You watch the Hammer fall, piercing the skies of Agua’tah. Time begins to slow as you recall the actions that led to the attack on the Dominion’s world.
This is a trivia that will question you on the fictions that led up to and introduced Operation: Firestorm.
This is a trivia competition, you will have 10 questions to answer. The winner will be the one to get all answers correct in the fastest time.
Please remember that this is a timed competition, so do not subscribe until you are ready.
1st place
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
2nd place
Master Bentre Stahoes
3rd place
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
4th place
Warden Benn Nevis
5th place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow