Carr is just above average height for his age, with the promise of being above average as an adult. Being so young and far from finished growing, already it is not difficult to see that his body holds the promise of being lean, even lanky in build. Perched upon his head are expressive and largish canid ears reminiscent of a fox. The fur between his ears is left shaggy and unkempt as if even brushing a hand through it is simply an afterthought.
Pale grey eyes look out from a fluffy face, each pupil vulpine in shape. His face is dominated by a broad muzzle lined with pointed teeth. Carr's body is thickly furred from the top of his to his fuzzy toes. Their fur could only be described as blond and is a rather nice mix of pale yellows, caramels, ivory and sienna, all blending to be rather esthetically pleasing to the eye. All that fur is thick and soft. Their tail is as unkempt as their headfur, looking as though his idea of brushing it out is to run his fingers through it before padding out the door. Upon fingers and toes are slightly dulled black claws. At times, the most that can be asked is that he ensures there is no machine oil, grease or other such things in his fur before he goes out in public.
Carr's voice is a little gravely, even a bit rough sounding, with the promise of getting a little more so as he gets older and his voice gains in bass. For now, his voice remains a little high not unusual for having yet to hit adolescence.
Carr Cinteroph spends much of his time messing around with computers, datapads and comms. He has tampered with any he could get his paws on, taking them apart, putting them back together, and just figuring out what makes them tick and how Carr could get them to do what he wants. It is not only the hardware that fascinates him; it is the software, so much so that he has made a hobby of slicing into them to see if he could. The more complex, the better.
His “hobby” gets him into trouble now and then. People do not like their files being sliced into or their ship terminals tampered with.
Like his siblings, Carr Cinteroph is, in fact, Force-sensitive. It is no surprise when one considers they’ve inherited it from their mother, the one parent all three have in common. He has never been interested in the training or discipline necessary to develop them. He is far more likely to crack a joke about his powers being in the Alpha testing phase than he is to sit through a lesson on how to use them properly. He is likely to ask what “use them properly” even means and suggest a standardized definition be agreed upon before he will submit to their perceived “proper use.”
Carr Cinteroph’s attitude regarding his inherent powers makes him appear lazy or dismissive of the Force. He, however, does respect Force-users quite a bit. He has a vague understanding of what others put into mastering their abilities. His interests just lay elsewhere, entirely.
Carr Cinteroph has always been awkward around other people. He has a difficult time making friends. Droids and computers are easier to understand. He is often mistaken for antisocial, weird, or simply uninterested in the company of others. At worst, he is seen as a troublemaker. Nothing could be further from the truth, except maybe the troublemaker part.
Carr Cinteroph is quite lonely and craves the friendship of the people around him. It causes him to act out in ways he thinks will get him their attention. Under all the awkwardness and impish mischief-making, there is a big heart. He is fiercely protective of his friends and family and cherishes the bonds he has managed to make. Even if he has trouble letting on that those bonds exist.
Carr Cinteroph is an intelligent kid, especially when it comes to computers. Being knowledgeable in the workings and applications of technology does not translate into being smart with words or when to use them. Doubly so for knowing when to cease using them and stop talking. He is generally pretty sarcastic at the best of times and comes across as having a bit of an attitude.
Carr Cinteroph means well. He understands etiquette and good manners and knows when to fall back on them. Most of the time, he is quite polite. Other times, the mouth starts moving before the brain can kick in, and manners are left by the wayside.
Carr Cinteroph is a little young to see combat. That does not mean it never happens, such are the dangers of being a “member” of the Voidbreaker II crew. It has been drilled into his skull that he is to stay back and find cover if he ever finds himself close to the action. Carr Cinteroph knows better than to disobey a direct order, but no one ever said he could not be helpful while doing so.
Carr Cinteroph will use his Slicing skills to gain access to useful systems, take control of remote turrets, and generally be as big a nuisance as he can to the enemy. The stress of the situation does not seem to phase him. However, his hyper-focus on a self-set task can put him in danger if the enemy ever finds him out and his position is compromised.
Carr Cinteroph has no training to fight, nor is he necessarily interested in learning to fight. Besides the fact that his sibling is happy keeping him out of the way of combat. Sometimes, it cannot be helped, though. Being the troublemaker that he is, he has a particular knack for setting up clever traps using what he has on hand. Nothing is as shocking to an enemy as a circuit set to overload directly into their body. Nor is there anything as breathtaking as an airlock opening to the vacuum of space.
Faced with an enemy at close range, Carr Cinteroph has little else he can do but try and make a run for it. Perhaps he could try and look cute or innocent and hope the enemy takes pity on a kid.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | Corellian Kickboxing |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form V (Djem So) |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |