Competition: [TID] We're just trying to make it home, man.

[TID] We're just trying to make it home, man.

Taldryan Intelligence Directorate - 3,720 to 1


YT-2400 "The Ar'Kell"

Leaving Orron III

34 ABY

Dru, I swear to God if you ask how much longer one more time; I will actually turn this ship around.

Relax Omega, I'm just asking how long till we get back and if there will be enough time to still make it to Spanky's. You know the post-mission routine: We get some drinks, talk to some chicks, ask if they want to see a YT-2400 and then the rest is history.

While Dru might not put it in the best terms I could use a drink myself, it's been a long day. Where I disagree though is the fact that Keirdagh owns it and we can go there and get drinks whenever we get back, regardless of the time.

All I heard was that I'm right and we should get drinks so punch it Omega.

Fine just shut it, I know a shortcut. We'll be back in no time.

I'm not overly keen on shortcuts, I know where the last one took us and I can tell you that Aiden Lee won't enjoy it.

Yeah, I'm with Bobecc on this. I don't like travel as it is let alone wherever you're bound to take us.

Relax I'm a great pilot, I'm almost as good as Keirdagh himself. We'll just cut through this asteroid field and then we'll be home in no time.

Wait a second, an asteroid field? The odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are 3,720 to 1.

Too late. Over the belt and through the debris to Spanky's Tavern we go. First round is on Keirdagh if the rest of you can make it back on time. So follow us!

Wait a second what's that!

Okay, honestly who sets up an ambush in an asteroid field, I mean really!

OOC Details

We're on our way back to Karufr, and we have been ambushed. You can be on the YT-2400, you can be on someone else's ship, you can be on your ship, the point is, be on a ship. In this leg of the competition, you are tasked with describing the ambush going on right now in the asteroid field. We have been caught off guard, and it's looking pretty rough


  • Create an original work of fiction that is at least 600 words long.
  • Submissions will be judged based on their readability, entertainment and originality.
  • Submissions are due at 23:59 UTC, late submissions will not be accepted.
  • Submissions should be a plaintext, pdf, or doc file.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Taldryan Intelligence Directorate
Organized by
Bobecc Varga, Omega Kira
Running time
2016-03-10 until 2016-03-24 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
8 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Master Aiden Lee Deshra
File submission
1st place
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
File submission
2nd place