An woman of average height for a Kiffar, Sirra Werd'la has the wiry but broad shouldered build of someone well accustomed to physical hardship. Lean and with well toned muscles, her complexion is the pale white of someone who spent much of their early life beneath a durasteel sky, but it has gained a weathered quality thanks to years travelling beneath alien suns. Both her hands and forearms are rough to the touch, the skin of them hardened and calloused thanks to her lifestyle. Sirra's light brown hair is cropped short and is rarely in any state besides untidy, while the dark creases about her hazel eyes gives her a notably cynical quality to her otherwise youthful appearance. Her pointed features retain the three stripped markings of Clan Vel tattooed across her cheeks, but these are typically covered by makeup. On the rare occasions they are not, it can be seen that skin about them is subtly scarred, indicating several fruitless efforts to remove the markings.
Sirra's body carries several scars of varying scale and age, both from animal bites and forged weapons. Stark against her pale skin, easily the most notable among these is the twin craters present on either side of her ribs marking the impact from a high-power blaster bolt.
Abandoned at an extremely young age because of the unintentional strife caused by her blossoming telepathy, Sirra’s early years were spent hiding in the deepest areas of Nar Shaddaa’s undercity. Cradled in the dark and raised amongst death, she survived among murderers and the dispossessed through instinctive guile, stealth and sporadic use of the Force. Even after her acceptance into the Mandalorians of Clan Werd'la, Sirra clung to these lessons and typically favoured them over the armoured might typical of Mandalorians. This has led to a compromised following of Resol'nare, treating the shadows as her armour and forging beskar into her chosen blades. Although valued for her ability to move unseen among groups of hostiles and scavenge a living from anything that she could lay her hands on, this personal code has led to no end of strife when dealing with orthodox Mandalorians and no small amount of bloodshed.
Some are fortunate enough to have their powers unlocked at a later stage in life. Sirra was not one of these people. Born with telepathic abilities which rapidly developed far beyond her control, her lack of mentoring from others meant that these overtook typical forms of communication. This has made her remarkably talented at gleaning considerable information from the surface thoughts of others, then sending memories and emotions in return. Although Sirra's education following her departure from the Smuggler's Moon has allowed her to become fluent in several languages, she considers spoken word to be crude and ill suited to expression. Reading others more through their body language and thoughts, this taciturn behaviour makes it difficult to connect with newcommers.
As a lone young girl, feral and wary, Sirra shivered in the shadows of broken buildings and forgotten rusting labyrinths of Nar Shaddaa’s undercity, with little more than the thoughts of those about her for guidance. Exposed to the minds of murderers, criminals and the like ensured that killing came easy to Sirra, and she regarded the world as being a perpetual state of predator and prey. While her experiences ensured that she rarely balks at unpleasant surface level thoughts, they left her instinctively analyzing others for weaknesses, and typically displays little in the way of remorse for those who prove to be hostile. Years spent among the Mandalorians have helped temper this view, but Sirra's framework remains the same. Members of her clan are allies she will fight and kill for without question. All others are potential threats or targets to be preyed upon.
Without the ability to mentally shut off her telepthy, Sirra has spent the larger part of her life exposed to the minds, emotions and insincts of everyone around her. Yet rather than driving her insane, the constant exposure has allow it to become part of how she views the world around her. The majority of thoughts are simply background noise to be filtered through and focused upon when needed, and serving as a means to more easily pinpoint other minds when concentrating upon them. Ironically, the absence of minds disturbs Sirra more than their presence. As a result of her telepathy, places without the background hum of animals, insects or people can be unnerving.
Sirra's greatest weapons are her speed, stealth and silence above all else. Favouring quickly killing her enemies while unseen, she will use her talents to quickly bring down an opponent in an opening blow, or wear them down in a series of strike-and-fade ambushes. From severing tendons to spilling blood in front of nearby predators, Sirra will always try to deny her enemies a clear means to fight back even as she retreats back into an unseen location. This has allowed her to serve as an adept infiltrator and scout when working alongside others, leaving the enemy exposed to her allies' attacks. Yet while her talents can be applied to both single targets and groups of enemies, she struggles to overcome enemies when forced into direct slugging matches and denied anywhere to retreat towards.
There's only the fight and whoever is left standing. Sirra’s fighting style can be put into a single word: Pragmatic. Blind to the benefits of honour, duelling rules or traditions, Sirra will use everything from her weapons, to the environment, to her teeth in order to emerge victorious. Typically opting for attacks based on their simple swiftness and effectiveness, Sirra will seek to end a fight through the fastest means available to shut down and disable an opponent. Unfortunately this leaves her at a significant disadvantage when required to fight in more "civilised" warfare defined by rules. When pressed into ritual combat, gladiatorial arenas, or upper class duelling, Sirra will at best pay attention only to how a rule can be abused, and more often than not forsake them entirely. While this will allow her to win the immediate fight, the aftermath is an entirely different matter.
Master (+5) | |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) | |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | Shadow Step |
Secondary Martial Art | Mandalorian Core |
Primary Lightsaber Form | None |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |