Current Character Sheet for Killer Whale

Professional Killer Whale

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Male Herglic, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist
Height: 2.3 m / 7'7" - Weight: 270.0 kg / 595 lbs
Age: 25 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

"Killer Whale" stands tall and broad even for a Herglic, towering over most small- or even average-sized species. His shiny, jet black skin tends to gleam in the light. Pure black eyes with a slight glint to them hinted at a deeper intelligence than his heavily muscled form would suggest. He has no particular distinguishing marks.

Loadout: Standard Wrestling Gear
Gentle Giant (General Aspect)

Despite his massive size, Killer Whale is a soft-spoken and kind person. He always watches out for those he knows and does whatever he can to help out in any way possible. Because of Killer Whale's intimidating size, sometimes he doesn't get the chance to get past first impressions though, and that can be more than a bit disheartening.

Blind Optimist (General Aspect)

Every legendary story seems to have at least one charming and optimistic character. If that's the case, then it only makes sense that Killer Whale has decided to be that person. After all, if everyone is too busy whining and groaning about the negatives, how will anyone ever reach the positive? True, Killer Whale's constant belief that things will get better can be terribly grating, especially to pessimists or those just level-headed enough to realize when things truly are going downhill, but Killer Whale's constant positive outlook can serve to sometimes spur others to action when it feels like the world just wants them to lay down and die.

"Face" the Crowd (Personality Aspect)

Killer Whale is a Face wrestler, through-and-through. For him it's not just about in the ring, but also dealing with fans and soon-to-be-fans anywhere they go. Killer Whale is a good person to his core and will always do whatever he can to bring a smile to somebody's face.

In Shining Armor? (Personality Aspect)

Killer Whale has a knack for making heroic entrances whenever possible. This is actually something he works at, and one of these days, he might just be a little too late.

The Show Must Go On (Combat Aspect)

Killer Whale knows how to take a blow and keep going. No matter the severity of the injury he might receive, he will get right back up and into the fight as long as he can still move. He will often fight long past when he should, leading to the severity of the injuries he receives being far greater and sometimes even life-threatening. His stubborn nature and devotion to the "show" means Killer Whale will generally refuse any sort of assistance or medical intervention until the fight is over.

Flash More Than Function (Combat Aspect)

In general, Killer Whale's fighting is for the purposes of putting on a good show. His moves are flashy and draw a lot of attention, but aren't always the most effective at causing damage - by intention, since it's primarily about entertainment. While he does know how to fight properly, his natural instincts are to go for the big, impressive move more than the most effective one and it can often be difficult for him to change from that if he finds himself in an actual real fight.

Skill Feats
Flex This Hard Lightning Reflexes Petranaki Sleeping Rancor Knuckle Fists Parkour! The Force is With Me
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Medley I Proficiency I Order Feat: Mercenary
  • Basic
  • Herglese
  • Shyriiwook
  • Sign Language
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Historical Wrestling Methods and Practices
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Methods for Working Up a Crowd
  • Proper Use of Performance Enhancing Substances
  • Safe Practices for Professional Wrestling
  • Safe and Effective Workout Regimens
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Wrruushi
Secondary Martial Art K'thri
Primary Weapon Specialization Miscellaneous
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None