Competition: Sides of a Coin

Sides of a Coin

The battle between Odan-Urr and Plagueis has begun in earnest....

  • Entries must use one of the following prompts:

    • Risk-takers and extortionists both, the former Ohnaka Gang’s greed has placed them under the crosshairs of both Clans. Willing to sell the captive leader of your Clan to the highest bidder, neither side is entertaining the thought of a deal. While rivals from the other Clan move in to collect a high-value target, the task has fallen onto you to rescue your Clan’s leader.
    • Whether out of foolishness or a desire to return to the trade of pirateering, the remnants of Hondo Ohnaka’s Weequay gang have decided to extend negotiations for their exclusive services. With their resources, any Clan would find them a great ally—at a cost. As the designated negotiator in dealings with the neutral faction, you have been instructed to outdo a negotiator sent by the rival Clan without violence.
    • A number of T-7 ion disruptor rifles have fallen into the hands of the enemy Clan. Able to decimate multiple lifeforms with the pull of a trigger, these rifles could be the tipping point for whoever controls them. More important, these rifles are able to disable starfighters, making them ideal for crippling the rival Clan’s atmospheric starfighters. You must either secure the rifles or otherwise prevent rival troops from using them against your Clan’s starfighter support.
    • Soldiers on your side of the conflict are pinned down under fire from an unknown marksman with a superior position. The battlefield is his killing field and his ridge is shielded by a wall of rock serving as his cover. Beneath him, however, blinks the telltale signs of a console—rigged to blow the ridge when activated. Whether through activating the explosives or removing the threat by some other means, your soldiers are depending on you to see the field secured for safe passage.


  • Entries will be graded using the Voice fiction rubric.

  • Entries must be at least 500 words

  • Entries will be accepted in any standard word processing format (.doc, .pdf, etc.) Please no googledoc links.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Between Light and Dark
Organized by
Councillor Turel Sorenn, Seer A'lora Kituri, Teylas Ramar, Master Selika Roh di Plagia, Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Running time
2016-03-07 until 2016-03-20 (14 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
34 subscribers, of which 25 have participated.
A deleted dossier
File submission
Textual submission

Submission uses this scenario:

"Soldiers on your side of the conflict are pinned down under fire from an unknown marksman with a superior position. The battlefield is his killing field and his ridge is shielded by a wall of rock serving as his cover. Beneath him, however, blinks the telltale signs of a console—rigged to blow the ridge when activated. Whether through activating the explosives or removing the threat by some other means, your soldiers are depending on you to see the field secured for safe passage."

1st place
Master Dracaryis
Master Dracaryis opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
File submission
3rd place
4th place
File submission
4th place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
File submission
5th place
6th place
Antar Locke
Antar Locke
File submission
6th place
Envoy Taranae Rhode
File submission
7th place
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Textual submission

Talis knelt behind a large boulder with the rest of his squad. His first day and he had let his squad get pinned down by a marksman. Talis heaved a heavy sigh as he shook his head and passed his gaze upon the three remaining members of his squad. Corporal Clevis’ aura was drenched in red and Talis could hear his strong breathes as the rage filtered through the man. The two privates were both pretty worse for wear as Private Gillis’ aura was turning blacker by the second. He was slowly dying from the blaster shot that had hit him in the chest.

Talis knew it was only a matter of time and so did his third comrade, Private First Class Tawney, the squad’s medic. His aura was a swirl of yellow and orange. He was nervous about Private Gillis and his anxiety was mounting. Talis knew he had to muster them or they would not win out the day. A scream from the field on the other side of the rock broke his attention away from his squad mates to the wounded man out in the field.

Talis turned towards the noise ignoring their cover and looked straight through it at the man laying a few meters from the bombs they had laid to clear out a rocky path. Sergeant Palov laid with the contents of his stomach in his hands as a rainbow of emotions swirled over him. Above him, ten meters, was the sniper that had dropped a frag grenade upon the unsuspecting squad.

If it had not been for Sergeant Palov’s quick actions, the entire squad would be out there mortally wounded or dead. Talis took a deep breath of the sulfuric air and calmed himself as he devised a plan to take down the sniper. It came to him suddenly and it was so simple he couldn’t help but laugh. The three remaining squad members looked on in bewilderment.

