Current Character Sheet for Nisha "Tiamat" Kenvon

Grand Mistress Nisha "Tiamat" Kenvon

Grand Master, Grand Master tier, Unaffiliated
Female Kiffar, Force Disciple, Sorcerer
Height: 1.65 m / 5'5" - Weight: 52.0 kg / 115 lbs
Age: 35 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Nisha is the only daughter of a Sephi father and a Kiffar mother, heavily favoring her mother's side, except for the elongated ears of her father's people. She wears her wavy black hair long and loosely, reaching past her shoulders when she doesn't have it tied up. She inherited bright green eyes from her mother, and they feature prominently above a delicate nose and oxbow lips. Her figure is on the thinner side of athletic, with a slight waist and well turned hips. Her pale skin bears a variety of tattoos across her body, black clan Moxla markings on her face and myriad other symbols harking back to ancient Krath rituals and Force-imbued runes that glow when viewed with Force-assisted sight.

Character Image

Loadout: Majesty
Lots of Different Places (General Aspect)

Born on a freighter to a mixed couple who were trying to find their own place in the galaxy, Nisha had been to fifteen planets before her fifth birthday. By the time they had settled on Kyataru, her tongue had picked up bits and pieces from so many places that her accent is nearly impossible to pin down. She speaks with a soft lilt, a slight drawl and often uses a strange cadence. This unique accent can be distracting or difficult to understand in scenarios where there is a lot of background noise, especially among those unfamiliar with her speech.

Twice the Pride... (General Aspect)

Nisha may have been born the daughter of spacers, but Tiamat is a descendant of the royal Keto family of Cinnagar. Everything about her reflects this, from her languid movements and haughty demeanor to the way she dresses and her expectations on how she is treated. Deferring only to those responsible for her return, Tiamat fully expects to be obeyed without question, which can cause some conflict with those who do not recognize or care about royal bloodlines.

That's Not True, That's Impossible (Personality Aspect)

Whether she is actually possessed as she claims or if it is a byproduct of her mind being twisted by the Force, Nisha presents herself as the legendary Krath sorceress Tiamat. Her deep knowledge of Krath Lore and wild Force affinity lends credence to her claim, often inspiring reactions in those who are familiar with the lore of the Brotherhood. While she enjoys the awe of those who react positively, she defends her claim quite aggressively against those who do not believe her.

Not Worthy of Notice (Personality Aspect)

Puppet masters have little affinity for their puppets, and Tiamat is no exception. Those who can not sense the Force are replaceable tools in her mind, empty husks worth only what they can do to serve her ends. She views journeymen and most equites in a similar way, in that any attempts to understand or engage with them are not genuine, but sociopathic scouting to make her manipulation of them later that much more effective and enhancing their worth to her.

You Have Only Begun To Discover Your Power (Combat Aspect)

Burning from within with the power that only a Grand Master could wield, she came to the Force through violently unnatural means. The rapid on-flux of power twisted her mind in cruel and capricious ways, her sanity stretched thin before she was stabilized using ancient Krath rites and special sigils tattooed into her skin. Her rapid ascent to power causes her to not fully comprehend the extent of her own abilities while under duress, her reactions akin to using a powerhammer to swat an insect.

Conduit (Combat Aspect)

Tiamat believes in the strength and supremacy of the arcane teachings of the Krath. As such, she relies heavily on her capacity to manipulate the minds of enemies, before falling back on her brutally effective mastery of Force Lightning and Telekinetics to seal their fate. She is a very capable duelist, but she tends to use the Force as her primary weapon, supplementing her attacks with the blades as need dictates.

Skill Feats
You May Have Heard Of Me
Force Feats
Moving The Masses Inceptioned Tempest Force Crush II Don’t Stop Believin’ Force-Link Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain Dominate Mind Dun Moch Psychometry II
Granted Feats
Envoy's Will Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Battle Mind III Primed III Order Feat: Force Disciple Steel Curtain
  • Ancient Sith
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Kiffar
  • Ancient Krath History
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art Imperial Martial Arts System
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Juyo)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form II (Makashi)