Current Character Sheet for Dusa Harik

Knight Dusa Harik

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Female Rattataki, Force Disciple, Juggernaut
Height: 1.66 m / 5'5" - Weight: 63.9 kg / 141 lbs
Age: 32 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Dusa is a hybrid of Rattataki and Human. She has a slight muscular build. Despite her skin being rather white and pale, her white hair is a bit more stark. Her hair has an undercut on one side and the rest of her hair are flipped over to the other side and its wavy length reaches to her chin. She has dark stormy grey eyes. She has tongue piercing along with tragus, lower, upper, and helix piercings on both ears. Her Rattataki markings are clear on her face and neck.

Dusa by Kaela

Loadout: Axe-ceptional
And My Axe (General Aspect)

Once Dusa makes a friend, she would be willing to venture out on a long, perilous journey with them to the edge of the galaxy and back. She will try and help them with anything, be it a small favor or a massive undertaking without hesitation. She trusts in the people she forms a connection with, and genuinely believes in the good in them. While she radiates an endearing aura of warmth, it likewise has burned her on more than one occasion when trusting the wrong people, or having her own kindness taken for granted.

Heightened Axpectations (General Aspect)

Dusa is an all or nothing type of lady with a competitive spirit. She sees things very pragmatically, and either commits one-hundred-percent to the effort, or moves on to something else entirely. She only has two speeds—stop or go—and there is no middle ground for her. The things that she loves, she loves with all of her heart, but the things that she hates, she will grudgingly hold onto with the full fury of her ire.

Bury the Hatchet (Personality Aspect)

Once her anger subsides on someone, she would make attempts to work things out so her connection with them could get stronger or if it was time to part. If both parties agreed to move on, Dusa completely ignores the memory of whatever quarrel or fight happened and resume being friendly and warm as if nothing happened.

Blunt Edge (Personality Aspect)

Dusa calls it like she sees it. A log is a log, an axe is an axe, and axes were made for cuttin’ logs. She has very little patience for platitudes, excuses, or long winded explanations and will continue about her business after saying her piece. While she is thoughtful of those she spends time with and cares for, she has a very simple filter that often has her speaking whatever comes to her mind without fear or trepidation. This can come off as intimidating to some in social situations, or be a breath of fresh air compared to the stiff decorum of societal expectations or norms.

Axeplosive Power (Combat Aspect)

Dusa leans fully into the Juggernaut archetype, rarely bothering with subtlety when it comes time for battle. She will not hesitate or back down and attack an obstacle head on, augmenting her natural gifts of strength with the Force for amplified efficiency. She does not rely on the Force as a crutch, however, and is very serious about sticking to her workout routines and never skipping leg day. Still, her aggressive approach to combat leaves her defense lacking in areas that are exploitable by more patient or finesse-focused fighters.

Axepertise (Combat Aspect)

Dusa’s love for axes was born from pragmatic practicality. Ever since she was little, her favorite chore was wood cutting, and that hobby grew into a viable means of protecting herself and those around her. This dedication to the axe has given her a level of expertise when wielding them that renders them as an extension of her being. When wielded by hands hardened from a life of manual labor, she can tangle with even the most veteran of weapon specialists thanks to her intricate understanding of how an axe’s unique properties can be implemented. While it is far from her only proficiency, her singular focus with Axe’s can be a bit of a double-edge as she does not dedicate the same discipline and attention to other bladed weapon types.

Skill Feats
Blunted Steel Flex This Hard Lightning Reflexes
Force Feats
Rampage I
Granted Feats
Envoy's Will Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Rattataki: Gladiator Order Feat: Force Disciple Steel Curtain Surge I Iron Pillar I Rattataki: Blunt Instrument
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Huttese
  • Jawaese
  • Rattataki
  • Shyriiwook
  • Bartering: Recognizing Material Quality and how to Haggle
  • Capture and Restraint Equipment
  • Criminal and Underworld Contacts
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form None