“Young Master Jedi?” Gillis rasped out through a cough that covered his hand in blood.
“I know what we need to do,” Talis replied with an evil grin.
“I don’t know if I like this idea already,” Corporal Clevis retorted as he adjusted his rifle uncomfortably.
“Just follow my lead,” Talis paused and pointed at Clevis, “You come with me Corporal and stay close.”

Talis stood and made his way to the edge of the rock and began reaching out with the force towards the swirling pools of water just below the surface. He kept his gaze turned towards the ground for a good minute as he watched the swirling energy of the planet. Corporal Clevis knew he was waiting for something so he stood close to him and readied himself. With a rumble and rush of steam, a geyser about ten feet away and off to the left a bit exploded with energy. Sending a plume of hot sulfuric water into the air.

Talis bounded to the base of the geyser and looked up at the ledge where the sniper was perched. The shot that Talis had been expecting never came, confirming his suspicions that the marksman had an infrared scope. He was clearly waiting for the cloud to dissipate. Talis would use that moment to remove the sniper from the equation as he began pooling the force in his right hand while brandishing the hilt of his lightsaber in his left. He tossed a smirk at Corporal Clevis.

“You might want to cover your eyes Corporal.” The Corporal looked confused at first until Talis lifted his right hand. As soon as Corporal Clevis’ eyes were shut Talis jumped through the cloud activating his lightsaber and took a defensive stance. A blaster bolt echoed down at him causing him to leap to the side as he batted the shot away from his concealed companion. Talis knew the sniper was looking at him and was not going to be expecting what was coming. With a snap of his finger the Miraluka summoned a bright, blinding flash. The exclamation of surprise and pain that followed told Talis that his gamble had worked.

He cleared the last twenty meters quickly as he scooped up Sergeant Palov in his right arm while deactivating his lightsaber. A few more paces put him at the detonator. He slammed his fist down on the trigger detonating the blasting charges that were set in the mountain side. One after the other the explosives detonated like a stairway up the mountain. A yelp of fear cascaded down at the squad as Talis turned and summoned what little bit of the Force he could muster into his legs and feet. He sprinted back towards cover past Corporal Clevis who provided rear security for the duo. Talis came to a sliding stop behind the rock and a few moments later Clevis came trotting around the stone.

The look of the squad improved immensely and then dropped heavily as the realization of the Sergeants predicament washed over them. Talis could feel their fear and sorrow at the sight of their mortally wounded squad leader. Immediately Private First Class Tawney set to work on putting Sergeant Palov’s stomach back together. The sight was too much for the other two as they both fell ill in unison. Talis shook his head as he tried to push through the pain and sorrow. He had to keep the squad in the fight. The medivac would not approach without a safe landing zone.

This was supposed to be a simple mission. Go in and secure a viable landing zone for an expeditionary force to set up an outpost. Now he was down to one combat effective squad member and two wounded. Tawney wasn’t going to be much use and Talis wasn’t sure if Clevis was going to be able to pull himself together to finish the fight. Talis could hear the landing shuttle off in the distance holding its flight pattern. Something would have to be done and it would have to be done soon. Talis felt the exhaustion creeping over him with every breath. He only had one more trick up his sleeve. Talis turned to Corporal Clevis.

“Corporal I need you to help me finish this fight,” Talis forced a smile through the fatigue. He felt the sweat dripping down the back of his neck and the burn in his lungs. He had to push through like so many days he had spent training with this squad.
“Yes sir,” The corporal wheezed out, “What do you need?
“I need you not to miss.” The statement clicked as a dark blue wave washed over the corporal. Talis nodded as he looked through the stone for his quarry. The sniper hadn’t moved very far from where he had been dropped to. He was perched on the rise of some stones with a minimal silhouette showing over the rocks.
“He is about ten meters out from us on the rise of some rubble.” Talis paused before he looked back at the Corporal. “Don’t miss Clevis.”
“I won’t,” The tone was calm and the aura was focused. He was more ready than Talis for this escapade. The Miraluka smiled and drew strength from the man’s feelings as he prepared himself. Talis positioned himself just behind the sergeant as he began pooling the Force in his hand again.

With a nod to Corporal Clevis, Talis stepped out from behind cover and threw his hand out. Instead of the brightness of a thousand stars erupting from his hand, a few feet in front of him a small black orb popped into existence. It was blacker than a cloudy moonless night. Talis began pooling more of the Force into his arm as he took off sprinting. The sniper cursed and shifted for a better shot. Talis tossed up his hand and reached out with the Force. The black void of unconsciousness met him before he hit the ground.

