Current Character Sheet for Irian'Jaxerias "Jax" Erinos Settgré

Vice General Irian'Jaxerias "Jax" Erinos Settgré

Elder 2, Elder tier, Unaffiliated
Male Zygerrian, Loyalist, Orator
Height: 2.5 m / 8'2" - Weight: 130.0 kg / 287 lbs
Age: 53 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Character Images

Jax is a dark brown-skinned, lightly furred Zygerrian-Shistavanen hybrid male, with a mix and mutation of both species' features, including the furry, angular features of a only half-humanoid facial structure, elongated fangs, bony spurs around his chin, and upright, pointed canine ears that reveal every emotion. Most of his growing out shoulder-length hair and fur is a warm, ruddy reddish brown, streaking with aged silver at the roots and temples, and all of it is startlingly well-kept, treated, and styled for a long-tenured mercenary soldier and ex-convict, largely due to the influence of his adoptive Twi'lek mothers. His piercingly bright azure eyes with their slitted predator's pupils reveal a certain fire of emotion, usually ranging from intense curiosity, playful excitement, and joy to vicious contempt.

Jax has several scars, including a large slash stretching from jaw to brow across his nose and cheek, as well as enormous burn scars on his torso, limbs and sides, the markings of collars and chains around his neck and wrists, and the whip at his back, all of which make quite the storied tapestry out of his skin. Of particular note are three brands: two on the right side of his neck, one the tag of his original Zygerrian slaver owners, the other a mark of Zygerrian property and its credit value; and the third on his forehead, usually covered by his bangs, that of a highly condemned criminal in Zygerrian space.

He is well-muscled and athletic thanks to a lifetime of grueling work and dedicated training. However, he's had his share of mishaps, and has lost his right leg and the lower half of his left arm. Both were eventually replaced with top-of-the-line cybernetics, but further heroics on the battlefield led to Jax having the remainder of his left arm blown off at the shoulder, nerves too badly damaged to replace with cybers, and so the man only has one upper limb remaining.

Being something of a mutant, Jax is taller and bulkier than almost any of his dam or sire's species, and has more bestial traits. His facial structure is somewhat muzzle-like, and his fanged teeth cram into a mouth unsized for them instead of a fully snouted one, the many sharp points fully revealed when he truly roars. Meanwhile, his large hand and feet have more exaggerated claws, his legs a digitigrade canine arch, and he has the remaining stump of a tail. Any accent he might have had is mauled around his too many teeth, words growling from long, flanged vocal cords.

Loadout: Jax (Commander Normal)
Rise Against (General Aspect)

Born a bastard and raised by the female Twi'lek slaves of the slaver who abandoned him, Jax has long known and despises injustice, actively working against it. Sadly, he has also somehow been disappointed by every other society he's known, making him cynical and contemplative towards most galactic states. Working with the Erinos, however, was different. What he anticipated as a new face to the same visage of indentured servitude turned out to be an honest brotherhood, where it was not bought ownership but earned loyalty that inspired fealty. The Mandalorians possessed an independent and indomitable spirit, upholding truth, honor, and vision. While he originally served the Clan as an elite soldier, today he is a leader shaping younger generations. Jax carries the Resol'nare proudly, a way of life he could finally live by that served its people while its people served it.

The Man Who Can't Be Moved (General Aspect)

When Jax loves something — or someone — he's all in. He cares deeply and completely and usually without thought for himself. This has applied to his mothers, his fellow slaves and freemen, his gang, his tribe, his soldiers, his Mandalorian Clan — his family. And it applies not just to his ideals of brotherhood, honor, and loyalty but also to his heart: to the people with whom he has become kind, the people he befriended and loved, the man to whom he marries, and to the Foundling he has adopted as his own child.

Never untoward, though, he's happy to suffer his feelings - romantic, familial, friendly, or otherwise - unrequited or at distance just knowing they're alive and well. And nothing could ever convince him to "let go" or "move on," for his own sake or otherwise, not when he loves like this. Not when caring any less would make him someone else.

