Current Character Sheet for Rayth


Journeyman 1, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Jedi, Shadow
Height: 1.87 m / 6'2" - Weight: 97.5 kg / 215 lbs
Age: 30 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Rayth is a little taller than the average Human and appears to be leaner than an average person of his height. He is a Caucasian Male which is healthy and youthful looking with a tanned tone. He has raven black hair and cerulean blue eyes.

Loadout: Neophyte
Bothans Do It From Behind (General Aspect)

Rayth will never go into any situation head-on. Whether it be combat or just strolling down the street, he will stick to the shadows or cloak himself in the Force. The less he is seen, the better. If he cannot sneak up on someone, then Rayth will not bother confronting them.

Resourceful Researcher (General Aspect)

Rayth's life is filled with training and learning for all sorts of situations, from the mind-numbingly normal to the utterly bizarre. As such, Rayth has developed into a rather resourceful individual. This has made Rayth a mix of academic and scholar, always with something to offer to any discussion. However, knowledge and training does not always translate well to the tense environment of the battlefield, and no amount of textbooks can prepare one for reality...

You Assume Too Much (Personality Aspect)

Rayth has a tendency to be secretive and keeps to himself, relying on deception to conceal his motives and intentions. He is a schemer, and plots and plans against others carefully. When dealing with a confrontation, he will try and bluff his way out of trouble, or overcome obstacles with deliberate, covert actions.

All Who Gain Power... (Personality Aspect)

All who gain power are afraid to lose it, and Rayth is no exception. Some use their power for good, some for evil; Rayth, however, knows that these are just points of view. He is on a quest for greater power, and uses all his skills and abilities to ensure his supremacy, regardless of the consequences.

Combat Slicer (Combat Aspect)

While Rayth avoids combat whenever possible, he has no qualms working with technology under the stress and pressure of combat. Rayth has trained himself to keep calm and focus intently on Slicing even while taking blaster fire from cover or when placed under time constraints. In truth, Rayth almost works better when under duress, and actually needs motivation, typically, when Slicing.

Put Saber Here (Combat Aspect)

Rayth is only really comfortable with a sword sized blade whether it be a virbo-sword or lightsaber as he feels the safest with a weapon he can directly control and deflect a range of attacks with rather than the need to consistently find cover and risk exposure to get a shot off with a blaster. His prowess with a blade comes at a huge cost when it comes to blasters as his accuracy with them is left extremely wanting.

Skill Feats
Elusive Prey
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Ghosting I Faceless I Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Jedi
  • Basic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form 0 (Banlanth)