Archived Character Sheet for Bale Andros

Bale Andros, Herald

Equite 4, Equite tier, The Council
Male Kessurian, Force Disciple, Arcanist
Height: 1.92 m / 6'4" - Weight: 86.0 kg / 190 lbs
Age: 40 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

With his weather worn face, days-old stubble, and a scruffy mop of silver hair, Malfearak is the spitting image of a wanderer. He sports a lean, athletic build with ash-pink skin and defined muscles, and holds himself with a mixture of debonair nonchalance and world-weary confidence. His piercing silver gaze is sharp yet jovial and inviting. Some would describe him as ruggedly handsome with an easy smile. A strong jawline, pointed ears and a pair of horn-like montrals outline his sharp features. Two rounded nubs jut from his forehead, a feature common to his species. Also common in Kessurians are the white spots of mottled skin found on his brow, cheeks and montrals, as well as his shoulders.

That Belongs In A Museum (General Aspect)

An archaeologist by trade, Malfearak has devoted the better part of his career to the study of ancient cultures and artifacts, scouring the galaxy far and wide and researching the past. He believes that the artifacts he discovers should be studied and documented but belong to no one man. The past belongs to all. In service of the Brotherhood, he takes to the field as often as possible, sometimes for months on end. Afterall, if you want to be a good archaeologist, you gotta get out of the library.

It’s Not The Years, It’s The Mileage (General Aspect)

Delving through ancient ruins on the fringes of the galaxy is dangerous work and Malfearak carries a history book's worth of scars to show for it. His body has been through a lot and old pains can sneak up on him in the quiet moments. He moves with a subtle limp and can sometimes be seen wincing from a flare-up. Though he is a risk taker at heart, years of experience has taught him to heed his limits. As such, he is meticulous and vigilant in his approach.

I Can Only Say I’m Sorry So Many Times (Personality Aspect)

One can safely say that Malfearak has good intentions. Unfortunately, he has a habit of getting caught up in his work and forgetting about everything else. There is no question about it: his research is his topmost priority. Sleepless nights abound and he's been known to disappear for long stretches of time without so much as a note. This makes for a poor friend and a worse lover. As a result, his relationships have taken a bit of a hit over the years. He's a jovial, caring individual but his single-mindedness can make him neglectful and unreliable. He is aware of his flaws and strives to be better, but sometimes one cannot overcome their inner nature.

Nothing Shocks Me, I’m A Scientist (Personality Aspect)

Archaeology is the search for facts, not truths. Malfearak has been trained to expect the unexpected, to keep an open-mind and welcome any information that may challenge and unravel pre-established notions. This concept extends to all spheres of his life, from his research to politics, small talk or even combat. All information must be considered. This meshes well with his inquisitive nature and his general desire to decipher and comprehend. This can be infuriating to those of a more rigid nature, who may seek a swift resolution and definitive answers.

I’m Making This Up As I Go (Combat Aspect)

Despite his considerable intellect, Malfearak was never much of a dejarik player. He is simply not the type of person who thinks five moves ahead, which can work against him at times. Thankfully, his capacity for improvisation can offset this shortcoming. It makes him less predictable and he is particularly adept at using his surroundings to his advantage. In combat, he regularly switches grips on his lightsaber, using a two-handed forward grip one moment, a single-handed reverse grip the next, adapting his style and movement to meet the situation. He may not be as physically gifted as some of the more magnificent saberists of this age but his adaptability and his use of the Force allow him to hold his own.

Happens To Me All The Time (Combat Aspect)

Pirates, soldiers, cultists, all manners of beasts, Malfearak has fought his fair share of enemies over the years. It is not about honor or glory. He derives no pleasure from killing. To him, combat is a means to an end. He will do what he must to ensure his survival and that of those in his care. But first, he will try to diffuse a volatile situation with words. If that fails he will attempt to disarm or incapacitate and if this too fails, then he may have no choice. If he must kill, he will. He has faced death too often to harbor any misgivings about the use of deadly force.

Skill Feats
Droid Whisperer No Scope Familiar Steel
Force Feats
Sokan Psychometry I Elementary
Granted Feats
Channel II Dowsing II Order Feat: Force Disciple Kessurian: Spatial Awareness Kessurian: Keen Hearing
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Bocce
  • Huttese
  • Kessurian
  • Shyriiwook
  • Sy Bisti
  • Archaeological Studies & Practices
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The Study of Ancient Cultures of the Galaxy
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Corellian Kickboxing
Secondary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VI (Niman)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form V (Shien)