Current Character Sheet for Tierra Suha'sen

Governor Tierra Suha'sen

Elder 2, Elder tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Zelosian, Loyalist, Director, Rebel
Height: 1.84 m / 6'0" - Weight: 65.0 kg / 143 lbs
Age: 32 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Tierra is a wiry female Zelosian with a fair complexion and average height for her species. Refraining from any sort of makeup, she keeps herself well kempt and spotless to accentuate her natural beauty. Her eyes are a mild green hue, and she keeps her naturally dark green hair well groomed, long, and naturally curly, entirely refraining from dying it in any way. Her striking looks are only blemished by a barely noticeable birthmark beneath her left ear, and several larger ones on the back of her neck.

Character image

Loadout: Tierra's underwater gear
Once A Rebel, Always A Rebel (General Aspect)

Tierra has a strong sense of personal and societal freedom, mostly freedom from authoritarianism and oppression. It has been, and still remains, a driving force for her career as an officer in the Odan-Urr military, as well as her career as an intelligence officer in the Sentinel Network. She wears her compassion for the oppressed and downtrodden on her shoulder which gains her as many allies as it does enemies, especially in the political arena.

Jedi Living In Ivory Towers Are More Dangerous Than No Jedi At All (General Aspect)

Tierra is a strong supporter of Jedi — not least because of her religious views of the Force — but never their complete devotee. She believes, as do many in Odan-Urr, that Jedi are just as flawed as anyone, and require continued nurturing not to become complacent, egotistical, and, ultimately, a detriment to their Clan, their Order, and the people they vow to protect. She holds complete pacifists and utter warmongers in equal contempt, while those treading a fine line are owed respect, compassion, and cooperation. Many Jedi do not see their order in such down-to-earth terms and consider Tierra a nosy miscreant at best, a traitor at worst.

Never Forget To Smile (Personality Aspect)

Tierra is a joyful and positive individual despite all she has seen in her life. Even when the going gets tough she will give a reassuring smile to keep up morale. She radiates confidence in leadership, even when there's is precious little to be confident about. Many see it as delusional behaviour, but more often than not her confident presence and positive attitude will push even doubters to follow her into hell and back.

Political Shindig (Personality Aspect)

Tierra is educated in and accustomed to political and courtly life, even if she doesn't necessarily like it to begin with. She thrives in the arena of word play, underhanded dealings, corruption, and fake smiles and greets them with an anticipation of a challenge. She uses any and all assets at her disposal to gain leverage on her opposition to strike a backroom deal before ever stepping in the limelight to address the wider public. She has become quite adept in her methods and many a politician would revel in the chance to cut her down a few pegs, or outright eliminate her from the equation.

My Legs Still Work (Combat Aspect)

While she isn't cowardly, Tierra is no fool and would rather run, hide, or evade any opposing combatants she recognizes as a severe threat. This applies doubly so for opposing Force Users, whom she makes a point of avoiding well in advance. She relies on subterfuge, deceit, and her allies in combat more than her own skill and, unless it jeopardizes a mission, isn't beyond ordering a retreat if it means saving lives. It brings her goodwill from the soldiers on the grounds, but creates nearly insurmountable barriers with warrior types, honorable and dishonorable alike.

All Your Base... (Combat Aspect)

Tierra isn't the greatest warrior nor even a particularly mediocre one. Sure, she can fire a slugthrower well enough, but what she excels at is crowd control. Unless her opponent has some means of blocking or avoiding her slicing skills, or the environment she is in is less than favorable, she will use every trick in the Slicer's Holobook to block, divert, and confuse her adversary as much as possible, either to buy time for herself or trap them in unfavorable conditions. It is an annoying tactic for most opponents who cannot avoid it, but to those who can outslice or outsmart her, she could become easy prey, especially if she doesn't move from the data terminal she is slicing.

Skill Feats
Built Bridges No Scope Good Cop Ivory Tower Droid Whisperer Classic Misdirection Keen Mind III Lip Reader Run And Gun Disarming Smile Assess The Situation Pistol-cuffs Buttons are Buttons
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Loyalist Checkmate III Silver Tongue III
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • High Galactic
  • Ithorian
  • Mon Calamarian
  • Nautila
  • Sephi
  • Utapese
  • Zelosian
  • Air and ground combat tactics
  • Corporations, guilds, and workers' rights
  • Courtly etiquette and politics in monarchical courts
  • Espionage and counter espionage
  • High-security computer systems
  • Interrogation and Counter-Interrogation
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
  • The internal, illicit, and covert operations of the Brotherhood
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art Echani
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None