Current Character Sheet for Page Oriken

Page Oriken

Novitiate 3, Novitiate tier, Unaffiliated
Male Togruta, Force Disciple, Shadow
Height: 1.7 m / 5'7" - Weight: 75.0 kg / 165 lbs
Age: 31 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Fairly average build. Typical coppery-red Togruta skin. Dark blue-striped montrals and lekku. A rather sharp-featured visage, but not in a beautiful sort of way. Small white pigmentation spots around eyes and on cheeks; they are mostly symmetrical, though the spots on his left cheek are somewhat disfigured by scars. He has a few minor burn scars on his brow and left cheek, caused by an electrical accident. Typically wears bantha-hide jacket and simple pants: unassuming clothes that won't make him stick out too much. Occasionally dresses differently to be more inconspicuous in a given locality.


Page Oriken has not created any public loadouts yet.

Bothans Do It From Behind (General Aspect)

Page Oriken will never go into any situation head-on. Whether it be combat or just strolling down the street, he will stick to the shadows or cloak himself in the Force. The less he is seen, the better. If he cannot sneak up on someone, then Page Oriken will not bother confronting them.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel (General Aspect)

Page Oriken is a master of the 'tricks of the trade' - the cheating and stealing trade, that is. With a certain propensity and natural talent for stealth and thievery, Page Oriken is a professional when it comes to crimes, from minor to major. Sometimes it is as simple as a few more favorable cards in a hand to a set of sticky fingers to something as big as a heist. Either way, Page Oriken knows his way around a job. However, everyone is bound to get caught eventually, and reputations have a way of finding a way to bite you in the rear. . . not to mention those looking to extract a little vengeance.

You Assume Too Much (Personality Aspect)

Page Oriken has a tendency to be secretive and keeps to himself, relying on deception to conceal his motives and intentions. He is a schemer, and plots and plans against others carefully. When dealing with a confrontation, he will try and bluff his way out of trouble, or overcome obstacles with deliberate, covert actions.

Outside The Box (Personality Aspect)

Page Oriken is a lateral thinker, and when he encounters problems or dilemmas, he is very good at improvising and coming up with alternative solutions. This allows Page Oriken to find ways out of situations others might give up on. While these solutions are often not so obvious to others, Page Oriken can typically explain and lead others through his long as they are patient and willing enough to trust him outside thinking.

Keeping My Distance (Combat Aspect)

Page Oriken vastly prefers ranged combat, taking every opportunity to use skills and Force Powers to disengage from melee and instead fight at range, so much so that he has become competent at staying out of melee in the first place.

It's A Trap (Combat Aspect)

Page Oriken has an uncanny knack for identifying traps and alerting others to them. Now, if only he could consistently do it BEFORE the trap goes off...

Skill Feats
Droid Whisperer
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Togruta: Echolocation Togruta: Pack Mentality Order Feat: Force Disciple
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Togruti
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form 0 (Banlanth)