Current Character Sheet for Kazarelth Talismarr

Kazarelth Talismarr

Equite 1, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Chiss, Sith, Seeker, Krath
Height: 1.9 m / 6'3" - Weight: 65.0 kg / 143 lbs
Age: 34 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

The third thing you notice about Kazarelth once you have processed his species and his height, is that he has a mild stoop affecting his shoulders. He seems to bend ever so slightly towards you, bringing to mind a hulking monster whose shoulders are too heavy for the rest of the body. And then you look at his face again to make sense of this overall construct and see that it is gaunt, with eyes that seem to be slits, and a face that has some sort of chronic disease which resembles vitiligo. The blue of his face is splotchy, and the malnourished cheeks try their best to hide the cheekbones. If he opens his mouth to talk, you can make out rows of uneven teeth, yellowing. But you can make it out better when he grins at you, which he does at every given opportunity. Thin arms and thinner legs make it seem like an above average gust of wind would disperse whatever glue is holding him together. In all, he looks like a hastily put together block-toy.


Kazarelth Talismarr has not created any public loadouts yet.

Some Screws are Loose (General Aspect)

Kazarelth has a penchant for imbibing psychedelics, hallucinogens, dissociatives, downers, uppers, stimulants and other sundry mind altering chemicals. He calls it "scientific experiments on the self", but everyone knows that it is a euphemism for "drug abuse". Years of these scientific experiments have taken their toll on his brain, and while for all reasons and purposes he appears sane, he is not. Dissonant laughter in the midst of a losing battle, creepy monotones employed during peacetime and a mood that swings between euphoric joy at torture to deathly masochism ensure that Kazarelth is given a wide berth by his Clanmates as well as the footsoldiers of Tarentum. Most of the time, though, he loves scaring people for no reason.

Child at Heart (General Aspect)

Kazarelth Talismarr is perfectly capable of fulfilling responsibilities and doing his duties. But goofing off and having fun will always have a heavy sway in his decision making. He sometimes ignores orders or finds ways to spend as much time avoiding an assignment as possible.

You Assume Too Much (Personality Aspect)

Kazarelth Talismarr has a tendency to be secretive and keeps to himself, relying on deception to conceal his motives and intentions. He is a schemer, and plots and plans against others carefully. When dealing with a confrontation, he will try and bluff his way out of trouble, or overcome obstacles with deliberate, covert actions.

Technically Legal (Personality Aspect)

Kazarelth Talismarr prefers to push the rules to the absolute limit. While he is unlikely to actually break rules or disobey orders, he toes the line between what is allowed and what isn't at every opportunity.

Dirty Fighter (Combat Aspect)

When it comes to a fight, some like to posture, some like to act tough, some like to dance around and go through all sorts of fancy footwork. Kazarelth Talismarr? Kazarelth Talismarr doesn't bother with exotic battle stances, intricate maneuvers, or super-secret tactics. Kazarelth Talismarr, when cornered into a fight, prefers the ancient technique of a good kick to the nuts. And if that won't work, either because the enemy is a woman or has balls of steel, Kazarelth Talismarr isn't beyond pulling a few more cheap tricks out of the bag. Granted, Kazarelth Talismarr won't be winning any medals for nobility or any prestige for a unique fighting style or a superb maneuver, but Kazarelth Talismarr will still be winning, the best and most dirty way he knows how.

Puppeteer (Combat Aspect)

Kazarelth Talismarr seems to get his thrills, perhaps sadistic ones at that, from toying with his opponents. Some are content with simply striking down or injuring their opponent, but that is not enough for Kazarelth Talismarr. No, he wishes to see his enemy descend into madness or kneel before him as a blathering mess; or even better, as a fresh new servant with a muddled mind. The Puppeteer usually forsakes outright hurting and maiming his opponent and focuses on illusions, mind tricks, and other wicked means of destroying a person.

Skill Feats
Ivory Tower Classic Misdirection
Force Feats
Elementary Manchurian Candidate I Know That Feel, Bro
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Sith Chiss: Wise Beyond Years Force Interrogation II Seeking II Chiss: Sore Thumbs
  • Basic
  • Cheunh
  • Applied Torture Techniques of the Old Empire
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Necromancy of Tarentum
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Vaapad)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form II (Makashi)