The Shadow Lady has dispatched every Arconan to enjoy the birdsong and the breeze while they hunt for colored eggs and candy baskets throughout Estle City, with an extra motive — whoever returns bearing the most prizes get to stay home, unbothered, next time she throws a party. There’s only one rule: no killing. Any and all other tactics are fair game...
What does your character do? Go along with the game and enjoy the festivities? Alone? With others? Do they pick up their saber and tackle anyone who stands in their way? Take a nap under a tree with some stolen sweets? Or use the chance to slip away entirely and have a pint at the cantina until it all blows over? You decide!
Tell your story in a minimum 500 words, maximum 1500. Grading will be based on the Voice Fiction Rubric. Remember to ask permission if you use other people’s characters, and uncheck that Publish Entry box if content (somehow) exceeds PG-13 ratings.
1st place
General Stres'tron'garmis
2nd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
3rd place
Larrik Dul'vak
4th place
Celahir Erinos Arconae