Archived Character Sheet for Rajhin Cindertail

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, Fist

Equite 4, Equite tier, The Council
Male Human, Jedi, Seeker, Guardian
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 77.0 kg / 170 lbs
Age: 43 years - Right Handed
Physical Description


Turel is a human male of average height and pale complexion. He possesses the svelte build and muscle tone of a welterweight fighter. He keeps his salt and pepper hair in a trendy undercut hairstyle with a ponytail. Turel also has a full beard which he keeps neatly groomed. His bright green eyes now burn with a confidence borne of hard-earned wisdom instead of a foolhardy cocksureness. Hard years at war are evident in his graying hair and aging face. He still possesses an infectious smile and the confident smirk he's famous for.

Space Dad (General Aspect)

For most of his life, Turel struggled to carry the weight of his past like some stone around his neck, constantly paying penance for the seething, ruthless, bloody-handed side of him that that lurked just below the surface. He found that weight easier to bear, however, when shared with those closest to him, and with the arrival of his daughter, discovered not penance, but peace, peace in a hope for the future. Once reckless, smart-mouthed, and dancing on the edge of self-destruction, Turel has become even-tempered, more cautious, and always mindful of how the decisions he makes affects others, especially his young one. He now wants only to build a better world for his daughter, but in the right way, with wisdom and temperance, not violence or vengeance, in such a way that she can be proud of him and he can be worthy to hold her in his arms.

Jedi Outcast (General Aspect)

Officially disavowed by Odan-Urr and considered a Rogue Jedi, Turel finds himself awash in a sea of mistrust. His prior choices to aid the rest of the Clans at the end of the Nancora campaign and to then work openly with his former enemies in the Inquisitorious against the Collective has left him with few allies. A traitor to some and terrorist to others, Turel will work with any willing agent of the Clans or the Iron Throne to defeat the Collective and, ultimately, achieve peace in Brotherhood space for all.

While Turel attempts to stay true to the wisdom and temperance of the Jedi way he values, to build a better world for his daughter in the "right way," such goals are not always realistic. He must often sacrifice those values for the pragmatism — perhaps the darkness — of being an effective fulcrum.

Why So Serious? (Personality Aspect)

Turel Sorenn has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor that acts as his second skin. He employs it with mixed results, both in general - particularly to pick at any vulnerabilities or quirks of other people - and in response to stressful situations. While Turel’s use of humor helps him maintain his calm demeanor, it can sometimes get him into trouble, as not everyone appreciates his sass. He reflexively uses situationally inappropriate humor and flimsy bravado as a defense mechanism to hide his stress and fear. Unless Turel focuses on the deception, this defense mechanism rarely fools anyone.

Let He Who Is Without Sin... (Personality Aspect)

As a former gangster, Turel is far more tolerant of and prone to indulge in everyday vices such as alcohol, gambling, or cigarras than his Jedi peers. He blends into a crowd of city folk more naturally than a stiff soldier or traditional Jedi and is often seen conspiring with and befriending both dark-sided and light-sided individuals, which makes him as many friends as enemies. Quite simply, he has no issues with anyone who follows his one very simple rule: do not harm or exploit the innocent. Whoever doesn’t will find themselves staring down the barrel of a blaster.

Smoke and Mirrors (Combat Aspect)

As an avid Sabacc player, Turel knows the value of bluffing his own hand and misleading an opponent. He augments his physical skills and Subterfuge with attacks on an enemy’s perception and very mind using Illusion and Mind Trick. He often employs his mental powers to disguise himself and set up ambushes. The ex-gangster uses this bag of tricks to distract, taunt, evade or confuse opponents.

This approach is not without risk, as mental attacks take precious concentration away from the physical reality. Turel also isn’t nearly as clever as he thinks he is; his schemes sometimes blow up in his face.

A Particular Set of Skills... (Combat Aspect)

Despite his past history of violence, Turel tries to live up to the Jedi ideal of preserving life. He strives not to fight at all, hoping to neutralize or minimize harm while still accomplishing the mission. He will employ every tool in his arsenal, even the application of Terror, to try to dissuade a potential adversary from a fight. This hesitance to resort to violence may cause an impatience in more aggressive allies or be seen as weakness by enemies.

Turel is, after all, just a man and sometimes falls short of the Jedi ideals. If pushed too far or backed into a corner and faced with keeping his moral code or protecting those he loves or views as innocent he will choose the latter regardless of consequences. All the viciousness and brutality acquired from a lifetime in the underworld will come roaring to the front to defeat the threat.

Skill Feats
Poison Weapons You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die
Force Feats
Debilitating Fear Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain Stun II Alter Image
Granted Feats
Seeking II Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Jedi Steel Curtain Force Interrogation II
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form III (Soresu)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None