Current Character Sheet for Abaven

Battlemaster Abaven

Equite 2, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Kaleesh, Sith, Juggernaut
Height: 1.73 m / 5'8" - Weight: 56.0 kg / 123 lbs
Age: 33 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Abaven is a Kaleesh male born with a skin defect that turned his skin to the color green. His body is more toned and well muscled then the average Kaleesh warrior thanks to much physical labor. His eyes are Blue, he has short black hair.

Loadout: Abaven
Master Protecter (General Aspect)

Years of abuse because of his skin deformity, He had to grow up with a thick skin figurativly and literally. He now lives his life to protect anyone who he think is weaker than him and will take on anyone even if it will cost him his life. This often leads to him taking on those stronger then himself.

We’ll Break Their Legs (General Aspect)

Abaven can be very protective, and when any of his friends are being bullied or threatened, he will step in to defend them. This can gets Abaven in trouble when he refuses to back down during these exchanges, and sometimes has trouble discerning between friendly teasing and intentional insults. However, because of this fierce loyalty, his friends know that no matter what, Abaven will be there for them.

Heavy Handed (Personality Aspect)

Abaven is not afraid to exploit any advantage or position of power he has when dealing with others, and relies on a combination of fear, intimidation, manipulation and shows of strength to convince others to compromise and lose. Abaven can be quite callous in his dealings with others, and never gives up his power. This has earned Abaven with the reputation of a “bully” and can often make negotiations difficult before they even begin.

Natural-born Killer (Personality Aspect)

Killing has never been a problem for Abaven; and he kind of enjoys it now, if he is honest. Killing's what Abaven does, and he likes what he does.

Once More Unto The Breach (Combat Aspect)

Born with an intractable will and limitless courage, Abaven will stand in the face of insurmountable odds and never retreat. Despite the fact that such acts of heedless bravery are inspiring and will sometimes result in victories worthy of song, just as often they result in his allies getting wounded or killed.

Tonight, We Dine in Hell! (Combat Aspect)

Abaven possesses a single minded drive for victory, and a deep-seated martyr complex. When presented with a chance to wade into battle versus overwhelming odds, Abaven does not hesitate, and instead rushes in, relying on skill, fate or chance to let him survive.

Skill Feats
Ambidexterity II You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die
Force Feats
Reflexive Counter Escape Artist Force Meld I
Granted Feats
Surge II Kaleesh: Warm Reception Kaleesh: Rattlesnake Order Feat: Sith Iron Pillar II
  • Basic
  • Kaleesh
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None