Ro'ki stands at the shorter side of the Selonian height spectrum. He has a supple, toned build adorned with subtle curvaceousness that marks him as not necessarily male or entirely female. He is best described as twinkish or, perhaps, slinky. His head fur is grown a little longer on top and dyed a bright orange and pale cream; his eyebrows are dyed to match. An industrial piercing adorns his left ear, ears that are small and softly rounded. He also wears an eyebrow piercing above his left eye, and a tongue stud. His eyes are slate grey in colour and photosensitive. Ro'ki has thin black webbing between his padded fingers and toes that aids him in swimming, as much as his thickly muscled and long tail that acts as a rudder below the water's surface. His chocolate brown fur
Ro'ki has telltale signs of abuse in the form of scars crisscrossing his back, and shoulder blades. Additionally, fewer though they are and more narrow, there are also scars on his upper thighs and abdomen. Mostly hidden by his fur, they present as lines of white fur in the darker brown.
Ro'ki's voice is slightly high-pitched, in the A3 note range, with mild breathiness and wide formant spacing and could be a matter of his small stature. His voice type can be best described as a Soprano.
Ro’ki believes strongly in being himself and allowing others to do the same. He left his homeworld because who he was was frowned upon, the people he grew up around, including his family, were not accepting of him. Part of that was his being born intersex with a primarily male stature and body shape but with female reproductive parts; he did not fit the societal norm of his homeworld where males and fertile females were protected.
His feelings regarding societal norms back home have earned him a certain degree of disdain from others of his kind. He accepts that even if he sometimes feels lonely without the friendship of other Selonians and a place to return to if he ever wishes to return home.
Ro’ki is perfectly capable of fulfilling their responsibilities. He is, after all, a natural mechanic and pilot. Sometimes, it is just tricky to want to do the full completion of duties thing when there are far more amusing things to get up to. Like eating, reading a comic book, or just taking a nap in the shade, who would not want to breathe in the fresh air while napping next to a stream (or at his desk in the middle of class?) Ro’ki has somehow managed to turn it into an art form.
As a result of his slacker ways, others tend to underestimate his capabilities. When asked why he is slacking off, he responds honestly, even brightly; Why not?
Ro’ki has been through hardships that have left their mark, both physical and psychological. He was abused, thrown out into the streets, and did what he had to to survive. He was lucky to meet the people he has and end up where he has distanced from the pain of a turbulent youth… except he is still relatively young. It is easy to forget that he has a rough past when he is all smiles. When most stressed, he will bake mountains of sweets and treats to deal with his emotions.
A question that has come up is how he went from his homeworld to Selen or survived on the street. It is perhaps the one topic he never offers commentary on. Like any Selonian, he won’t lie; instead, he will avoid the topic altogether with an off-handed comment that he won’t return to that life.
Ro’ki has never been accused of being shy, timid or quiet by friends or peers. The Selonian is exceptionally social, open, friendly and ready with a smile and a warm greeting. He is social by nature and is quick to make friends. Moreover, he strives to approach and include others to make them feel welcome. Ro’ki can be pretty talkative as a result and has even been referred to as garrulous at times.
Some find his chattiness annoying and disingenuous, like he is trying too hard to fit in. In actuality, he reaches out to people, approaches them and gets to know them because he is often alone and far from home. He needs to connect with people to replace the family he has been estranged from just for being who he is.
Ro’ki, for lack of a better term, is a wiggler. He is challenging to pin down or grapple. He squirms, wiggles, and does not stop moving long enough for someone to get a good hold of him, making him a terrible target to wrestle down and immobilize.
Ro’ki always seems to be in motion, which to some, can be irritating. Be it in class or a mission briefing, he will fidget and twitch and just cannot seem to sit still.
Ro’ki is not one for getting into physical altercations. He would prefer to settle things with words if at all possible. He will scramble to reason with an assailant, to apply logic and talk his way out if he can, with the complete understanding that sometimes, there is no way to avoid a conflict coming to blows.
It is common for people to underestimate him based on his size. Others believe he does not know how to fight with how hard he tries to talk his way out of trouble. Maybe he is a coward. Of course, it is simpler than all that. A physical fight takes too much effort, and someone always gets hurt; then there is the clean-up. Isn’t there something better to be off doing? It also works in his favour when an assailant discovers that he CAN fight contrary to what they thought.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) |
Disciple (+3) |
Studied (+2) |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | K'thri |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Weapon Specialization | None |
Secondary Weapon Specialization | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | None |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |