Graphic Depiction - "Emerald Sword"
Background: In 'The Chase' you are left in a situation where your most valued possession (an emerald sword) is stolen from you.
You have a disposition to forget things after a certain period of time and thus (once you've aquired the location of the 'Red Vipers' gang hideout) you return home and paint the sword exactly how you remembered it at the time, ensuring that you aquire the right sword in the end.
Specifics: Produce a 2D or 3D graphic depicting the emerald sword
Recommended (though not essential) - any of: - Adobe Photoshop - Bryce - Jasc Paintshop Pro - Ulead 3D
3rd level Crescents: 1st Place: Crescent with Amethyst Star [Cr-1A] 2nd Place: Crescent with Sapphire Star [Cr-1S] 3rd Place: Crescent with Emerald Star [Cr-1E]
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