Current Character Sheet for Draca Zul

Adept Draca Zul

Elder 1, Elder tier, Unaffiliated
Male Zabrak, Jedi, Arcanist
Height: 1.91 m / 6'3" - Weight: 84.5 kg / 186 lbs
Age: 20 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Draca is a tall, pale-skinned, slender, yet athletically well-built Zabrak male. He has deep brown eyes, and a set of horns upon his head that are typical for Zabraks.

However, the horns for the most part are covered up by a dark brown mullet that extends to the back of his neck. There are three horns that are able to stick out above the hair, just above Draca's eyes and brows.

Distinguishing Marks

Draca has a small birthmark in the middle of his chest, just to the right of his solar plexus.

He has brown tribal markings on his hands and wrists, the signs of his Iridonian Clan. There are natural ones on his face which he has had from birth.

Reference Image

Loadout: Draca Zul (Jedi)
Draca Kart (General Aspect)

Whilst not a particularly gifted pilot himself, Draca is a big fan of podracing. In particular, he is a big fan of podracing hologames. He has been known to spend his evening playing on his favourite tracks with his favourite characters and vehicles.

Some might call this activity a bit juvenile, but Draca cares little about that, simply wanting someone to play his favourite game with him.

All The Way To The Moon, Past All The Sparkly Stars In The Sky, All The Way Back Again... (General Aspect)

Draca has seen the galaxy in its whole. The good, the bad, the right, and the wrong. He has developed one very simple moral code;

"Be the change you want to see."

How can anyone expect the galaxy to be better if one does not lead by example? Draca doesn't care what system of planets or stars he's in, he will always attempt to put his best foot forward, saving people where he can, and trying to be the best version of himself that he can be for those around him.

This, however, is a lot of pressure for the young man to take on by himself, pressure that can sometimes feel like the weight of the universe is on his shoulders, especially as he makes his decisions on what he thinks is right and wrong.

Cuddles (Personality Aspect)

Draca, is above all else, a sensitive soul. He is naturally empathetic to the plight of others. When he sees someone is upset, he does the one thing he believes will help anyone.

He gives them a good hug.

After all, what could possibmy make people feel better? Some say Draca gives the best warm and comforting hugs in the galaxy.

Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates a good cuddle, and some can be perturbed by the sudden intimacy he shows them.

Clever Boy (Personality Aspect)

Draca may be kind, well-mannered, sensitive, and well-meaning young man, but he is also a withdrawn and reserved individual that takes everything said to him at face value.

He is naturally intelligent, so much so that it has developed beyond his years. He is very good at puzzles and riddles as a result, though he can struggle to understand sarcasm and can be very easily misled or manipulated.

I Did It! (Combat Aspect)

To Draca, combat is a means to an end; Nothing more, nothing less. Thanks to his status as a Jedi, and his own personal, moral, and ethical code, Draca will attempt to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed, using his Charm and Sense skills to de-escalate a situation before it becomes volatile.

Should that fail for whatever reason, he will aim to end combat as quickly as he can because it is the right thing to do. Why should one toy with their enemies and make them suffer? To him, it's wrong. Plain and simple.

Despite all his power, Draca doesn't always know when he should stop. He can push too hard into the realms of recklessness, potentially endangering his own life in the process if he is not careful. This is especially true when innocent people are in danger as he will often risk his life to save them.

Beat The Bad Guys! (Combat Aspect)

Draca is solely an adherent of Ataru, and he personifies the form by using his seemingly boundless energy to his advantage.

With mobility and a skill in Athletics most can only dream of, he flourishes his lightsaber with such speed it is said to be hard to track with the naked eye. He focuses much more on the bladework of Ataru as opposed to the leaps, somersaults and acrobatics typically used by adherents of the form. By combining the rhythmic movements of K'thri and Sokan into his sequences, he becomes a blur of motion amplified by the Force, raining down a flurry of strikes upon his opponents in attempts to overwhelm them.

Despite being as masterful with a lightsaber as he is, Draca is extremely limited when it comes to ranged opponents. Being a close-ranged fighter, he lacks options if he cannot close the distance between himself and his enemies.

Skill Feats
Hero Landing Keen Mind III
Force Feats
Sokan Force Scream II Psychometry II Escape Artist I Know That Feel, Bro
Granted Feats
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Order Feat: Jedi Steel Curtain Envoy's Will Zabrak: Didn't Hurt! Zabrak: I Always Know Better Dowsing III Channel III Golden Envoy Presence
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Cheungh
  • Coremaic
  • Lip Reading
  • Sign Language
  • Zabraki
  • History of the Jedi Order
  • Ice Cream Flavours of the Galaxy
  • Iridonian Cultures and Traditions
  • Jedi Artifacts and Rituals
  • Lightsaber Forms: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Nightsister Rituals and Artifacts
  • Podracing Hologames
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
  • Written Languages Of The Galaxy
Primary Martial Art K'thri
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form IV (Ataru)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None