markings are on his cheeks, nose and chin. One on each cheek as a long triangle, the tip pointing to his nose. A long line down his nose bridge, a short line from under his bottom lip to the tip of his chin. One mark is on his forehead in the shape of a moon scythe but covered often by his hair which falls partly over his forehead. His eyes are a bright gold colour

Loadout: Ra Rogera
Loyalty Is Earned, Not Bought (General Aspect)

While Ra Rogera will see a job through to its conclusion and put forward his best effort, it’s still just a job. Ra Rogera's true loyalties lie to his friends, and through thick and thin,he will stand by them and die for them if needed. This loyalty is reserved for those who have earned Ra Rogera's trust, putting him at odds with other Mercenaries that are only doing a job for the money. This also makes it harder for employers to trust his motives, often times creating extra competition and difficulty finding work. None of it matters to Ra Rogera, though, because loyalty to his friends is not something credits can buy.

Due Diligence (General Aspect)

When Ra Rogera does things, he makes sure everything is done correctly, no matter how long it takes. This means there are frequent delays in Ra Rogera's work, but it's usually done right, at least.

Gentleman At Heart (Personality Aspect)

Despite his line of work, Ra Rogera still sees himself as a refined gentleman and will often put on a show of being haughty and arrogant to those he does not know. Ra Rogera only lets the mask slip to show his more laid back nature to those he trusts. To those he dislikes, he will actually become even more insufferable as taunts and quips without any regard for who or what he might be offending.

Think Through Your Exits (Personality Aspect)

Ra Rogera doesn't do anything without first having a plan, and is constantly overheard advising others to always “think through their exits”. Every movement he makes—be it combative, manipulative or otherwise—is premeditated and thought out ahead of time. This foresight often places Ra Rogera two steps ahead of his peers. However, when plans go awry, Ra Rogera often has to first backtrack those same two steps to address the present, and that hesitation can often be line between success and failure in the heat of a situation.

He's No Good To Me Dead (Combat Aspect)

Ra Rogera doesn't like to kill people; instead he chooses to injure his opponent until that person is unable to fight back or is otherwise incapacitated.

Duelist (Combat Aspect)

Through careful study and dedication to isolated martial-combat, Ra Rogera has turned the act of dueling into an art form. A keen eye and attention to detail allows him the ability to learn their opponent's idiosyncrasies while fighting. Ra Rogera then uses his own skills to capitalize on the opponent's weakness. Because of this calculated approach to isolated duels, Ra Rogera has a harder time taking on multiple opponents at once at higher skill levels.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Accelerated Healing I
Granted Feats
Pantoran: The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway Order Feat: Force Disciple Pantoran: All In Favor?
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Huttese
  • Pantoran
  • Astronomy Studies
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Broken Gate
Primary Lightsaber Form Form 0 (Banlanth)