Archived Character Sheet for Irian'Jaxerias "Jax" Erinos Settgré

Vice General Irian'Jaxerias "Jax" Erinos Settgré

Equite 1, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Sith, Marauder
Height: 1.78 m / 5'10" - Weight: 80.0 kg / 176 lbs
Right Handed
Physical Description

Wesley is average height and athletic build. His muscles were honed from years of service under the Dread Pirate Roberts. He has sandy blonde hair, brown eyes, a thin mustache over his upper lip, and is considered roguishly handsome for a human male. He is known to wear simple black trousers with a matching tunic and carries a Light-foil on his right hip.

(Legacy) Weapon Loadout
  • Lightfoil

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You've Failed Me For the Last Time (General Aspect)

Satsi Tameike possesses a cold and completely uncaring demeanour. This will manifest itself in the fact that when push comes to shove,Satsi Tameike will just as soon leave a struggling ally behind rather than put themselves in danger. While this may ensure her survival, it often leaves her as an outcast amongst her peers.

Lone Wolf (General Aspect)

Satsi Tameike doesn't like to work in groups or teams and feels most comfortable on her own. Satsi Tameike sticks to herself, sets her own pace, and doesn't share feelings or emotions with others. While the Lone Wolf can get things done quietly and efficiently, she tends to be emotionally cut off and has problems relating to her comrades.

Love Lost (Personality Aspect)

Wesley believed fully that there is no greater power in the Galaxy than True Love. After the death of his beloved Buttercup, he exists now only as saber-for-hire. His views on love have become pragmatic and pessimistic, and he has become detached from humanity as a whole. He has a hard time relating to others, but is very effective in taking on challenges others would shy away from.

In Shining Armor? (Personality Aspect)

Satsi Tameike has a knack for making heroic entrances whenever possible. This is actually something she works at, and one of these days, she might just be a little too late.

Once More Unto The Breach (Combat Aspect)

Born with an intractable will and limitless courage, Satsi Tameike will stand in the face of insurmountable odds and never retreat. Despite the fact that such acts of heedless bravery are inspiring and will sometimes result in victories worthy of song, just as often they result in her allies getting wounded or killed.

Duelist (Combat Aspect)

Through careful study and dedication to isolated martial-combat, Satsi Tameike has turned the act of dueling into an art form. A keen eye and attention to detail allows her the ability to learn their opponent's idiosyncrasies while fighting. Satsi Tameike then uses her own skills to capitalize on the opponent's weakness. Because of this calculated approach to isolated duels, Satsi Tameike has a harder time taking on multiple opponents at once at higher skill levels.

Skill Feats
To The Pain
Force Feats
We Are Legion I Escape Artist Accelerated Healing I Saber Throw
Granted Feats
Battle Haste II Battlefield Awareness II Human: Just Another Face
  • Basic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form II (Makashi)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None