Help Is On the Way (Personality Aspect)

Jax holds great respect for the law and for proper governance, mainly because he'd seen so little of it in his life. He learned that it wasn't just the people that mistreated him and his own that were to blame, but the society that enabled and taught them to do so. He reasoned that sentients took their moral and behavioral cues from their government, and that a perverted government would beget perverted people. It is necessary not just to have a governing force — lest people act like selfish animals — but also to have the correct governance; one that promotes fairness and wisdom but gave rights to citizens while appropriately punishing offenders. In this belief, Jax sees himself as a sort of marshal and rebel, and is both vocally critical of any authority he disagrees with and quick to insert himself into conflicts he may have no place in.

My Mothers Told Me When I Was Young (Personality Aspect)

Jax is a simple man, strong-willed, romantic, goofy and intelligent underneath his groomed soldier exterior, a "savage daughter" of his mothers trying very hard to be presentable and fit nicely into a more Human galaxy. He prizes a balance of security and freedom above all else, second only to comrades or family, and lives to find that balance for others. An extremely lawful and diligent commander, his optimistic attitude seeks to understand and inspire others, and he has a soft spot for mothers, the unfortunate, and the starry-eyed. However, he despises slavers and cartel lords with a terrible hatred, and is overly harsh to those that don't respect order more than those that are of a sordid background. He struggles sometimes to choose between his high ideals and his emotions, especially when it comes to what is right versus what makes him happy, but he tries, as his mothers asked.

See the Flares In the Sky (Combat Aspect)

Given the incentive, Jax could destroy a city block with a bar of soap and some string. Another skill acquired and honed from his inmate days, Jax takes a certain unholy glee in watching things go BOOM. In his opinion, fire is bright and fire is clean, and it can purge even the darkest of stains and melt the thickest of chains, the last failsafe of a world gone wrong. While he is a careful expert of explosive arts, knowing the fatality in any mistake, he has weathered one war after another watching men die bloody and had his own limbs blown off. Between these injuries and more and more years spent leading and teaching than in one-on-one combat, his melee and ranged fighting skills have degraded. Still, Jax knows the power of a single spark, and his creative yet meticulous thinking can improvise unique solutions.

Many Become One (Combat Aspect)

Jax believes that people are shaped by their language. Language is the foundation of civilization, the cement that holds a people together, the first weapon drawn in a conflict. Everything begins and ends and circles about to the same thing: language.

Jax has studied many languages and cultures, raised multilingual, and continues learning more. He believes communication is the ultimate tool, the only true solution, and he always tries, even if it's just a little, to speak to others in their own tongue, literally or otherwise; to appeal to them as their own person, whether on the street or the battlefield. To meet them where they stand, no matter how different, even if he's to execute them shortly thereafter. It makes him a good leader to his people, but can leave him exposed and at odds with more aggressive sorts whose violence he may be forced to answer in kind.

Skill Feats
Second Skin II The Pen is Mightier Droid Whisperer Demolitions Expert Just A Flesh Wound II Petranaki I Made A Pipe Bomb I See What You Did There Sleeping Rancor Explosive Chicken Unyielding Defense Stay A While And Listen Envoy Intuition
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Golden Envoy Presence Order Feat: Loyalist Steel Curtain Intergalactic III Envoy's Will A Warrior's Call Silver Tongue III
  • Ancient Sith
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Bocce
  • Braille
  • Cheunh
  • Dadita
  • Ewokese
  • Huttese
  • Mando'a
  • Olys Corellisi
  • Selenian
  • Shistavanen
  • Shyriiwook
  • Sign Language
  • Sy Bysti
  • Twi'leki
  • Zabraki
  • Zygerrian
  • Cultural and Social Anthropology
  • History and cultural traditions of the Twi'lek people
  • Linguistics
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Mentorship, Training, and Education
  • Psychology, Trauma, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies
  • Smuggler Trade/Business/Ventures
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
  • Underworld Contacts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art K'thri
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None