After what seemed like an eternity Talis awoke to two figures kneeling over him. A Kel Dor draped in near black Jedi robes and a human Talis had only ever seen in fleeting glimpses. His short military style hair and thin beard made him unmistakable paired with his broad shoulders and overall height. Seraphol’s robotic hand that was pressed to Talis’ chest had a slight golden glow to Talis’ sight. He felt his vigor restoring as the Kel Dor next to him stood and looked back toward the collapsed hillside.

“You made quite a mess with those explosives Padawan.” Sa Ool stated flatly as he gazed across the battlefield.
“How are?” Talis was stopped by Seraphol’s raised hand.
“Sergeant Palov didn’t make it.” The grief struck Talis’ like a mountain at Seraphol’s words. As he felt the tears dampen the cloth that covered his vestigial eye socket Talis heard a familiar voice.
“But you saved Private Gillis’ life with your quick thinking,” the Miraluka’s gaze was tore from Seraphol’s upraised hand to the Togruta woman standing over the covered remains of the enemy sniper. Aaleesha’s visage was stern as she ran the battle through her mind.

“So why did you waste an entire armament of explosives on that one sniper?” Sa Ool cut in. Talis paused as he tore his gaze from his battle team leader and looked at the alien aura for a moment before answering.
“We didn’t seem to have much of an option with Palov screaming in agony and Gillis moaning in pain,” Talis stuttered out before he paused and sat up to better talk with the Sentinel. “My primary job was to get my injured behind cover while providing any form of cover I could find.”
“And what cover did you use to accomplish your mission?” Sa Ool’s tone turned to ice as he stared down the Miraluka.

“I utilized the geyser to bring up a rear guard to a point, then I broke cover drawing his fire towards me and blinded him.” Talis paused as he looked from Sa Ool to Aaleesha, then to Serephol who stood up. His gaze came back to Sa Ool after he rose to his feet and wobbled a little. “Then I detonated the explosives and ran with Palov in my arms. We utilized what little power I had left to distract the sniper and then I stunned him giving Corporal Clevis a shot.” There was a long pause as the three Equites stood there silently.

“That was reckless and stupid,” Sa finally broke the silence, “There were multiple other avenues of approach, that could have gotten you to the assailant that would have mitigated the damage to the squad and yourself.”
“I didn’t exactly see them while I was being shot at,” Talis paused for a moment before muttering under his breath, “not to mention I don’t have eyes so I can’t see.”
Talis’ statement drew a laugh from Seraphol as he walked towards the dropship.
“What was that?” Sa demanded sternly.
“Nothing Master Sa Ool.” Talis replied quickly.
“I thought so,” Sa leveled what Talis reckoned what was a glare in his direction. “Did you learn anything from this?”
“Be patient?” Talis answered sarcastically as he tromped past the Kel Dor. His exhaustion still present, but lessened by Seraphol’s assistance.
“Where do you think you are going Padawan?” Sa shouted as the engines of the drop ship spooled up to speed. Talis just pointed and continued towards the ship. He was too tired to argue with anyone. If his master could have been here for this moment Talis would never have lived it down. He could just hear the Zabrak’s voice now. Talis missed his master dearly, but this was war and their enemy would require both of their full attention.

Talis deposited himself on the bench in the dropship and looked over at Corporal Clevis.
“Good shot Clevis!” Talis yelled over the hum of the engines giving the Corporal the thumbs up.
“It wasn’t me sir.” Clevis was barely audible over the engines as they revved a little.
“What!” Talis shouted at the Corporal over the roar of the engines. Clevis pointed at a figure hunched over Private Gillis. Private first class Tawney held in one hand the clenched fist of his friend and ally and in the other, the rifle of the late Sergeant Palov. A little shocked at the news, Talis just smiled and sat back as the dropship lifted off.

8th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
9th place
10th place
Mar Sûl
Mar Sûl
Mar Sûl opted out of publishing his submission.
10th place
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Ghost Edgar Drachen opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
File submission
No placement
General Daniel Stephens
File submission
No placement
Colonel Len Iode
Colonel Len Iode opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
File submission
Textual submission

Prompt Chosen: Soldiers on your side of the conflict are pinned down under fire from an unknown marksman with a superior position. The battlefield is his killing field and his ridge is shielded by a wall of rock serving as his cover. Beneath him, however, blinks the telltale signs of a console—rigged to blow the ridge when activated. Whether through activating the explosives or removing the threat by some other means, your soldiers are depending on you to see the field secured for safe passage.

