Competition: Dangerous Skies and Explosive Battlefields (Multiplayer Gaming)

Dangerous Skies and Explosive Battlefields (Multiplayer Gaming)

The Warhost demands the best of its soldiers, agents, and members. We see fighting on a variety of battlefields. Today our members engage the best and brightest of the enemy in our initial attack - and occasionally each other.

This is a gaming player vs player competition. Any gaming platform supported by the DJB that awards Clusters of Fire can be used. The winner will be the one with the best win/loss record, as determined by the DJB site.

Please be sure to be mindful of the Rites of Combat.

Games can involve non-CNS members, but they will not be eligible to place in the competition.

(This is the first of two gaming competitions in Operation: Firestorm. The other, during the second half, will be PvE.)

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Operation: Firestorm (Naga Sadow Event)
Organized by
Epis Locke Sonjie, Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, Marcus Kiriyu
Running time
2016-03-10 until 2016-03-20 (11 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Multiplayer Gaming
Third Level Crescents
17 subscribers, of which 14 have participated.
Place Name Score
1st Master Bentre Stahoes PVP score 24.67 (44 wins, 28 losses, 72 matches)
2nd Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade PVP score 6.76 (27 wins, 26 losses, 53 matches)
3rd Aul Celsus PVP score 3.52 (13 wins, 11 losses, 24 matches)
4th Evelynn Wyrm PVP score 3.2 (4 wins, 1 losses, 5 matches)
5th Armad PVP score 3.0 (12 wins, 12 losses, 24 matches)
6th Tasha'Vel Versea PVP score 2.63 (21 wins, 39 losses, 60 matches)
7th Qyreia Arronen PVP score 2.04 (7 wins, 5 losses, 12 matches)
8th Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow PVP score 0.67 (4 wins, 8 losses, 12 matches)
9th Warden Benn Nevis PVP score 0.25 (3 wins, 33 losses, 36 matches)
Ulfsark PVP score 2.67 (8 wins, 4 losses, 12 matches)
Ghost Edgar Drachen PVP score 2.04 (7 wins, 5 losses, 12 matches)
Dr. Giyana Jurro PVP score 0.67 (4 wins, 8 losses, 12 matches)
Aaleeshah PVP score 0.38 (3 wins, 9 losses, 12 matches)
Epis Locke Sonjie PVP score 1.33 (4 wins, 8 losses, 12 matches) - Organizer