Current Character Sheet for Xeipha


Equite 1, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Zelosian, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist
Height: 1.6 m / 5'3" - Weight: 55.0 kg / 121 lbs
Age: 35 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Xeipha has a soft face with a pert nose and full lips that stand out on their own without need of glamour. That said, the Zelosian woman often accentuates her large, almond shaped eyes with dark makeup that pops noticeably against her smooth, fair skin. Her eyes match the emerald color of her straight, layered hair that barely touches her shoulders. Her lithe, athletic frame is proportionate to her height and weight giving her a smooth gait. Her bust is below average, which she rarely shows off by not wearing very revealing clothing.

Xeipha's style consists of several layers, with pieces that allow ease and mobility. She favors black, fitted leggings worn beneath a pair of dark green shorts with matching green combat boots and black laces. A dark green tube top is the first piece that covers her chest, which has a black fishnet tank top layered over it. The net shows signs of wear and tear but is mostly covered by a simple black, cropped t-shirt that hangs off of one shoulder. Around her waist is a black belt with slots on either side to holster her blaster pistols. Her small hands are almost always covered by a pair of black, finger-less gloves.

Loadout: Xeipha
Seen One, Seen ‘Em All (General Aspect)

Before leaving to wander the galaxy as a mercenary, Xeipha was originally trained and educated by Jedi. Even after determining she was not strong enough in the Force to continue training towards Knighthood, they allowed her to stay and hone her other skills to the best of her abilities. Combined with her rise through Arcona’s ranks as a Journeyman later in her life, Xeipha is rarely phased by the supernatural feats Force Users are able to pull off around her. This allows her to work with and compete alongside Force Users without hesitation and often with a level head. In the same light, she can often overestimate her own abilities with respect to her counterparts sometimes preternatural abilities.

Bad Touch (General Aspect)

Xeipha has a unique form of xenophobia that pertains to species that possess some kind of tentacle-like appendage. This fear is most prominent when she encounters members of the Twi'lek or Togruta race. When interacting with Twi'lek's or Togruta, Xeipha tends to clam up and become rigidly wary and shy. Even shaking hands is a struggle to keep her composure. Fortunately, she has enough skill in Subterfuge to make it through most common interaction. As long as one of them doesn't try to hug her or something. (Oddly enough, she does not seem to mind creates or critters. She does not know why this is.)

All By Myself (Personality Aspect)

Xeipha prefers to work alone, despite enjoying the company of others. Always looking for the most efficient way to tackle a task, she simply feels that other people complicate operations and make her preference for stealth and subtlety harder to pull off. Outside of operations, Xeipha finds it hard to relate with most people, and tends to gravitate towards the few people she trusts. While fiercely loyal, this makes it difficult for her to work with new people.

You’re Sugar, You’re Sweet (Personality Aspect)

When not acting a part for a mission, Xeipha is lighthearted and enjoys interacting with other people. She likes to flirt with any female she meets, regardless of her level of attraction to them. If they don’t return her friendliness, however, she can get shy very quickly, and if they exceed it, she can find herself in an awkward position. Since her bloodstream is not affected by alcohol the same way as other organics, Xeipha can only get intoxicated when having an abundance of sugar. In these situations, she is twice as outgoing, more hands on with those around her and more prone to say something she might regret later on.

Nimbly Bimbly (Combat Aspect)

Xeipha prides herself on her flexibility and mobility in combat. She puts her compact frame to good use by acrobatically weaving through battle while keeping her target area small. She will look to dispatch enemies in her path with Martial Arts first, but is not afraid to whip out her twin Blaster pistols if needed. Always moving, she is a better marksman when she has room to operate. Her reliance on her athleticism has its limits, however, and she is much less effective in tight spaces where she can be overpowered by more melee oriented fighters.

Snake!? (Combat Aspect)

Whether moving through the shadows or operating in plain sight, Xeipha uses her wit and guile to as a weapon of its own. In combat, she will stick to the shadows and tread lightly with stealth, taking advantage of obstacles in the environment to conceal her presence. Otherwise, she will throw on a disguise and act her way close to a target before striking. Her preference for Subterfuge over direct engagement often puts her at a disadvantage when forced into a direct conflict or firefight.

Skill Feats
Run And Gun No Scope Parkour! Pulling. It. Off. Pistol-cuffs Disarming Smile
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Zelosian: Horticulturist Zelosian: Pour Some Sugar On Me Order Feat: Mercenary Medley II Proficiency II
  • Basic
  • Zelosian
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Teras Kasi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None