Current Character Sheet for Bon Riverio

Bon Riverio

Journeyman 1, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Male Pantoran, Force Disciple, Arcanist
Height: 1.87 m / 6'2" - Weight: 65.0 kg / 143 lbs
Age: 30 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Bon is a tall, slender Pantoran male with an athletic build. He has big bright yellow eyes, and long perrywinkle hair. As do most Pantorans, Bon has yellow facial tattoos high on his cheeks and chin to represent his family and ancestry.

Loadout: Bon
Naturalist (General Aspect)

Bon would often travel with his father, and later by himself, to the nearest forest to the Pantoran capital. It was in these forests, Bon always noticed, that he was most at peace. He had grown tired of the chaos within a big city environment and had a growing craving to swing among giant massassi trees like those on Yavin 4. In these forests Bon would discover his love,(showing his force sensitivity), for exotic and rare plant life. Bon finds that his force connectivity is at its highest when in a natural environment.

Negotiator (General Aspect)

Through his family's business, Bon attentively watched his father negotiate with the various customers that would stop at the vegetable stand. Bon implemented his father's tactic, added with his own heightened and peculiar sense of empathy, which he would use to his advantage over his customers. Bon also loosely picked up a few languages; having customers of many different species stop by his stand.

Big brother (Personality Aspect)

A traumatic event lead to Bon's ultimate discovery of his force sensitivity. After the loss of his brother, Bon carried with him a guilt to great to bear. This caused him to be extremely and almost dangerously over-protective of those he truly cares about. This obsession he acknowledges, alludes to dark side emotions, to which he could truly be manipulated with by any powerful dark side user. With any amount of leverage involving those he cares deeply about, Bon becomes useless.

Empath (Personality Aspect)

Even as a child, Bon's uncanny knack for understanding people was already apparent. Upon growing older and running the family vegetable and fruit stand, Bon would unknowingly use the force as a conduit for an exceedingly high sense of empathy. He could sense the emotion of others around him unerringly, to his own benefit and gain. However this presented a darker side, as he also absorbed darker emotions of people with ill intentions as well. Uncontrollable at times, this could potentially damage his mind.

Environmental (Combat Aspect)

Bon's affinity for Nature, paired with his slender and athletic build, molded his style of combat. Due to not being able to over-power his opponent by means of brute strength, Bon uses his environment to his advantage by either attacking from above, or rebounding off stones and tree trunks to achieve different angles of attack, always mindful of any potential means of escape if needed. Calculated,focused, quick retreats, and counters are among the skills he uses to his advantage, and conversely, his opponents disadvantage. These tactics are useful for multi-enemy situations, or with slower opponents, however a more quick or powerful duelist will quickly overturn the odds with sheer power.

Swordsman (Combat Aspect)

Bon always preferred a melee weapon to that of a blaster, as he felt it more honorable and warrior-like to finish a foe by one's hand. Blasters seemed uncivilized and clumsy in nature, and Bon considered himself "old-school". Before his brief training with a lightsaber, Bon used his old trusty vibroblade he self taught himself how to use. Using defensive orbital blade-work while using light quick footwork, Bon focuses on quick calculated counters to unbalance and disorganize his opponents.

Skill Feats
I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
Force Feats
Deep Bond I
Granted Feats
Pantoran: The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway Pantoran: All In Favor? Order Feat: Force Disciple Channel I Dowsing I
  • Basic
  • Pantoran
  • Shryiiwook
  • Twi'Leki
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form 0 (Banlanth)