Competition: “Snakes, why does it have to be snakes?”

“Snakes, why does it have to be snakes?”

Snake is the sly one of the three, and tends to rely on poisoned daggers and stealth to take out his prey. Intel has revealed that he is hidden in an outpost far to the east of Daemon, where he abides his time alone to strike. With a minimum of 500 words, write how your character proceeds to take out this crafty Twi’lek, and how they succeed or fail.

Grading will be based on creativity, grammar, realism, and continuity.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Take Your Pick
Organized by
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Running time
2016-02-29 until 2016-05-07 (2 months)
Target Unit
Battleteam Tacitus Athanasius
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
2 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Brandon Tarsus
Textual submission

Tarsus found chemistry interesting. What he loved most about it was that one small change in a formula can end in huge reaction that could prove dangerous. Even simply as using the wrong container could cause sever damage. Poison is a simple chemical to one's body. Your body is made of several chemicals, so when poison is inserted into one's body, a chemical reaction occurs that ends in death.

Cyanide is great example. When ingested, Cyanide melts the inside of your body. It works quickly, so there's no pain. Bleach does the same, only more painful and slowly. Radium destroys your cells and DNA. It takes away your ability to clot when you bleed, and makes your hair fall out. Your immune system is completely destroyed, so infections will wipe you out.

Tarsus’ new target, Daemon, is a man of chemistry; as he loves to use poison to kill. It would be quite ironic if he would have died by poison. To poison a crafty man as Daemon, one must get close. He possibly couldn’t get close enough to him to poison him. Daemon would be too smart.

Tarsus was ahead of the problem, luckily. As he landed on Caina, Tarsus immediately went to a bar. He knew someone would be there he could use to get close to Daemon.

A few minutes passed as he suddenly walked in. Everyone stopped and looked at the Mandalorian, then went about their business. Tarsus bumped into a rough looking man, making him spill his drink.

“Watch it!” The man said.

“Maybe you should watch where you stand,” Tarsus said sternly.

This caught everyone's attention. The man quickly pulled out his blaster, but Tarsus was quicker. He quickly grabbed the man's gun, broke his hand, and used his own pistol to kill the man. Tarsus then dropped some credit on the dead man.

“For your troubles,” he said to the dead body as he began walking to the counter.

Everyone went back about their business. As Tarsus sat down, a beautiful, yet rough looking Mandalorian woman sat next to him.

“Nice work,” she said as she bought a drink. “I like the way you did him like that.”

Tarsus smiled. “Scorpion! Long time, no see.”

“Oh, save it!” She said. “You still owe me after totalling my ship!”

“Consider it official paid,” Tarsus said as he turned to face her. “There's a bounty on you, Snake, and Crow. Help me get the two, and I'll pay you in full… with… interest.”

The Mandalorian woman stared at Tarsus for a bit. She nodded and shook his hand. “Deal. I know you won't turn me over… not after… well…”

“No need to bring up the past, darling,” Tarsus said as he took a swig of whiskey. “When you could drink for the future.”

Scorpion chuckled as she took a drink as well. “Amen to that. So, what's your plan?”

Tarsus handed her as vial. “Poison the poisonous Snake. You can get close to him. I can't. His full bounty is yours.”

The woman took the vial. “Easy. Shame, though. We had a little fling going on. All well. Money is money. I'll get it done tonight.”

With that said, she left into the night. Morning arrived, and Tarsus woke up to Scorpion sleeping next to him. He shook his head, knowing she stuck in. Smart, she was, and also crazy over him. He stood up, and went to grab his shirt.

“Snake is dead, by the way,” Scorpion softly said. “Was easy. Offered him a drink… He took the poison. He's dead.”

1st place
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
2nd place