Aesomír stands tall at a height of 6'2 ft, and weights 219 lbs, with an endomorphic build. He has lightly tanned skin, with dark blue hair fading into a lighter one, reddish-orange streaks running throughout it. It's fluffy, cut short at the sides and combed over to the left side, with a few messy strangling strands. His arms are adorned with tallymark like scars and his chest has another scar running through the middle of his torso. His lack of eyes are covered by a light yellow bandana.
Someone in Aesomír’s past was killed and they have vowed to avenge their death. Should the object of their vengeance be discovered, they are likely to to do whatever they can to exact revenge, no matter the cost.
Having been born inside a star-ship as opposed to planet-side, Aesomír has never had a particular world to call their home. They grew up in an environment that requires being of use in order to survive, and without the borders that breed patriotism. The allegiances of the galaxy mean little to them, only the strength of individual merit. They are most at peace when in space, and will take on any contract or mission that enables them to remain firmly seated in a cockpit.
This utter lack of affiliation often results in what can be construed as insubordination and disloyalty, putting them at odds with those that value such things.
Aesomír has a legendary and virulent need for vengeance. Once crossed, they will make it their life’s work to ensure that whatever slight was received is repaid tenfold. This need for vengeance can be all-consuming, and can often lead to short-sighted decisions.
All who gain power are afraid to lose it, and Aesomír is no exception. Some use their power for good, some for evil; Aesomír, however, knows that these are just points of view. They are on a quest for greater power, and uses all their skills and abilities to ensure their supremacy, regardless of the consequences.
When Aesomír gets in trouble, they find no fault in bravely turning tail and getting the hell out of dodge. Obviously, this means that they tend to survive even the most deadly encounters... but the same can't always be said for their compatriots. This fact hasn't exactly made them the most popular among their peers, but hey, at least Aesomír isn't dead yet.
Sometimes the only way to prepare for the worst is to always expect it. Aesomír takes this philosophy one step further by never leaving home without accounting for every possible scenario they might expect to encounter. Aesomír tends to always have the right tool or item for a situation and has a habit of quietly and almost smugly presenting solutions before anyone even recognizes there is a problem. This foresight is far from infallible, however, and they often find themself at a loss in situations that go beyond what they could have imagined. While incredibly practical and often a life-saver in a pinch, their perpetually pessimistic outlook on daily life can be a bit draining on more optimistic-inclined companions.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) |
Proficient (+3) |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) |
Disciple (+3) |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form 0 (Banlanth) |