Archived Character Sheet for Caleb Wild'en

Vice General Caleb Wild'en

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Sephi, Loyalist, Weapons Specialist
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 77.1 kg / 170 lbs
Age: 40 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Caleb is light complexioned, nearing on mildly pale; which only make the stark lavender of his eyes that much brighter in an angular face. His raven black hair falls to his shoulder blades, straight and glossy, he normally wears it tied back in a loose braid at the base of his neck. He has the customary pointed ears of his fellow Sephi, each pierced with four black piercings, one per lobe and three in the cartilage of the upper ears. His body is well toned, the body of a runner, all corded muscle. Caleb is part human, though retains more the look of his father’s Sephi heritage.

I Can Fix That (General Aspect)

If it has an electronic circuit or gears,Caleb Wild'en thinks he can fix it; everything from holopads to starships. To Caleb Wild'en, even the most random assortment of scraps from a junkyard can be used to create something useful. he has a knack for fixing things that are broken, and his confidence in this ability borders on arrogance, and if he fails to fix something, he is prone to fits of anger and annoyance.

Problem Solver (General Aspect)

Caleb Wild'en looks at any problem he comes across and instead of immediately complaining about it sets out to figuring out a solution. He will work tirelessly to find workarounds or a solution, but can often overthink the resolution and come up with a "fix" that is actually more complex than needed. This driven approach to fixing problems can be helpful at times but grating at others when a simple "restart" would have accomplished the task quicker than re-programming the entire device.

Wise Guy (Personality Aspect)

Despite an aversion for physical confrontation, Caleb Wild'en has a quick-witted and sharp sense of humour, and never passes up the opportunity to make a quip or jibe about his situation, or to taunt his enemies. While some find Caleb Wild'en to be funny and likeable, others do not always respond so warmly, and occasionally Caleb Wild'en will get himself into more trouble than he thought when someone takes a joke the wrong way.

Straight Shooter (Personality Aspect)

Caleb Wild'en tells it like he sees it, when he thinks it; and he doesn't try to sugar coat what he says.

Combat Slicer (Combat Aspect)

While Caleb Wild'en avoids combat whenever possible, he has no qualms working with technology under the stress and pressure of combat. Caleb Wild'en has trained himself to keep calm and focus intently on Slicing even while taking blaster fire from cover or when placed under time constraints. In truth, Caleb Wild'en almost works better when under duress, and actually needs motivation, typically, when Slicing.

I Know I Put It Somewhere... (Combat Aspect)

Fond of staying alive and prepared, Caleb Wild'en keeps several bladed weapons hidden on his person at all times and in all different locations. Caleb Wild'en switches these locations periodically in order to maintain an element of surprise even among his allies who know him. Unfortunately, this sometimes means that he is slower to draw one of these weapons if he forgets where he stashed them.

Skill Feats
Active Reload Ambidexterity I Daredevil Jury-rig I The System, Is Down You Can't Stop The Signal The Force is With Me Parkour! Eagle Eye
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Sephi: Tinkerer Sephi: Everyone Has A Tell Medley II Proficiency II Order Feat: Loyalist
  • Basic
  • Sephi
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Slugthrowers
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None