No placement
File submission
No placement
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
File submission
No placement
Battlelord Ra'gnar
Battlelord Ra'gnar opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Corvus Corax
File submission
Textual submission

I kinda went a bit overboard on this one (most I've ever written for a fic comp), but whatevs. I hope you guys enjoy it!

No placement
Adept Xantros
File submission
No placement
Abadeer Taasii
Textual submission

Blaster shots and explosions rang out from below. This was a war zone, one of the first Abadeer had every been in. He sat in the hanger of his transport vehicle, eyes closed. He was trying to focus on the task at hand. He’d recently come to Florrum, the site of Plagueis’ assault on the Light side guild of Odan Urr.

A pinging sound went off interrupting Taasii’s concentration. He quickly opened them, and jumped up to answer the expected hollow message. The disk activated, as the young Acolyte knelt before the holoprojection of his master.

“Tazzzii, you’ve been sent here for a mizzzion of great import,” the hologram of Kz’set di Plagia sounded throughout the hanger where the Sith was all alone, “I expect great thingzzz from you. Do not dizzzappoint me. You’re mizzzion izzz thizzz: zzzome of our own Plaguein zzzoldiers are pinned down, by a particularly zzzkilled sharpshooter. The area izzz a zzztrategic zzztrong point for uzzz. He hazzz hidden himzzzelf well. You muzzzt locate him, and eliminate him.”

The Acolyte stood and bowed to his Verpine Master. There were no questions, no clarifications. This wasn’t how the Battlelord operated. He was clear, concise and expected perfection in everything he asked.

“Of course my lord. It shall be done.” bowing to the hologram, Abadeer flipped off the projector with a quick hand wave. Taasii sat back down, and once again prepared himself for meditation. He was young, but in an feud of this scale all members were expected to participate. Losing to the Odan Urr was not an option. The Togruta focused all his emotion towards this new mission. He would not fail. He was trying to prove himself. He was trying to move up and gain new power. Only recently he’d failed in grabbing the position of Battle Team Leader by another Acolyte by the name of Malice. She was the apprentice of one of his Master’s rivals, Selika Roh.

The shuttle flew for another hour or so, before the pilot let Taasii know that they were arriving to the drop site. Apparently this shooter was skilled enough to shoot down aircraft, and no pilots were confident enough to get that close. The Togruta would have to make a jump from the ship at a colossal height, and then he would still have a few mile run to where his soldiers were stationed. He would be able to draw upon the Force to allow him to make the landing without any equipment, but going through the thin atmosphere he would need a oxygen mask.

The intercom for the ship sounded right before the pilot’s voice came on. “Doors are opening, you’re jumping now!” As he said this, the blast doors slid up into the ceiling and floor allowing for the Togruta’s exit. He fastened his mask quickly, and ran to the aft of the ship. He gathered his nerves, and launched himself out the door. Immediately he was squinting as he sulfurous atmosphere oppressed his senses. The air rushing past him as he fell towards the planet didn’t do anything to help. It was night on this side of the planet aiding in his stealth drop. He fell quickly, doing his best to keep his focus on the fall. He needed to time his landing perfectly. As he drew closer and closer to the planet, he reached out to the Force and willed his fall to slow right before he hit the ground, while also strengthening his own body for the impact. He tucked into a half roll to land on his feet. The impact was hard, but nothing he couldn’t handle.

He removed the oxygen mask, and dropped it to the ground. He wouldn’t be needing it anymore. He looked around, reaching out with his senses to make sure he was alone. There was the occasional small life form, but nothing to be worried about. After checking his surroundings he collected his bearings, the battlefield was to the north of his position. The shuttle had flow from east to west, with the drop zone as close as the pilots were willing to go. Abadeer knew the lay of the land, studying holocrons of the area. He had prepared for this, and now it was time to move. There was a rocky plateau in the distance, marking his destination.

