Archived Character Sheet for Noc'i'cheptir

Battlelord Noc'i'cheptir

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Unknown Kaleesh, Sith, Techweaver
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 60.0 kg / 132 lbs
Age: 31 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

On first glance, Noch' appears dead. His bald malnourished frame is stretched across a cage of bones, painting him as a pale skeleton covered in scarring. His skin tends to turn blue under good light, owing to the spread of veins covering his entire body. Yellow split-iris eyes are sunk deep into their sockets; the orbits so prominent, they give the illusion of goggles.

Alternative Methods (General Aspect)

Noc'i'cheptir's skills as a medic are not just limited to holo-books and lectures. They has read up and practiced a handful of experimental treatments while inventing a few home remedies of their own. This allows Noc'i'cheptir to work outside the box in less than ideal situations, and can lead to them solving mysteries other trained medics might struggle with. This, of course, comes with its own string of failures, as nothing is ever perfect. That, and some of the more established professionals in the field often doubt or question Noc'i'cheptir's alternative practices. They typically brush them off in favor of doing everything they can to help a patient, but does quietly seek recognition for accomplishments as a healer.

Macabre Introspection (General Aspect)

Often lacking for subjects to examine, Noch'i'chepter uses their own body to test medical theories and procedures. This has lead them to be in a constant state of pain from fresh surgical wounds.

All Work, No Play (Personality Aspect)

Noc'i'cheptir considers their work to be the most important aspect of his life. This borderline obsessions with the "job" leaves little room for any kind of personal or social life, making it difficult for Noc'i'cheptir to relax and enjoy spending time with others. they excel in activities that relate to their work, but the idea of work-life balance is an altogether abstract concept.

The Four Humors (Personality Aspect)

Due to too many failed Force attuned experiments, Noch' has a tendency to rapidly switch between mania, rage, sorrow and calm, often without stimuli or reason.

Scientific Method (Combat Aspect)

Noc'i'cheptir, like most of their peers, has trained with a blaster though, just like any weapon, hates to use it. Instead, when forced to fight, Noc'i'cheptir will use their surgical scalpels and anesthetics (poisons) to attempt to injure and incapacitate opponents. This requires their to get extremely close to their attackers and leaves them vulnerable to more maritally-inclined fighters and ranged specialists.

He's No Good To Me Dead (Combat Aspect)

Noc'i'cheptir doesn't like to kill people; instead they choose to injure their opponent until that person is unable to fight back or is otherwise incapacitated.

Skill Feats
La Resistance I Lip Reader Blood Bath
Force Feats
Accelerated Healing I Debilitating Fear Enhanced Sight II
Granted Feats
Kaleesh: Rattlesnake Mechu-deru II Order Feat: Sith Kaleesh: Warm Reception Hexing II
  • Ancient Sith
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Kaleesh
  • Sign Language
  • Advanced Surgical Techniques
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Humanoids
  • Biocontainment and Safe Handling Practices
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Mechu-Deru Flesh Grafting Techniques
  • Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None