Current Character Sheet for Zolt Kwel

Zolt Kwel

Journeyman 1, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Male Kel Dor, Mercenary, Ace
Height: 1.5 m / 4'11" - Weight: 43.0 kg / 95 lbs
Age: 34 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

An elongated face is engulfed by a slick gray rebreather and a pair of black goggles which allow Zolt to survive out of his homeworld’s atmosphere. His leathery hide is pale, ashen in colour, and his eyes are black under his dark goggles. His protruding extrasensory organs are flatter and smaller than that of most of his species, and they rest against his head, linking through his rebreather with his two dark husk sliding through the mask and under his chin.

He is small for his kind as his scrawny stature does nothing to increase the Kel Dorian’s presence. Zolt’s right side is covered in scorch marks and burns. His right arm was replaced by a cybernetic one which appears far more practical than it is stylish although it is more often than not hidden under a glove.

Loadout: Loadout The First
Burned Feathers (General Aspect)

As a result of his reckless behavior, Zolt experienced a life changing event which left him uncertain of himself and at odds with the idea of working in a team again. He has the scars to show for it in the form of heavy burns and a cybernetic right arm.

Problem Solver (General Aspect)

Zolt Kwel looks at any problem he comes across and instead of immediately complaining about it sets out to figuring out a solution. He will work tirelessly to find workarounds or a solution, but can often overthink the resolution and come up with a "fix" that is actually more complex than needed. This driven approach to fixing problems can be helpful at times but grating at others when a simple "restart" would have accomplished the task quicker than re-programming the entire device.

Straight Shooter (Personality Aspect)

Zolt Kwel tells it like he sees it, when he thinks it; and he doesn't try to sugar coat what he says.

Wise Guy (Personality Aspect)

Despite an aversion for physical confrontation, Zolt Kwel has a quick-witted and sharp sense of humour, and never passes up the opportunity to make a quip or jibe about his situation, or to taunt his enemies. While some find Zolt Kwel to be funny and likeable, others do not always respond so warmly, and occasionally Zolt Kwel will get himself into more trouble than he thought when someone takes a joke the wrong way.

Combat Slicer (Combat Aspect)

While Zolt Kwel avoids combat whenever possible, he has no qualms working with technology under the stress and pressure of combat. Zolt Kwel has trained himself to keep calm and focus intently on Slicing even while taking blaster fire from cover or when placed under time constraints. In truth, Zolt Kwel almost works better when under duress, and actually needs motivation, typically, when Slicing.

Go Go Gadget (Combat Aspect)

Zolt Kwel's passion for technology extends beyond his talent with Slicing. He truly believes that wars can be won with technology, not soldiers, and will always try to avoid direct combat if he can afford it. Instead, he prefers to deploy clever traps with Explosives, or turn technology against others as a weapon. Zolt Kwel would rather overload a circuit breaker to shock a guard into submission than to test his luck with his hands or a blaster. If removed from technology or his gadgets, however, Zolt Kwel can easily be overwhelmed. Fortunately, he has no qualms with throwing a smoke grenade down and running for dear life.

Skill Feats
Jury-rig I The System, Is Down Droid Whisperer
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Kel Dor: A World Of Absolutes Kel Dor: I Will Survive Order Feat: Mercenary Smooth Operator I I Can Fix That I
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Kel Dor
  • Advancements in Astronautical Engineering
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None