Archived Character Sheet for Vorust Traund

Major Vorust Traund

Equite 2, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Arkanian, Loyalist, Weapons Specialist
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 80.3 kg / 177 lbs
Age: 36 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Bred from the purest Arkanian genetic code, Vorust Traund is as close to a baseline Arkanian as is possible. Ashen hair contrasts against his tanned skin, braided in the back while the remaining strands fall around the box-cut shoulders of an otherwise regal uniform. Stark white eyes glare from beneath an ever-furrowed brow. Although slight, his body has been genetically modified to follow his vision of perfection—high cheekbones, a strong jaw and a commanding stature. Like his genetic code, his uniform has been tailored to unrealistic standards—unblemished white with gold stitching.

(Legacy) Weapon Loadout

Holdout blaster

Harbinger of Perfection (General Aspect)

Determined to place himself over all other “lesser” species, Vorust has modified his own genetic code to be nearly perfect. This has allowed him to gather all of the desirable traits to hone himself into his vision of a genetically perfect being without room for error.

While Vorust views himself as perfect, his vision is a delusion as he still has all the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of his race. He is also still bound by the limits of unaugmented physical conditioning.

Pure-Blooded (General Aspect)

Vorust’s past is painted in the blood of imperfect Arkanians—offshoots of mixed blood often taken advantage of for their limited uses. He cares little for the well-being of his subordinates, but will use their survival as fuel to inflate the ego of his brilliance.

This calloused indifference to the lives of his subordinates does not escape their notice and doesn’t garner Vorust much loyalty.

Aristocrat (Personality Aspect)

Vorust Traund labels himself as superior to all others, regardless of rank or skill. He does not take orders, making him arrogant and prone to disobedience in the chain of command.

Those who have risen above him in rank share a collective indignation at his superiority complex, making Vorust’s cooperative attitude with direct superiors non-existent and prone to starting more conflict than his intellect can solve.

Thin-Skinned (Personality Aspect)

Even the smallest infraction can be an offense to Vorust, and he has a habit of holding grudges against individuals that offend him. He has been known to hold unruly subordinates in lock-up for insulting his intelligence until a suitable apology is given.

This causes his subordinates to walk on eggshells around him and avoid relaying harsh truths which may prove critical to ongoing operations.

Academic Tactician (Combat Aspect)

Vorust Traund does not fight his own battles, instead commanding his underlings from a remote base somewhere far from the front lines. Even so, his brilliance is a weapon in and of itself, leading him to route the hardiest militaries and topple the best commanders through sheer will and planning.

When faced with a physical confrontation he will make every effort to either escape or place a subordinate between himself and his attacker. Only when absolutely cornered will he defend himself.

When Opportunity Knocks (Combat Aspect)

Although Vorust does not like to share credit of his victories, he knows better than to shun a valuable asset from his side. Whatever the occasion and with the smallest scrap of intel, he can formulate a plan of action around it. Whether he has the visions of a Seer at his disposal, the resources of a neutral faction or a simple knowledge of the battlefield, he can turn these into a master plan.

Vorust’s master plans often become complex and he often has trouble effectively communicating them to “mere mortals” which hampers their execution.

Skill Feats
Assess The Situation La Resistance I I See What You Did There Ivory Tower Sociopath Classic Misdirection I've Got A Bad Feeling About This Pistol-cuffs
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Loyalist Arkanian: Infrared Vision Arkanian: Sunglasses At Night Medley II Proficiency II
  • Arkanian
  • Basic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Teras Kasi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Bladed
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None