Bale Andros is a mountain of a man, a big burly mass of muscles. Nearly matching a Wookiee in height, sporting broad shoulders and rippling cords of muscles, everything about him oozes raw power. He’s a rough-looking fellow with a strong jawline, sharp brows, and a mean stare. His naturally tanned skin shows signs of aging, with crow’s feet around his golden eyes. He sports a thick, grey-streaked beard, an unusual trait for a Zabrak, hinting there may be more to his heritage than Iridonian genes. He also lacks the markings customary to his species. If it weren’t for the crown of horns jutting around his slicked-back hair, one could mistake him for a colossal Human. His body bears the marks of a rough life. Scars of various shapes and sizes can be found around his body. Some of the most prominent scars include a series of criss-crossing gashes on his chest and back, claw marks around his left forearm, and a cut slicing through his left eyebrow. The visible damage doesn’t end there. His right leg ends above the knee, replaced by a cybernetic limb. His right eye is missing and covered by a metal eyepatch. He also has a few non-traditional tattoos, the most notable of which are a reek’s head tattooed on his right forearm and his children’s names tattooed over his heart.
For years, Bale was satisfied running his mechanic shop on Chyron but this all changed when he was targeted by pirates from the Shroud Syndicate. With the help of his longtime friend, Idris Adenn, he launched a takeover of the organization, claiming the mantle of Herald for himself. Though reluctant to hold such a position, he now sits on the Council, with the sole purpose of bringing order and structure to the Shroud Syndicate.
What truly matters to Bale are his children: his biological daughter, Kaela Val, now a grown woman with a life of her own, and his adoptive children Juko and Ryssa. They are the center of his universe, his rock, his one reason to strap on his boots every morning. They drive him to be a better man even if he sometimes goes about it the wrong way. He’d be ready to do anything to provide for his children and ensure their safety and well-being.
You tend to live in the present and appreciate the simpler things in life when you grow up staring death in the face on a daily basis. Good booze, good company, and a hard day's work are the kinds of things that make Bale tick. He’s a simple fellow; jovial and crass and all-too-loud, with a self-deprecating sense of humor and an open-door policy for anyone willing to share a drink. Some may find his approach to life brutish, leading them to dismiss him as a simpleton, and it’s best to be careful around him when he’s got his brow furrowed and his arms crossed. He can be quick to anger and he knows how to leverage his imposing frame to get what he wants.
Empire, Republic, First Order. Bale couldn’t give two squirts about them. Mining outposts where he grew up weren’t exactly breeding grounds for patriotism. As a result, he never paid much attention to the ongoing conflicts of the galaxy, and as a bounty hunter, his allegiance was to the highest bidder. In recent years, he did manifest a sense of loyalty to the Brotherhood, and key individuals within the organization, people like Idris Adenn, General Zentru’la, Jorm Na’trej, and Aylin Sajark, who all helped him in times of need.
A brawler at heart, Bale Andros can be a force to reckon with. He may not have received formal martial training, but he makes up for his lack of theoretical know-how with innate skill and raw physical power. He compensates for his lack of finesse and grace with big fists, big muscles, and bigger guns, and he’s capable of turning anything large enough to swing around into a makeshift weapon. He is the sort of fellow who swings hard and wide, but he’s a big target and he’s not particularly light-footed.
In a chase, there are those who vault over obstacles, and those who run around them. Then you’ve got Bale. Bale runs through them. Relentless, he’ll crush, smash, and trample anything standing between him and his target. His natural resilience to pain and raw physical power allows him to cut a swath through most obstructions and close the distance without losing momentum. Unfortunately, there are obstacles that even he cannot break through, leading to bodily harm. It doesn’t help that he never quite seems to learn.
Master (+5) | |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) |
Disciple (+3) |
Studied (+2) |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | Broken Gate |
Secondary Martial Art | Whiptree |
Primary Weapon Specialization | None |
Secondary Weapon Specialization | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | None |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |