Hailing from the rare violet-skinned clans of Twi'lek, Leena has violet eyes to match her pigmentation, a rather slight build, and lekku that reach past her belt. Her left lekku has a seam of a scar along the top of it, and it is not as mobile as her right lekku is. She bears several burn scars along her right outer thigh and across her left shoulder. Her left hand has black ink tattoos that cover her fingertips and swirl into an elaborate design on the back of her hand.
Leena's left lekku was wounded deeply during her time with the Nephilim. The damage made it so that she has difficulty using her lekku in the silent language of her people and resulted in the loss of a good chunk of her childhood memory. The scar that runs alongside the Lekku is obvious, although the reduced muscle tone is apparent only to those who have studied Lekku intensively.
Leena goes to some lengths to obscure the fact that she is Force Sensitive, eschewing traditional robes and keeping her saber hidden. As she tries to maintain a low profile in order to avoid the politics of the Brotherhood and the inevitable conflicts they bring, she is extremely reluctant to make use of obvious Force powers in front of strangers, even going so far to use Concealment to keep suspicions at bay in most situations. Her fear of being discovered by an onlooker can complicate situations where someone could otherwise just use the Force to get out of the predicament.
Born into slavery and mistreated for years, Leena bears a deep and abiding hatred for anyone who would deign to own another sentient. Her refusal to engage peacably with any slavers can hamper negotiations with some within the darker reaches of space, but it is a non-negotiable in her mind. This hatred sometimes turns inward, as Leena's skill with her droids and Mechu Deru can trigger a deep self loathing as her droids come ever closer to sentience.
With a brutal youth and an education among some of the most effective sociopaths that the galaxy has to offer, it should be no surprise to find out that Leena has grown to be somewhat anti-social. Her skill with slicing and mechanics has made it so that she would prefer to actually create her own friends rather than seek out the company of others. This makes her somewhat socially awkward, not really knowing what to say or when. Outside a small circle of close friends and mentors, Leena rarely engages with others in any meaningful way.
Once a member of the vaunted Nephilim, Leena learned specialized tactics and methods designed to devastate force sensitive opponents. Her force imprint and loyalty to Darth Ashen has led her away from the elite unit, but the lessons that she learned with them persist. Despite studying with one of the pre-eminent duelists of the Brotherhood, her own skill with a saber is still far below average for a Master. As a result, Leena is far more likely to engage with opponents using her blasters or using her droids rather than with the lightsaber, drawing it only as a last resort.
Leena'Shylow hates armor, finding even thick garments cumbersome and irritating. To keep herself from becoming a plasma sponge, she tends to make good use of cover whenever available. Having customized most of her droids with tougher armor plating, Leena has been known to hide behind her creations and letting them soak up all of the incoming malice, keeping herself safe enough to accomplish her missions and fix up her droids after the fact. Barring anything to hide behind, Leena'Shylow finds herself rather vulnerable in combat scenarios.
Sovereign (+6) | |
Master (+5) | |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Grand Master (+6) | |
Master (+5) | |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | Shadow Step |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form II (Makashi) |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | Form IV (Ataru) |