Archived Character Sheet for Lux Venia

Corsair Lux Venia

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Human, Mercenary, Ace
Height: 1.73 m / 5'8" - Weight: 59.0 kg / 130 lbs
Age: 44 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Standing slightly taller than average, and usually sporting a grin, Lux tends to stand out. Her frame carries her weight well, possessing a smooth curve from her sharp shoulders down to her waist without succumbing to the hourglass figure. Her hips are in line with her shoulders, while her bust is slightly above average without managing to draw attention. Her muscles are strong without being toned, resulting in smooth contours.

Lux's skin is naturally pale without taking on a deathly pallor thanks to a subtle copper tone. Her chin-length dirty blonde hair frames a round face with full lips, while her emerald eyes draw attention to her wide eyes. A silver band works along her forehead, attached to a communication headset with a boom that hangs next to her chin.

When it comes to clothing, Lux prefers comfort before all things. She wears a form-fitting red v-neck top, tucked into beige cargo pants with a black belt along her waist. Shin-length black boots are pulled over her pants and she completes her ensemble with a white jacket that cuts off at her midriff. Lux chooses to roll her sleeves up to her elbows, exposing the orange inner-lining of the jacket.

(Legacy) Weapon Loadout
  • BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • Preferred Vehicle: T-70 X-wing Starfighter


Better Be Paying (General Aspect)

Needless to say, due to her upbringing away from authority, Lux Venia has a particular difficulty in taking orders. Until she has had an opportunity to weigh the worth of the individual, they had better be paying if they expect any measure of obedience from her. Money speaks louder than actions, and even then she reserves the right to refuse a client who she lacks any semblance of respect for.

Her stance in this regard brings with it an element of unpredictability that makes others wary. It is hard to be sure if, or when, she will drop a client if they tip the weight of her scale.

Intergalactic Drifter (General Aspect)

Having been born inside a star-ship as opposed to planet-side, Lux Venia has never had a particular world to call her home. She grew up in an environment that requires being of use in order to survive, and without the borders that breed patriotism. The allegiances of the galaxy mean little to her, only the strength of individual merit. She is most at peace when in space, and will take on any contract or mission that enables her to remain firmly seated in a cockpit.

This utter lack of affiliation often results in what can be construed as insubordination and disloyalty, putting her at odds with those that value such things.

I'm Judging You (Personality Aspect)

Lux Venia is always observing those around her. Even when in the midst of talking, she keeps an eye on others in order to gauge their responses and actions. She uses these observations to distribute people into categories of 'worth' based on their strength of character and ability to be of use. She is not a woman who will ever put stock into the words of another, relying only on what they do in order to nudge her opinions one way or another. In this regard she is rigid and unwavering, more than capable of finding someone to be utterly worthless and leaving them as such.

This often puts her at odds with those that have inflated opinions of themselves in contrast to her evaluations, and her candid habit of making those feelings known.

She's Still Talking (Personality Aspect)

Lux is known best for her uncanny ability to talk as fast as she flies. Capable of stringing together seemingly never-ending sentences, she isn't one to shy away from the topic at hand. She speaks plainly and possesses no mental filter to speak of. If she thinks it, chances are she's already said it. Using her skills of perception, Lux's sense of humor often cuts to the heart of how she sees the subject of her words. This tends to show itself in the form of a tendency to apply nicknames to others, with a habit of cycling through many variations even throughout a single conversation.

All this added together can often get her into trouble and has resulted in the development of a rather strong tolerance of others as a survival mechanism.

I Don't Got This (Combat Aspect)

Life has a way of going against the wants of the individual, which means Lux can't face all conflict from the assurances of the cockpit. For these situations, she relies on recognizing her limits and playing within them. Maintaining knowledge of her surroundings and how best to utilize cover becomes her biggest priority. At the same time, minimizing her time spent being shot at is ideal as well.

As such, Lux tends to eschew direct confrontation and work towards living to fight another day. Not known for her diplomacy, she often falls on more 'aggressive negotiations' to ensure her success. The more stalwart around her would deem these tactics as cowardice, and she won't shy away from telling them where to stow it.

I Got This (Combat Aspect)

When at the helm, Lux is filled with a confidence that is hard to argue as her skills so often back her up. She will tailor herself to the threats brought to bear against her, adapting as the situation calls for it. She will do what is necessary whether that results in sporadic and hard to follow movements of her ship, or even flying 'casually' to bring the enemy into a false sense of security before turning the predator into the prey.

While an incredibly efficient method against easily read tactics, this approach leaves Lux vulnerable to less organized forces that fall upon individual level methods as opposed to an organized front.

Skill Feats
Do A Barrel Roll! Droid Whisperer I've Got A Bad Feeling About This Guns Akimbo Ambidexterity II Quick Draw Jury-rig I The Hand Is Quicker La Resistance I
Force Feats
Granted Feats
I Can Fix That II Smooth Operator II Order Feat: Mercenary Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Bocce
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None