Reaching out to the Force, Abadeer reinforced his legs and lungs with excess strength. He began to run in the direction of the battlefield. It took about an hour to see Plagueis base of operation in the area. Running to the camp, Taasii felt a dark crawl along his neck, and he dived forward into a long leap. A whizzing over his head, and seconds later the crack of a powerful rifle. He had to keep running. He’d miscalculated, his enemy must have some thermal sensors to be able to see him under such cover of darkness. The Acolyte reached out with the Force to keep himself safe from anymore shots. There were two more attempts on his life before he arrived at the bunker. Sprinting, Taasii reached out with the Force and pulled the sliding door open to allow his shelter. He dived inside, slamming the door behind him. As he looked up, panting, there were three soldiers standing ready, blasters pointed at his head.

“I am Abadeer Taasii… Acolyte of Clan Plagueis,” the Togruta said through gasps of air, “Lower your weapons immediately if you’d like to live a moment longer!” He stood, giving the two men and single female the darkest scowl he could. “I’m in charge of this facility now. Take me to the commanding officer.” The soldiers looked at each other nervously, lowering their weapons.

“Well sir, you see.. the Captain.. well he died..” one of the male soldiers muttered off. “Technically we’ve got no leadership now..” They all shifted nervously about.

“Then it is fortunate for you that I’ve arrived. I need a full rundown. Any information you have on the situation. A list of our assets and any information we might have on the enemies.” Taasii said. *I need to take charge of this situation quickly, these men are terrified* he thought to himself. The soldiers went back to a room that looked like it was used for briefings and meetings. Abadeer followed quickly behind. Three more soldiers entered from the opposite, all male, and all terrified sensed the Sith. The female from the first group walked over to the holotable and activated it, bringing up a map of the area.

“This is what we know so far. The enemy is incredibly difficult to track or find. We’ve located a few positions where we think he might be. The only problem is that the kills have come from all of these locations, and sometimes at impossibly close times.” the woman marked the map on a few locations with her finger as she spoke.

“What exactly do you mean?” Taasii asked.

“Well.. the first day this situation arose, we had two patrols out here in the valley,” she pointed too two locations on the map, “and both were killed within moments of each other. Five men dead in mere moments. The only problem is that after analyzing the direction of the shots we’ve found they come from three directions.” She marked two large areas on the plateau and one area in the lower end of the valley. “We haven’t been able to scout the areas to see where he might be. We’re running low on food and we can’t even walk out the front door. He seems to have eyes everywhere.”

The soldiers all had looks of concern and worry. Looking at each face, Taasii started to formulate a plan. He’d never had to deal with a situation like this, but he felt up to the challenge.

“So we have six soldiers, a sharpshooter team pinning us down and very little information. We have a bunker that they’ve not been able to penetrate yet. What weapons do we have access to?” Abadeer said looking to the soldiers.

“Sir,” one of the males behind him saluted, “We have several blaster rifles, thermal detonators and one rocket launcher, Sir!” The man was very formal, and the Togruta enjoyed the respect.

“Good.. good. I can work with this. Leave me now, allow me time to think and when I’m ready I’ll call upon your services again.” He motioned for them all to leave. The soldiers all filed out quickly and silently.

The Acolyte poured over the holotable map for over an hour studying the lay of the land and where the points were marked. *Whoever had set up these soldiers put a lot of thought on where.* The entire valley was covered from the vantage points. Taasii began to formulate a plan. The soldiers would only slow him down. This is something he’d do on his own. The first target to hit would be the one in the valley.

“I’ll want to leave while I have some cover of night..” Taasii muttered to himself. He strolled into the break room where the soldiers had gone to wait for him. “You will all stay here. There’s nothing any of you could do to help me. I’ll be back before sunrise. Don’t do anything until then.” He spoke quickly and left. He’d started to pick up some habits from Kz’set.

The Sith moved to the door of the bunker. He’d have to be quick and aware. With multiple shooters he’d be sighted almost instantly. Abadeer closed his eyes, preparing for the task at hand, drawing on the Force for strength.

He opened the door and before it could even get half way open, he was sprinting out into the night. The Togruta didn’t want to give his adversaries even a moment. He dashed out with unrivaled speed down the valley. He felt the prickle of danger as shots began to fly around him. They didn’t come in quick succession, but at a slower steady rate. Abadeer reasoned that these must be higher power ballistic rifles with lower firing speed. As he drew closer to where the first shooter should be, Taasii sensed something was off: he couldn’t feel any major life signs where the shots were coming from.

