Current Character Sheet for Orse Olo

Adept Orse Olo

Elder 1, Elder tier, Unaffiliated
Trans Female Umbaran, Force Disciple, Techweaver
Height: 1.87 m / 6'2" - Weight: 75.0 kg / 165 lbs
Age: 29 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Character Image

Orse Olo is an Umbaran-Sephi hybrid with predominantly Umbaran traits. She has pale purple skin with pink undertones, thanks to her mixed heritage, and blue freckles covering much of her upper body and her face. The freckles are difficult to notice at a distance but up close or in strong light, they are obvious and clear. Two artificial, tattooed, beauty marks decorate the left side of her chin and right cheek under the temple, while a set of electrum earrings and piercings cover her pointed ears.

Of average height and weight, and with a slightly androgynous physique, Orse is sturdily built without being extremely muscular. Hairless apart from her head, she maintains a groomed and tidy appearance at all times. Her left arm has no distinguishing markings apart from a set of meticulously manicured, short, and glossy metallic nails on her left hand, while the right arm under the elbow looks to be a well-maintained cybernetic. The upper, organic part of her right arm is covered in geometric electro-tattoos that glow a pale indigo color under ultraviolet light.

Her hair is a waterfall of thin, fine dreadlocks along the top, pulled back and shaped into a massive, wildly elegant bun, with a curtain of her unlocked hair falling loose from the bundle; the sides of her head and skull are shaved and covered in similarly shaped indigo tattoos as her arm.

Her lips are a naturally darker tone than her skin and her eyeliner is darkened in smoky purple and blue tones as is the norm with her species. Once natural eyes have long since been replaced with artificial ones with permanently dilated, jet black pupils and twin circles of intense white-blue neon light circling the iris.

Loadout: Orse's combat gear
Code Artist (General Aspect)

Orse has a keen eye for slicing, coding, and engaging with the Holonet as a whole. Where most see math and complex language, she sees a world of colors and music directed by zeros and ones, like a binary painting or orchestra playing a symphonic computer code in her head. Her sharp mind assigns colors, tones, and other values to data and mathematical patterns, making them easier for her brain to process and store and giving her the tools to operate computer and communications systems on a rarely seen level. As an effect of that, she will find it difficult to coordinate with others, especially other slicers, or explain her work to those who don't know her well. This inability to coordinate and cooperate effectively makes her a difficult partner to pair up with.

Curiosity Killed the Byte (General Aspect)

While on the Holonet, Orse often finds herself seeing things she isn't supposed to see in places she isn't supposed to be in, such as information reserved for private or nefarious purposes. From personal files and clandestine love affairs to shady backroom deals and government-threatening leaks, Orse has seen plenty and either remembered it, stored it, or sold it to the highest bidder. If she doesn't already have damning information on anyone or anything of import that she interacts with, she is likely to find it, eventually. This tendency to poke around the hornet's nest has drawn the ire of many powerful organizations, from the Hutts to the Black Sun, establishing a perpetual bounty on Orse's head that draws in hunters, often by the dozens, and forces her to disconnect, lay low, and hide when her pursuers get too close.

Kind-Hearted Basilisk (Personality Aspect)

Orse grew up in a society dictated by false appearances and fake smiles, yet she has always been a kind-hearted person who didn't seem to fit into that society. She has learned from necessity the need for cruelty, often demonstrated against those who tormented her at a young age. She never lost that kind-hearted spirit, nor did she renounce the cruel methods she has come to embrace, instead focusing them into precise instruments. She is as likely to slice into a single mother's account to deposit some credits for her ailing child, as she is to plant incriminating evidence against a cruel but innocent man just to remove him from the equation. The choice is rarely black and white and she has done things she dearly regreted doing to people who, after the fact , she found to be less than deserving of her malice.

I Don't Like People (Personality Aspect)

Orse grew up in a world of forced mannerisms, faked civility, and pretentious social encounters that, from her point of view, influenced and irreparably damaged her childhood. Her deeply seated resentment of the lavish culture of the Vatali Empire, her home, has manifested agoraphobic tendencies, specifically towards social encounters in larger groups and more often specific to formal occasions where a certain type of etiquette is expected. Orse keeps her distance from these encounters, preferring to stay on her ship where she feels safe and interact remotely through the Holonet or her droids, or on rare occasions personally through other clandestine means that minimize her involvement in such encounters. This preference to be absent makes it even harder for her to build trust with anyone other than her droids.

Jump The Circuits (Combat Aspect)

Orse likes to plan twenty steps ahead of anyone she is pursuing, or anyone pursuing her. She will use her skills in slicing to attempt to create obstacles upon traps upon false trails in her opponent's path, often with devastating consequences for the opponent, as well as any innocent bystanders. She is not built for direct engagement, however, and will therefore only resort to her blaster or lightsaber only in most dire need and self-defense, preferring to keep a healthy distance between her and her opponent at all times. When caught off-guard she will run rather than fight at a disadvantage, and try to find an alternative means to combat her opponent.

Droid Pilot Extraordinaire (Combat Aspect)

Orse rarely personally engages in combat, preferring to slave multiple battle droids to do the work for her, if at all possible. She has a tendency to control these droids from a distance, keeping an eye on them through surveillance systems or her own probe droids. While this method is superlative for tracking targets and engaging them at range, it also makes her a stationary target and unfocused on her immediate surroundings leaving a large blind spot for enemies to exploit should they find her hiding place.

Skill Feats
Just Ones and Zeroes Right Between The Lines Digital Defusal Parkour! Ivory Tower The Force is With Me Unoperations
Force Feats
Take My Shimmer II
Granted Feats
Mechu-deru III Order Feat: Force Disciple Hexing III
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Sephi
  • Umbaran
  • Cryptography
  • Information brokerage: who's who of the information world
  • Interconnectivity of Holonet systems with droid tech
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Modern military security systems and AI integration
  • Starship racing
  • The Dark(Holo)net
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None