Archived Character Sheet for A'lora Kituri

Seer A'lora Kituri, Councillor of Urr

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Togruta, Force Disciple, Shadow, Consular
Height: 1.78 m / 5'10" - Weight: 67.5 kg / 149 lbs
Age: 47 years - Right Handed
Physical Description


On the surface, A'lora Kituri is as ferocious as she is beautiful. Encased in pure white flesh, the hollow protrusions of her montrals are shorter than average for her species. Framing fierce - yet attractive - features, her lekku are decorated in a mesmerizing pattern of blue stripes which extend to her montrals, forming dark cerulean caps at their summit. Lavender-skinned with white markings, her skin takes on an exotic shade for her species and serves as camoflage in certain environments.

Maintaining a lithe but muscular figure lends to her boundless athletic talent. Well-toned and muscular, she is able-bodied with a curvacious figure that could easily be mistaken for that of a dancer than a warrior. Standing at a slightly less than average height for her species, her montrals still make her taller than the females of most other species and noticeable in small crowds.

Her savage nature is most evident in her darkened face. Prominient upper cheekbones and angular brows contribute towards a fierce and almost intimidating appearance, hinting at a lifetime bent on survival. Deepset amber eyes provide a stark contrast to otherwise striking features, being constantly shadowed within their sockets. Stained several shades darker than her skin, her thin lips are a deep shade of violet than the rest of her face. Combined with a natural pattern of white markings covering most of her face, her devotion to the life of a warrior-seer is unmistakable, even to the most unpracticed gaze.


Sharing a deep connection with her surroundings has made A'lora Kituri forego the traditional Jedi robes in favour of lighter and less restrictive attire. Crafted from natural materials, these articles are tight-fitting as to not become a hindrance while performing acrobatic maneuvers. As a result, her usual attire is far more revealing than standard tunics and are best suited towards lush, forested terrain. In extreme climates, her wardrobe can be altered to conform to her surroundings, adding thicker, heavier materials to protect her against the elements.

(Legacy) Weapon Loadout
  • Confluence Lightsaber
  • Quarterstaff
  • Electrostaff

Personal Image

Confluence (General Aspect)

Her successes against the Brotherhood are often attributed to a Force Meld formed between herself and allies on the battlefield—especially her most trusted adviser, Vorsa—and her renowned Farsight.

Because of her talents and countless attempts to undermine the Brotherhood, Inquisitorius agents have been tasked more than once with eliminating the High Councillor; thus, she has resolved to hone her senses of Perception along with the natural talents afforded by her montrals to counteract attempts at assassination.

White Currents (General Aspect)

Trained as a Fallanassi on the plains of J't'p'tan, A'lora Kituri follows a religion devoted to the White Current - otherwise known as the Force. While she has no skills with manipulating the world around her through abilities such as Telekinesis, her teachings have taught A'lora Kituri the value of Manipulating her enemies through the use of Illusion, Concealment and Force Cloak

A'lora Kituri seeks to immerse herself in the flows and ripples of the Force itself, having no desire to physically affect her surroundings. Instead, she focuses on the three aspects of spirit, mind and body.

Coursing River (Personality Aspect)

Raised on the Togruta homeworld of Shili, A'lora Kituri follows a set of cultural beliefs that makes her spiritually connected with the organic environments around her. Her affinity with nature lends to her Survival in even the most extreme environments. Given time, she is able to use Crafting to adapt her gear to better suit the terrain and climate or tame the native fauna through Beast Control.

Ripples in the Force (Personality Aspect)

Suffering from a near-incapability to make individual decisions on her own as a result of separation from her pack on Shili, A'lora Kituri instead relies on her Farsight to provide a clear path to follow. These visions are not always correct, and certain details could affect the entire outcome of her blind devotion to the will of the Force.

Tsunami (Combat Aspect)

Seeking a direct advantage over would-be assassins, A'lora Kituri has discovered a new means of defense against Brotherhood agents. Forgoing traditional lightsaber designs in favour of a bulkier extendable hilt has allowed her to shift between a saberstaff and lightsaber pike with relative ease. Sacrificing one blade allows for an extended handle, which can be used as a fulcrum in launching acrobatic maneuvers.

Outside of lightsaber combat, her finesse with most staff-like weapons affords her the use of most blunt-ended quarterstaves and electrostaves. Lacking for physical strength, she relies on the momentum of her weapon to deal a sustainable amount of damage with each strike. Although her quarterstaff is often at her side as a walking stick, it has served in countless trials against combatants.

Float Like A Butterfly (Combat Aspect)

Seeking to sow misdirection to her benefit, A'lora Kituri will strive to befuddle the minds of her opponents, but not crush them. Using her power to create Illusions, A'lora Kituri will often contrive false duplicates of herself to serve as dopplegangers. In addition to this, she will use other underhanded tactics designed to confuse her opponents and might use Force Cloak in the heat of a battle to recuperate, escape or change her angle of approach. Where possible, A'lora Kituri will remain hidden and poised for the first strike, whether through her knowledge of the environment or other Force-related means.

Skill Feats
Just A Flesh Wound I Ambidexterity II
Force Feats
More Than A Feeling Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain Force Meld I Don’t Stop Believin’
Granted Feats
Togruta: Pack Mentality Togruta: Echolocation Ghosting II Faceless II Order Feat: Force Disciple
  • Basic
  • Togruti
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art K'thri
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Juyo)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None