Current Character Sheet for Crow OfDusk

Crow OfDusk

Journeyman 1, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Male Draethos, Krath, Seeker
Height: 1.9 m / 6'3" - Weight: 95.0 kg / 209 lbs
Age: 160 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Crow has a dark toned, blue-grey skin, along with large, sharp front teeth, and claws on each of his eight fingers. With piercing blue eyes and a large build, he towers over many races.


Crow OfDusk has not created any public loadouts yet.

You've Failed Me For the Last Time (General Aspect)

Crow OfDusk possesses a cold and completely uncaring demeanour. This will manifest itself in the fact that when push comes to shove,Crow OfDusk will just as soon leave a struggling ally behind rather than put themselves in danger. While this may ensure his survival, it often leaves him as an outcast amongst his peers.

I Need a Drink! (Personality Aspect)

Crow OfDusk is often confused and heavily saddened by the amount of idiocy that constantly surrounds him. It is often much easier for Crow OfDusk to cope with people by ensuring he stays inebriated and dulling his senses. When unable to find alcohol for an extended period of time, Crow OfDusk will devolve into a ravenous, hate-filled monster that is nigh impossible to be around. In other words, Crow OfDusk is an addict.

Dirty Fighter (Combat Aspect)

When it comes to a fight, some like to posture, some like to act tough, some like to dance around and go through all sorts of fancy footwork. Crow OfDusk? Crow OfDusk doesn't bother with exotic battle stances, intricate maneuvers, or super-secret tactics. Crow OfDusk, when cornered into a fight, prefers the ancient technique of a good kick to the nuts. And if that won't work, either because the enemy is a woman or has balls of steel, Crow OfDusk isn't beyond pulling a few more cheap tricks out of the bag. Granted, Crow OfDusk won't be winning any medals for nobility or any prestige for a unique fighting style or a superb maneuver, but Crow OfDusk will still be winning, the best and most dirty way he knows how.

Skill Feats
Stay A While And Listen Blending In
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Force Interrogation I Seeking I Draethos: As Far As I Can See
  • Basic
  • Draethos
  • Ancient History of the Golden Age of the Sith and the Fall of the Sith Empire
  • Fall of the Old Republic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Teras Kasi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form 0 (Banlanth)