Current Character Sheet for Jakius Sitas

Jakius Sitas

Novitiate 2, Novitiate tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Force Disciple, Seeker
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 65.0 kg / 143 lbs
Age: 24 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Jakius has brown, swept-back hair. He has a lean, slightly muscular build and his hazel-coloured eyes speak of a knowledge far forgotten.


Jakius Sitas has not created any public loadouts yet.

Resourceful Researcher (General Aspect)

Jakius Sitas's life is filled with training and learning for all sorts of situations, from the mind-numbingly normal to the utterly bizarre. As such, Jakius Sitas has developed into a rather resourceful individual. This has made Jakius Sitas a mix of academic and scholar, always with something to offer to any discussion. However, knowledge and training does not always translate well to the tense environment of the battlefield, and no amount of textbooks can prepare one for reality...

He Told Me Enough, He Told Me You Killed Him (General Aspect)

Someone in Jakius Sitas’s past was killed and he has vowed to avenge their death. Should the object of his vengeance be discovered, he is likely to to do whatever he can to exact revenge, no matter the cost.

Outside The Box (Personality Aspect)

Jakius Sitas is a lateral thinker, and when he encounters problems or dilemmas, he is very good at improvising and coming up with alternative solutions. This allows Jakius Sitas to find ways out of situations others might give up on. While these solutions are often not so obvious to others, Jakius Sitas can typically explain and lead others through his long as they are patient and willing enough to trust him outside thinking.

Technically Legal (Personality Aspect)

Jakius Sitas prefers to push the rules to the absolute limit. While he is unlikely to actually break rules or disobey orders, he toes the line between what is allowed and what isn't at every opportunity.

Always Prepared (Combat Aspect)

Sometimes the only way to prepare for the worst is to always expect it. Jakius Sitas takes this philosophy one step further by never leaving home without accounting for every possible scenario he might expect to encounter. Jakius Sitas tends to always have the right tool or item for a situation and has a habit of quietly and almost smugly presenting solutions before anyone even recognizes there is a problem. This foresight is far from infallible, however, and he often finds himself at a loss in situations that go beyond what he could have imagined. While incredibly practical and often a life-saver in a pinch, his perpetually pessimistic outlook on daily life can be a bit draining on more optimistic-inclined companions.

It's A Trap (Combat Aspect)

Jakius Sitas has an uncanny knack for identifying traps and alerting others to them. Now, if only he could consistently do it BEFORE the trap goes off...

Skill Feats
I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Force Disciple
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Force Techniques
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Broken Gate
Primary Lightsaber Form Form 0 (Banlanth)