The Acolyte dodged and weaved through the fire and sprang over a little rocky outcropping where the shots were coming from. Midair a crimson blade of plasma came to life in the Togruta’s hands. He landed behind the shooter and swung around with his blade. As his eyes followed the lightsaber connected with something he wasn’t expecting. It was a turret, designed to be remotely controlled from great distances. It had tried to follow him as he jumped over it, but it was only set up to track inside the valley.

The slice cut the back of the barrel of the turret, and Taasii brought his lightsaber over his head for a two handed downward chop. This cut toppled the turret, totally disabled. The Togruta had a great distaste for guns to begin with, but now seeing this turret that wasn’t even manned by a shooter began a burning hatred inside of him. The controller of these guns would pay.

Abadeer wasted no time going towards his next target. The Acolyte predicted correctly, the turrets had limited fields of view to shoot in, and as he neared the back of the plateau he was out of this range. Taasii was strong and dextrous. He gathered himself and jumped as high as he could with the assistance of the Force. Taasii found purchase in the rocky face allowing himself to free climb the remaining distance. It was a long way up, taking about half an hour. Reaching the top, Abadeer stopped for a few minutes letting his straining muscles relax. He’d expended a lot of energy already, and he suspected that the shooter would be here in the plateau somewhere. His fight would begin in earnest then. After feeling some strength come back to him, Taasii made his way through the rocky plateau, weaving his way through boulders and outcroppings.

Taasii soon came to where he thought he’d sensed the second set of shots coming from. The shooter wasn’t here, but only another turret. Angered, Taasii reached out forcefully pushing the turret off the plateau, with a gesture of his hand. *The third turret will hold my opponent.* Taasii continued to run, keeping his senses open trying to find the final turret. Finally the Togruta came to a point that his echolocation sensed the last turret. Just as predicted, the shooter was here. Taasii took his time, as though hunting on back on Shili. He maneuvered around the shooter, who seemed to be frantically working on the gun.

The shooter was a Weequay, gnarled skin, and single braid of black hair coming down from his head. He wore dark brown leather clothes and armor. He looked to be a pirate, probably from one of the local gangs around the planet trying to make a quick buck from the conflict on Florrum. Taasii was silent as he emerged from behind the outcropping.

“Quite the set up you have here,” Taasii said, startling the pirate, “Too bad your time is over.” He again reached out with the Force to launch this turret off the plateau from it’s precarious position close to the edge.

“You Jedi think you’re so powerful with your magics! Nothing like a good blaster by your side!” The Weequay yelled as he pulled out a blaster from a holster on his chest. His other hand went for a sword at his hip. Abadeer pulled his lightsaber out even more quickly igniting the blade. Taasii’s skills weren’t quite proficient enough to deflect an incoming volley of fire, so he rushed the pirate to not give him a chance.

The Weequay got two shots off before Taasii reached him, the first going wide and the second right into the Acolyte’s shoulder. Abadeer grunted through the pain. A blaster bolt would stop him from his target. Rage had slipped into his conscious, flooding his entire being. An upward swing cut the blaster from the pirate’s hand. The pirate brought his sword in front of him to try to fend off the next strike, but it wasn’t designed to be able to take an attack from a lightsaber. As Taasii brought down his blade hard he cut through metal, armor, flesh and bone. None could withstand the burning plasma of even an armory saber. The cut wasn’t as deep as he’d hoped, but the Weequay fell to the ground. The fight was out of him now.

The man on the ground spit up blood, coughing violently. “Good Jedi, but did you sense this coming?” the pirate laughed holding what looked like a detonator. “At least you’ll be going to other side with me!” The Weequay pushed down on the button and suddenly everything around the Togruta started to shake. Explosions were going off all around the Acolyte, mostly from the base of the plateau far below. Taasii had no chance to get away before the entire area started to fall out from beneath him.

Abadeer fell, doing his best to stay alive. He reached out to the Force doing his best to deflect falling rocks. He was hit many times, and fell hard to ground, only slowing the impact minimally. After the rockslide settled, Abadeer moved the rubble that had fell on him. He stood bruised, and several ribs broken. Taasii stood shakily to his feet. “Damn I hate pirates.”

No placement
Torin Ardell
File submission
No placement
File submission
No placement
File submission
No placement
Mako Henymory
File submission
No placement
Seer Eiko
File submission
No placement