Current Character Sheet for Etah Obsidyn

Warlord Etah Obsidyn

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Falleen, Sith, Deathsworn
Height: 1.75 m / 5'9" - Weight: 115.0 kg / 254 lbs
Age: 43 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Etah stands at about five feet, nine inches tall. Although the color of his skin can change, his skin color is usually a chartreuse-green that you might expect from someone whose father was a Falleen slave driver and whose mother was a Mirialan slave. His Falleen heritage is visible from the lizard-like boney structures in his face and neck but those structures are softer than you would find on the average Falleen. After his Falleen features, the second thing you might notice is Etah's Mirialan facial tattoos. His tattoos are black diamonds that are placed across his ridged forehead and down his ridged nose. From his tattoos alone other Mirialan can tell that he is a successful pirate who has mastered two forms of lightsaber combat.

His hazel eyes are primarily brown and his dark brown hair with random patches of gray is fashioned into a messy mohawk instead of the topknot generally found on highborn Falleen. His goatee is dark brown, with slight red highlights and noticeable white streaks. His posture tends to be rigid, standing with his back straight and his shoulders back, as one would expect from a soldier. His chest, traps, and lats are a bit wider than most, but his build is not muscle-bound. Some of this is a result of physical conditioning but some of it is just the result of good genetics. Solid is a word that would probably come to mind and some might call his musculature wiry if he were leaner.

Loadout: Etah Loadout
Sith Occultist (General Aspect)

In the Clan Arcona, Etah was inducted into the foreboding Shadesworn Cult. This was his first brush with arcane, but it would not be his last. Later in Tarentum, he created the Deathsworn Cult. Later still, when a large remnant of Tarenti reached Clan Naga Sadow, they began building the Black Sepulchre. This love of the Arcane has led to Etah having skill in investigation, the ancient Sith Tongue and Sith lore. But the most potent weapon the study of the arcane has brought him is the ability to create false realities (Illusion). Unfortunately, with his nose in dusty tombs and feet walking along deserted ruins he doesn’t scheme his way through the halls of power. So when his peers plot on him as Sith are wont to do, he can rarely get ahead of it.

Soldier of the Abyss (General Aspect)

As a young Dark Jedi, Etah joined Clan Arcona and its Soulfire Brigade. He moved to another Battleteam rather quickly, but it was the beginning of many years of military service to the Arcona Expeditionary Force. In the AEF he experienced an operations tempo that resulted in nearly constant combat operations. This experience is why he’s learned skills such as training, planning, and teamwork (Tactics) and seemingly unrelated skills such as shipboard systems (Operations). But the primary thing he carries with him is what he would call 360 degree awareness (Perception). The complex PTSD he gained during the course of his military service from the numerous ambushes and explosions that he experienced, does serve as a hyper-vigilant alarm system that can save his life but it's also destroyed his ability to live an emotionally filling life.

Asteroid Drifting Through Space (Personality Aspect)

Etah began his life born as a slave, with no ties to anyone. In the Corsairs of Asgard he found a real, caring, if also abusive, family. Later during his military service in the Arcona Expeditionary Force he became attracted to the esprit de corps inherent in military life. As a result of not having been raised by his parents, he has constantly sought out mentors. His early lack of human connection is what first made him become interested in humanoid behavior and cognition, which led him to develop skills in hearing the surface thoughts of others (telepathy). Sith plot to become Kings or Queens within their sphere of influence but Etah's search for connectedness with groups and individuals can make him too trusting, which puts him in danger of being used as a pawn instead.

Unwavering Spark (Personality Aspect)

One of the ways to describe Etah is …. Intense. He is the epitome of the phrase “hard times breed hard men.” Some people might think being born into slavery would make him submissive, but it forged Etah into an unyielding man. As befitting of his Falleen heritage, he has the intensity of a slow-burning ember, so his fire (Resolve) is difficult to snuff out. Coming into his own as a Corsair with Mirialan beliefs in fate, he has developed an alternative sense of morality. His unique sense of ethics means that he never has to second guess or question his actions after deciding what must be done. The downside to these personality traits is that he can be stubborn. This stubbornness often leads to inflexibility, making it difficult for him to adapt to new situations.

Nightmare (Combat Aspect)

Etah has learned a lot about humanoid behavior. He has studied what makes people give into fear, anger and hate. But his goal isn’t to help them; it is to exploit their vulnerabilities. Even while in the midst of combat he uses laconic phrases the same way a psychiatrist would use probing questions, to force his opponent to disclose their self doubts and their irrational fears going all the way back to their childhood, peeling away a person’s defenses and digging deeper and then deeper in their psyche, layer by layer, like you would an onion. Then he uses this information to torment his target. This skill set while powerful, takes thought and action that most would rather spend on violence. Sometimes he becomes so intent on mindkarking his opponent that they are able to outmaneuver him, that is if they have the force of will to resist his techniques.

Corsair of Asgard (Combat Aspect)

The Pirate Ship Asgard was founded by second sons of noble houses and these young Saber rakes brought lightfoils with them. As a result when he began fighting as a teenager, Etah would learn how to use a lightfoil. So he later came into the Dark Jedi Brotherhood with a working understanding of Makashi (Secondary Lightsaber Form). As a Dark Jedi, Etah became a master of Soresu (Primary Lightsaber form). Etah utilizes both styles together by weaving an impenetrable defense together with a technically precise offense that he can use to break his opponents rhythm. Etah’s style of fighting is not flashy, but simplicity is the strength of it. The weakness of his style however, is that when he switches between Makashi and Soresu techniques, there is a brief moment that he is open to counterattack.

Skill Feats
Second Skin II
Force Feats
Dampen I Force Meld I Debilitating Fear Dun Moch Aura Of Fear
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Sith Channel II Falleen: Superior By Nature Falleen: Simply Irresistible Arcane Shield II
  • Basic
  • Falleen
  • ur-Kittât (Old Tongue, written and spoken language of the ancient Sith)
  • Ancient Sith History, Culture and Empire
  • Archeology of the Orian System
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Sith Alchemy
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art Corellian Kickboxing
Primary Lightsaber Form Form II (Makashi)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)