Current Character Sheet for Caleb Wild'en

Vice General Caleb Wild'en

Elder 2, Elder tier, Unaffiliated
Male Togorian, Loyalist, Hunter
Height: 2.19 m / 7'2" - Weight: 110.59 kg / 244 lbs
Age: 31 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Caleb Wild’en is a Togorian and a proud one at that. His rounded ears are adorned by three helix piercings each. His eyes are an absolutely vivid blue with the left iris containing a rather startling imperfection. This imperfection comes in the form of a splinter of strikingly brilliant amethyst that crosses from the edge of his iris to the edge of his pupil. His facial features are strong, with full cheek ruffs, a broad muzzle and wide feline nose. His thin black lips always seem to be threatening a cocky grin at any given time, flashing the rather savage looking feline fangs behind them.

He has the common back-jointed legs of his species. He is very well toned, his build telling of someone who has spent more than a little time working to build the muscles of his legs and arms with a focus on tone as opposed to bulk. He is covered in short, purely white fur, broken only by attractive stripes in a rich jet black. Only the fur of his chest and stomach are absent of the stripes. His tail is long and slinky, never does it seem to remain still, always twitching or flicking about in some kind of motion. His claws are viciously curved, obviously intended for ripping and tearing into prey.

Caleb Wild’en speaks with a rich baritone voice, coloured by the slightest telltale hiss common to his people. The hiss is less audible when he speaks Shistavanen than when speaking Basic.

Character Image

Loadout: VBII Black Out
Ice Can Melt (General Aspect)

Caleb Wild’en has a soft spot for only one person, and it is this one person alone that brings out the protector in him. Be it because he sees something fragile in his partner or not, he becomes very protective, if not other times jealous in regards to his partner.

He can be driven to distraction when it comes to his partner, leading to missteps that are more often than not dangerous when it comes to a mission. On the flip side of that coin, it is that drive to protect (or show off) that makes him fight that much harder, work that much harder. He is not just in it for himself, he has someone to fight for, to take a bullet (or blaster bolt) for.

Eyes Like Ice (General Aspect)

Caleb Wild’en’s eyes are the chilly, ice blue of a frigid winter morning. Vivid in his strong-featured, furry face, they create a rather startling gaze, one that he has learned to use to full effect when staring down a mark on the other end of the barrel of his guns.

Expressive irises like his, however, come with the drawback of showing mood far more than one would be comfortable in certain situations. Luckily enough he is as honest as one comes… but the clouds of emotional turmoil are easy enough to make out at a glance without needing to be overly attuned to the emotions of others. In some cases, he appears intriguing at a glance.

Just A Bit Of Swagger (Personality Aspect)

Caleb Wild’en carries himself with a fair amount of confidence. That confidence leeches into his speech, into the lift of his ears and tail, his stance and the steady gaze of his brilliant eyes. He even walks with a bit of a swagger telltale of someone who thinks highly of his abilities.

He is easy to view as overconfident and cocky. He has been called some unsavoury things as a result. Caleb is not so thick as all that. It is all a show, whether working to impress someone of either gender for a night of company, or to protect himself… He only lets go of the swagger in the company of his partner.

Guileless Charm (Personality Aspect)

Caleb Wild’en is honest to a fault. He is genuine, very much the image of “what you see is what you get.” He is not one to mask his words in pretty platitudes and disingenuous small talk. He is to the point, clear cut, and forward with his thoughts and opinions. What is more is that he speaks in this way be it a stranger, a teammate, or his partner.

It is not a difficult leap by any means of viewing him as something of a prick. The honest truth can hurt, and some individuals really do not want to hear it. Caleb views that as more a fault in their way of thinking, though admits freely to his own faults. Either live with it or don’t, like him or not, he is not about to change his tact.

Eye Of The Storm (Combat Aspect)

Caleb Wild’en is an exceptional soldier. He never feels as alive as he does in the middle of battle. As much as he is an exceptional sniper, it is only in the middle of the flames of combat that he truly feels he shines. With guns blazing, he suffers not from the pressures of the maelstrom that rages around him.

He, however, does not take well to a support role. If he is not actively involved, he finds himself discontent in his role, and can often come across as insubordinate if that role is to stay back at base and hand out orders… or as he likes to put it “wait around for someone else to take a blaster bolt.”

Let's Get Physical (Combat Aspect)

Caleb Wild’en may have a preference for his firearms, however, he is not dependent upon them to defend himself by any means. He has physical strength, speed and know-how to get down and dirty, properly. He, however, does not make a habit of being the aggressor in a physical confrontation. He will not start the physical altercation, but he will put an end to it one way or another.

Choosing not to throw the first punch has found him being accused of weakness on more than one occasion. In truth, he sees no reason to throw his weight around. Let the attacker throw the first punch and see how far it gets them; much in keeping with his chosen martial arts.

Skill Feats
Fear Will Keep Them In Line Guns Akimbo Run And Gun The Force is With Me Ambidexterity II Quick Draw Parkour! Down Scope I See What You Did There Just The Two Of Us III Second Skin II Nine Out of Ten Lightning Reflexes
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Envoy's Will Order Feat: Loyalist Steel Curtain Tools Of The Trade III On The Trail III
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Mando'a
  • Shistavanen
  • Togorian
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Practices and Beliefs of the Mandalorian People
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Slugthrowers
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Bladed
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None